For a while, for the Dark Elf army, it can only be described by the words "all the way down."

It is simply a typical example of a defeated army. They simply can't stop the foreign army's offensive. They are completely caught in a negative cycle that is weaker and weaker.

The first thing that comes back to a fortress or city is to start gathering resources within the fortress and within the city.

Because they know that the foreign joint army will chase behind them, and they will not be able to stay for a few days.

Even after hitting them, they have entered a state of 'smelling the wind and fleeing'.

There is no need for a foreign army to join the army. After knowing that the other party has arrived in the vicinity, Delk has already evacuated directly with his army.

On the other hand, the joint army of foreign countries, despite winning streak in Lien Chan, has a feeling of being more and more urgent.

In fact, everyone knows what they are anxious about.

The Dark Elf army has been defeating, but everyone has seen it, they are fighting for time, waiting for the reinforcements to arrive.

And the more they step back, the closer the reinforcements are to them.

Once they wait until they meet with the reinforcements, the foreign joint army will firmly grasp the victory in the hand, and they will have to regenerate the variables. How can they not be anxious?

More and more cities were occupied by them. Soon, nearly four-fifths of the territory on this entire continent has already fallen into their hands.

It is reasonable to say that this should be a good situation.

But at this moment, the foreign joint army has no sense of security.

Everyone knows that this wave is very important.

If you can't get rid of the Dark Elf army, then you will be killed only after they are killed!

The sight swept through the sky, and one of the foreign officers directly kicked the stone next to him.

"Grass! From the beginning to the end, we haven't been able to catch up with them a few times. It is clearly watched by the opposite eagle banshee. We chase, they run all night, we stop, they rest."

"What can you do? We don't have air units, it's a bad injury."

At this time, it is the officers of the other army within the coalition.

While talking, the officer also glanced at the sky subconsciously.

To be honest, he didn't see anything.

But there are facts about the harpy being watching them. This is almost a convincing fact. After all, no one is a fool. For a long time, anyone can guess.

They can't see them, it's because they fly high enough, or they are directly hidden in the clouds.



"I said the split action!"

"The harpy on the day can also monitor us separately."

"That's better than getting together, making it easier for them to monitor!"


If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with it.

"And, I have an idea, call everyone over."

Accompanied by this sentence, within the foreign joint army, several officers representing their respective camps quickly gathered together, and after a simple discussion, formally decided to split the troops.

The Dark Elf army and those of the Europa's remnants are already at the end of their power.

On the other hand, on their side, even if they are split, they can still maintain a considerable amount of combat power, not to mention that they can keep in touch through the radio communication equipment on the radar car.

Even if there is anything in the event, everyone can support each other in the first place.

This is a big advantage in the development of technology!

In this way, a whole united army was officially dispersed.

After that, a whole message was quickly passed to Delk's ear through the harbinger's eyeliner.

At that time, Delk, who was carrying his army, took a rest on a relatively flat terrain.

At the moment of confirming this news, his two eyebrows were obviously wrinkled.

In the case of a joint army of foreign countries in the process of gathering together, he only needs to confirm the information of one place, and can make corresponding arrangements.

Now, the situation has changed significantly.

Depending on the distance, information from all places cannot be delivered at the same time.

This greatly reduces Delk's decision-making efficiency, and he must wait until the last piece of information is sent before he can make the right decision.

After realizing this, he had already raised an ominous premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, his hunch soon came into effect, and at the beginning, the various foreign troops that had split their actions had begun to add to him.

Confirming the news of the harpy, the foreign army chasing them behind them, stopped chasing, and prepared to camp.

Before they were put in, they were relatively relaxed after receiving the news.

The problem is that the eagle owl, which is responsible for staring at several other foreign troops, is also rushing back, telling him that other foreign troops are still pursuing...

However, this was not over. Then, another eagle eagle rushed back and told him that the foreign army that was still preparing to camp and rest suddenly changed his mind and began to march urgently...

This one news, I heard Dirk's eye muscles pumping straight.

Do not doubt that this is the means used by the foreign forces.

At this moment, Delk only felt that his whole head had grown to two big.

On the other side of the foreign army, all kinds of stop and go, temporary change, it is better to control the dominance, not to mess with their own hands.

On the other hand, on the side of Delk, they are on the passive side. This is very uncomfortable. The soldiers who are under the squad are also suffering after a few days of continuous tossing.

When it fell to this point, the morale of the army was not good. It relied on the ‘fast-backed reinforcements’ to support that hope, and barely stuck the morale value on the qualifying line of 60 points.

After being so tossed, the morale of an entire army fell to more than 50 points on several occasions, and fell into a state of 'low morale'. If it went down again, it would be ‘the collapse of the army’!

This can be said to have completely knocked out Delk's alarm This is no longer the case. The opposite is undoubtedly seeing through their methods, and then ruthlessly pricked out a 'soft knife' to him. .

According to this momentum, they are still in a passive state, and they must not be tossed to death?

At this point, after taking a deep breath, Delk officially made up his mind.

Don't worry about whether the foreign troops in the back are chasing or stopping, and at the fastest speed, withdraw to the nearest fortress.

Then try to get a few days off as much as possible to see if you can take advantage of the defensive side of the fortress and make a wave on the opposite side!

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese network of genuine!)

The lord of civilization

The lord of civilization

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