The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1350: Promote the situation

The addition of the wild boar arsonist determined the victory for this battle and quickly pulled the curtain.

When the night falls, the Western Army is located in the temporary position of the orc city. The three men of John Saar, Guo Zhen and Du Yuan are negotiating the next arrangement.

At this moment, the elf Druid, an incarnation of the giant eagle, quickly flew into the camp and brought them the latest orders from the rear command.

"The orc army, which is outside the fortress of Beishan, seems to have withdrawn its orc territory."

After reading the contents of Du Yuanzhi, his face showed a clear dignity.

The beast unit of the orc family is a tricky existence for any army.

Although there are transport armor-piercing rounds and anti-aircraft guns coming up from the rear, if it is possible, Du Yuanzhi obviously does not want to fight with the enemy's giant beast units, let alone the air combat units on the opposite side. Casualties are absolutely insignificant.

"Take back now."

Du Yuanzhi, who said these five words, did not have much entanglement on his face. John Thrall and Guo Zhen also agreed.

After a one-day rest, the Western Army directly took the initiative to evacuate the next morning.

In the orc city of the desert in the west, there is really nothing worthy of nostalgia for them.

After all, what is their fundamental purpose?

It is to persuade the Europa United Forces to retreat outside the fortress of Beishan!

The Grand Canyon of the Beishan Fortress is a natural danger. The special geographical environment makes it difficult for the enemy to attack. However, if the enemy army has been pressed outside, the narrow import and export will also make the Wanxiang civilization The army is hard to fight.

Therefore, it is necessary to persuade the other side to repel the counterattack in the north.

In the case of achieving this fundamental purpose, it is the turn of the two incidental purposes of looting resources and suppressing the rear forces of the enemy.

For the time being, their mission has been completed quite smoothly.

It’s a good strategy to wait for the support of the rear reinforcements. As for the orc army with the giant beasts, it’s the next best policy!

The Western Army has simply withdrawn, and there are three resource camps behind them to transport supplies and support their frontline battles, and of course they can be temporarily stationed.

At the same time, it is obviously impossible for the three camps to be placed on the bright side. They are all deviating from the main road and choosing a suitable and concealed position. It is also a way to leave behind for the Western Army.

With the army, the gas rushed to the West, Raymond Sossi rushed into the air, as early as more than half a month ago, he had already completed the evacuation of the Western Army, only to leave him A messy city that was ruined.

This wave, the loss of his orc civilization and the damage of the army caused Raymond Sossi to violently thunder on the spot, and immediately ordered the hawks of his own family to carry out extensive raids with the underdogs and the squadrons. Even if you dig three feet, you must also give the West Front army a smash.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that this map of the western region, when the system is spliced, fills in a lot of neutral areas, and the whole area is big, it’s not too small, the most troublesome is Without clear markers, it is easy to get lost.

Under this premise, there is not enough map information to identify the general orientation of Ramon Sossi, and it is definitely not an easy task to find out the Western Army who is hidden in the desert.

The elves Druids have connected the important intelligence network of the Wanxiang civilization, and the frontline news from all the troops has been sent back to the Mingjing City.

The pieces placed on the map move one by one.

Compared with the Western Army, which has achieved little but the harvest, the East Army has plundered a lot of good things.

When the transport card is full of materials and sent to the front line, when it is returned, it is a group of prisoners of war.

Unlike the civilians in the city, these Euro bus soldiers, after being captured, stay in the front line and only get in the way. They are sent back to the Wanxiang civilization and then thrown away to the mining site or the logging yard to act as a coolie. This is a more appropriate treatment.

In this regard, Luo Ji is of course greatly welcomed. His food of the Wanjie civilization is enough to support more people. At the same time, the various developments within the civilization make him more eager to obtain more cheap labor. This group of prisoners of war can be said to be just right.

At the same time, it is necessary to say a little bit, because the enemy cities that were captured by the Eastern Army have fallen before the winter, so this wave, the food in these cities. However, it is a large part of the accidental preservation.

At that time, due to special circumstances, Liu Meng also made some special means. With a single order, all the food resources in the city were gathered together, and then they were uniformly distributed.

This kind of means has two advantages. The first advantage is to completely avoid the situation of uneven access to food due to financial problems, and to protect the lives of every civilian to the greatest extent.

The second advantage is that holding food resources is tantamount to catching the lifeblood of the civilians and keeping those civilians firmly in their hands.

"Guo Jia, what do you think should be the next step?"

Today's Wanjie civilization, that is a multi-line war, making the entire battlefield situation more chaotic.

However, even if it is a multi-line war, there is obviously a distinction between the primary and secondary. The promotion of the war situation and the distribution of support routes naturally require proper arrangements.

In the face of this issue of Luo Ji, Guo Jia gently moved the two pieces on the map after a little sinking.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

In this regard, through the map, overlooking a whole battle of Luo Ji can not help but ‘haha’ smile.

"Yes, just do it!"

The chess pieces move and push an entire battle.

The battlefield of the Northern Territory, the withdrawal of the Europa United Army, allowed the Wanjie civilization to easily regain the lost land in the north, namely the Winter City and the Winter Fortress.

However, Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith, who chose to evacuate at the time, apparently did not intend to return the two lost pieces to him.

Inside the winter city and the winter fortress, it is undoubtedly ravaged by the giant beast, almost to be ruined.

According to the late report of the members of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering, if you want to rebuild, it will take several years to say less.

In this way, taking into account the various aspects of the parties, the hundreds of thousands of people of the northern tribes are obviously temporarily unable to return, and can only continue to be placed in Beishan City and Baihe City.

The Winter City and the Winter Fortress are now temporarily taken over by the Northern Army under Hill.

A large amount of supplies were continuously sent to the north, and a whole supply line was quickly confirmed.

After all the preparatory work has been completed, the 100,000 North Army troops stationed in the Winter Fortress have launched the largest round of the Northern Expedition in the history of the Wanjie civilization!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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