Stimulated by the nobility of the nobles, the amount of food finally produced by these merchants was surprisingly high.

These foods obviously cannot be all this year.

After Robert Smith’s inspection, he soon discovered a lot of Chen’s food, and he said that he had been married for another year or two.

This made him have to sigh at the keen sense of the merchants.

It is estimated that a year or two ago, when they realized that food production began to decline, the merchants had already begun to delay their food.

At that time, if there is a famine, they will undoubtedly be able to make a fortune with the rise in food prices.

Even if there is no famine, it doesn't matter. If you don't want to sell those old foods at a low price, you can't afford to lose a lot of money. Once you press it, you can make a big profit!

But no one would have thought that this wave was more profitable than they expected.

After all, before then, who can imagine that such a large and powerful empire will explode the national disaster at this moment?

The title of this title, on weekdays, they can't buy more money, and now the opportunity is coming!

As long as they can succeed in getting a jazz, or even a baron's title, let alone contribute to the food, even if they put a new amount of money in, they are happy!

As I said before, they are not bad money, and now they want status!

As a result of the wish, the great businessmen who succeeded in winning the title, one by one, smiled and said that they had the name of the Chamber of Commerce, and the granaries of the cities could be left to the empire.

In this regard, Robert Smith will naturally not be polite to them.

Quickly issued orders, issued an announcement, set up disaster relief sites in various cities, began to distribute food and relieve refugees.

This practice can be said to be the most direct way to stabilize the situation inside the empire.

Of course, this is just a beginning.

After murdering the root causes of the decline in food production in recent years, Robert Smith decisively ordered the removal of all the frozen crops. In the spring of next year, the yields in those fields will be more stable and can adapt to the harsh environment. Crops.

In today's situation, he has no requirements for the types of crops, and the important thing is the output!

As long as the output can be stabilized, this wave, he can smash it!

At the same time, compared with Robert Smith, who has no time to control the internal situation, and even has no time to control the Eastern War situation, the orc civilization is another scene...

Thanks to the food that Robert Smith provided for his orc army, and the food production of his own orc civilization, it has not been negatively affected by the climate. In recent years, the orc civilization has been rare and has some food.

Under this premise, Raymond Sosie, who rushed back to his territory all the way, confirmed the Western War situation and immediately assembled a large army to prepare to destroy this enemy who invaded his territory.

During this period, the orc civilization was in the west, and the cold winter did not cool the war. The intensive gunshots continued to reverberate on this battlefield in the West.

In the hands of a dwarf soldier, the eight-tube dragon guns roared wildly, and the violent firepower slaughtered the enemies in front of them in a sweeping manner.

The blood splattered and mourned the wild, but the fall of a large number of orc soldiers in the front row did not stop this orc army that had completely fallen into madness.

With a burst of wild snoring, stepping on heavy steps, a Tauren infantryman with an armored armor appeared on the battlefield.

The emergence of this unit is undoubtedly a hindrance to the army that has always been unstoppable.

Although the firepower of the eight-tube dragon gun is tyrannical, it is a hand-held weapon. It is obviously impossible to achieve the destructive power of the cannon and armor-piercing.

In this way, the situation on this side of the battlefield can be imagined.

The bullets that were shot in the past were constantly being bombarded by the armor of the armored beast. This tauren infantry appeared. It can be said that it immediately propped up the front line of the orc army, and all the way against the firepower, constantly approaching the Western Army. come.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides can be said to be getting closer and closer.

In this regard, the dwarf soldiers holding the eight-tube flamingo cannon did not have the fear, and the whole army did not intend to retreat.

Looking at an opportunity, Du Yuanzhi's handle was a trick, the signal bomb was quickly issued, and another card of the Western Army was officially opened at this moment.

The heavy steps stepped on the ground and brought up a series of dense muffled sounds. Among the army of the Western Army, a figure like a steel monster was strong and entered the battlefield.

In order to attack and attack, both sides are ambiguous without a half-point. Under the protection of the armored beast, the enemy's Tauren infantry can be said to have shown extraordinary bravery, blink of an eye, between the two sides. The distance has been reduced to within 100 meters.

The orc army in the mad state is madly pushing forward, but the newly recruited unit is unfolding and unfolding, and then lifts the weapon in his Then, see The enemy orc soldiers entered the range of their range and the trigger was pulled.

In the next second, I only heard a muffled sound of ‘Boom’. In the long metal barrel, a sturdy fire snake was like a beast, and spit out in the roar!

At this moment, appearing on this piece of battlefield in the West, it is the wild boar arson!

The horrible high temperature erosion, no matter how hard your armor is, the special military fuel can be said to be pervasive, and any small gap can easily spread into it.

The rifle in his hand was scrapped on the spot, and the bonfire snake, which was nearly forty meters long, instantly swallowed the group of Tauren infantry that had been rushing to the forefront.

It is no exaggeration to say that the wild boar arsonist is definitely the most horrible of the special units that Luo has tossed in recent years!

Just as soon as he appeared, it brought a hellish experience to the enemy orcs.

At the moment, the enemy orc soldiers who rushed forward in a fearless manner, and in front of the horrible flamethrower, turned into a coke. .

If we say that the advantage of the Dongjing Legion lies in the powerful motive force of the cavalry army and the flexible and aggressive offensive play, then the advantage of the Western Army Corps is undoubtedly the fierce firepower that is almost unreasonable!

The conventional five-segment rifle square, the dwarf's unique eight-tube flamingo cannon, and the explosive output of these wild boar arsonists, how horrible the accumulated firepower is, there is no need to say more!

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