The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1875: I can’t wait to get a handle

Water and water are not exactly the same thing in a strict sense, but their nature is very similar to a large extent.

During the day's battles, the soldiers who were injured by the water masters with water archery were blown by the harsh winter environment. One night, enough, their injuries completely deteriorated.

Of course, the medical soldiers of the foreign coalition forces are not fools. When they were treating wounds for the wounded soldiers, they actually considered the winter climate and environmental factors. Therefore, the wounds have been treated accordingly.

However, what they did not think was that the influence of the power of water on those wounded soldiers was far stronger than they thought, and that treatment was not enough!

Even without spending one night, the injury has begun to deteriorate.

Within the wounded barracks, the scene was chaotic. One of them was pierced by the water archery. It almost hurt the heart. It can be said that it was a foreign soldier who escaped from the dead. Because of this sudden injury, the death was caused by the rescue.

At the same time, similar things are still happening.

Rafael Bharat, who arrived in a hurry, quickly began to confirm the situation further.

He is not an idiot. The wounds caused by the water arrow and the wounds caused by the bullets are completely different, so after confirming the various information, he quickly locked the spell attacks of yesterday.


Back to his own camp, Rafael Bharat, who couldn’t help but get more violent, couldn’t help but flip the table that was in front of his eyes.

Spells attacking such things are most difficult for them in ordinary human civilization, because that is something beyond their common sense, so to a large extent, they will be hard to guard against.

The same thing happened at the Tokugawa Masao camp.

In the end, after the two sides conducted a statistics, they got a result.

This wave, the number of soldiers who have been injured by frostbite, has a total of 1,373 people!

Obviously, the next step is that they are busy.

However, Luo Ji can ignore this. In the following days, the Orc Corps continued to advance, and his logging engineering team continued to work.

Due to the early opening of a large number of cards, this made Hassan Medvedev directly ruthlessly targeted by Luo Ji in the next battle, and this day is not too good.

On the side of Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao, they also realized that Luo Ji had prepared for it. It would be unrealistic to want to take off the coastal base with two or three thousand troops.

At the same time, during this period, they are more or less aware of the attitude of Luo Ji.

That is ‘you want to attack, even if the offense is good, the attack is down, you are amazing. ’

I have to say that this arrogant attitude revealed in the invisible directly makes Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao unhappy in their hearts.

Ok, let's see who!

With such a mentality, Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao began to secretly mobilize their forces and accumulate strength.

Luo Ji, still let his own orc army, taking advantage of its excellent resilience, launching an attack every day. To some extent, this kind of offensive efficiency is simply mad, and it is impossible for the army of human civilization to do it. thing.

However, during this period, suddenly it was silent, and there was no movement of foreign joint forces. Instead, it made Luo Ji somewhat troubled.

Because of this momentum, considering the next battle, he will soon have to build a second base on this continent.

This base can't be built, otherwise you will push further and further, what should I do when the logistics supply? At the same time, there is also a need to have a place to be able to take a break, which is a thing that has to be done.

But the problem now is that once the second base is set up, his troops will be dispersed...

At that time, which side to play? how to spell? Did these initiatives fall into the hands of foreign joint forces?

Therefore, for Luo Ji, those foreign coalition forces are best to jump out before that, and then let him reinvent it, so that the next thing can be much easier.

But Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao are not fools. The two goods are clearly waiting for them.

In the face of this means, Luo Ji is really a bit flawless.

After all, he can't really stop attacking.

As for saying, it is not practical to find them first and then get rid of them.

Because this is the opposite of the home field, this terrain, can he be more familiar than the opposite?

At the same time, the other side is hidden in the woodland, the leafy foliage directly obscures the view, and the other side's deliberate concealment. For a time, the aerial reconnaissance team can't find them.

At this moment, if Luo chooses to consume it with the opposite side, it must be a dead end. There is no way, he can only continue to attack, and he will issue an order and begin to slowly transfer troops from the rear island base.

The island in the rear, as his resource hoarding point on the front line, is undoubtedly a lot of troops.

For the long-term consideration If Luo Ji wants to build a second, even third and fourth front-line base on this continent, then in order to ensure the safety of the base, further mobilize the troops, It is simply unavoidable.

In this way, the army continued to advance. As the Orc Legion continued to deepen, the occupied land area became larger and larger, and soon it was faced with having to build a second base to maintain the frontline army. a situation.

And the components used to build the second front-line base, Luo Ji actually has already made them well behind the Wanfang civilization.

What he needs to do now is to find a place to take out the components and let the transporter pass.

The movement on this side is not too big, and Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao must have noticed it.

Under normal circumstances, hostile players will definitely not let the other player easily build a base on their own site.

However, the situation on this side is obviously not normal.

At this moment, Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao, they are eager to build a sub-base.

After all, this is a good way to disperse troops.

If they don't allow their position, they even want to go up and take their hands.

Of course, even without them, it is not difficult for them to build a simple base with a large number of off-the-shelf components and complete equipment.

Not to mention, they have already had an experience.

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