After lunch, the army opened.

Due to the tight time at the moment, some things, Delk stayed on the road, while walking, while confirming with his own soldiers.

At this moment, he is confirming the casualties of his dark elf army.

That number makes Delk feel heavy. After confirming it, it seems like he remembered something and he asked again...

"What about the human side? How about the casualties of the human side?"

The ‘human side’ mentioned in Delk’s mouth refers to the remaining forces of the former Europa army.

As they retreated all the way, many Europa garrisons stationed in various cities and fortress fortresses also gathered together.

Before being placed, Delk, who is a dark elf, basically does not care about the human army.

However, when the battle hit this point, the dark elf army that he left behind, because of the consumption problem, the combat power was greatly damaged, but in view of the human army side, the entire combat force has been maintained quite stable.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the recent battles, in the case of the dark elf army's combat power plummeting, he has all begun to rely on human forces to output, especially the long-range firepower. Now the human army is directly occupying a pivotal weight. Status.

In this way, he naturally has to care about the human forces that have already advanced their important strength.

And just as Delk confirmed the situation one by one, in the sky, a eagle owl quickly flew over here.

"Reporting the generals, the rear of the discovery of the alien army!"

When he heard this, Delk’s face was obviously shocked.

"What position?"

"They just arrived at the location where we camped last night."

Before leaving the camp, in order to prevent it, Delk deliberately left a few eagle gaze staring, just want to see, when the foreign joint army will catch up.

Considering the time when the banshee is on the road, now the foreign joint army should have already left the area.

When they left, it was noon. Now, the sun has sunk, the time is close to the evening, and the distance is slightly estimated. It should be relatively safe, but it must not be relaxed.

"General, are you going to launch an attack?"

Undoubtedly, if the Hawks are to be attacked from the air, it will be more or less able to win a certain amount of time for them.

However, rash action may also be counterproductive.

Between the thoughts flying, Delk quickly said to the eagle banshee...

"I will send an eagle banshee unit and return to the past with you. If the foreign joint army has already discovered your whereabouts, then launch the attack directly. If not, then quietly follow them and monitor."


Delk is so arranged, naturally there are his considerations.

In the case that the other side did not find the squad banshee, if the **** was launched, it would not be the same as telling the other party, isn’t the distance between them?

At that time, once the foreign joint army has rushed to catch up, their situation is not good.

He will never do anything like this to add to his own stuff.

After the harpy flying away, Delk’s line of sight quickly fell to his own soldiers.

"The order is passed, and the speed of marching is accelerated. At the same time, it is not camped at night. It is marching at night and fighting for the distance with the foreign giants in the rear!"


As the disadvantaged party, they are undoubtedly embarrassed at the moment.

But as a veteran who has been on the battlefield for many years, Delk has not completely lost his calm.

At the same time, Delk at this time has to admit another advantage of the human army, that is, the army's marching efficiency!

Even in a group of civilizations, the marching efficiency of human civilization is also ranked first, and their marching efficiency is benefited from various transport vehicles!

Such as military transport vehicles and motorcycles and so on.

At this moment, the foreign joint army is relying on these technology vehicles to pursue them.

In the case of sufficient fuel, the impact of physical problems on their marching efficiency can be said to have been reduced to a minimum.

Although the Dark Elf army also got a batch of human vehicles when it was captured in the city, it was limited in number.

Nowadays, these vehicles are also used to transport heavy artillery such as cannons, predators and guns, as well as the Dark Elf Masters who have basically lost their combat power.

In other words, many soldiers still have to rely on two legs.

As we all know, the efficiency of an army's march is not the fastest moving unit, but the unit with the slowest moving speed.

In this way, they are slow in marching, and there is absolutely no way to do so.

After one night passed, from the defeat of a few days ago to the present, I only slept for one night, the Dark Elf Army and the Euro Bus Soldiers. After another wave of marching overnight, some of the energy that was finally restored, there was a beat at the moment. The feeling of returning to the original shape.

Struggling with the wave of continually rising exhaustion, looking at the bright sky in front of him, the sky in the distance, there has been a white belly, and Delk is struggling with a pair of **** eyes. Instruct the army to stop and eat something, take a break, and continue marching.

After all, their current situation, but not enough to let them stay in a place for too long.

Once caught up by the foreign joint army, then according to their current situation, it is really finished.

Even if you don't even need to fight, the foreign joint army will appear, and the morale of the present will collapse. The situation is already so bad.

After a short break, it was a long day and night for the Dark Elf Army and the Euro Bus Soldiers. On the way they stopped and rested several times, but not more than two hours each time.

Seriously, the fatigue and pressure accumulated during this time are almost overwhelming until the eagle is flying again...

After all, the foreign joint army is not iron-clad. They are also like the Dark Elf army. They only finished a hard battle a few days ago.

Now, with the soldiers chasing them out, they chased them and failed to catch up with the Dark Elf army.

Only when the other party is running away.

After that, it gradually slowed down the march, so that the soldiers under the arm could adjust their status.

This gives the dark elf army marching away from the day and night.

After confirming the information from the harbingo, Delk can be said to be greatly relieved.

Let the hens and banshees continue to take turns monitoring, at least tonight, they can sleep well.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and starting | | point of genuine!)

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