The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1876: Test the cards

The No. 2 base on the mainland was successfully built, and the Luo of the force transfer was completed. I couldn’t help but grin.

"This bunch of grandchildren."

After swearing in my heart, apparently did not intend to follow the big eyes and the small eyes of the Luo series, quite simply to indicate that the orc army with a giant beast to attack.

Along with the new round of fighting, somewhere in the forest, in front of them, Philip Albert and Tokugawa Masao, a plant resembling a trumpet flower suddenly spoke up, and the scene was also a moment. A little bit weird.

"The opposite Orc Corps has already been called, and the behemoths have all appeared."

Obviously, this should be the unique way of calling Hassan Medvedev, a special civilization, and this plant is called ‘sound flower’.

The veins of the sound flower are buried under the ground, just like a dense communication network, covering this whole continent, forming his unique communication system, and even to some extent, the biography of Hassan Medvedev Sound flowers are even better than human civilization's radio communication equipment.

Because it does not have the problem of signal reception at all, it is premised on the connection of the veins buried deep under the ground, so he does not need to worry about the communication of other players, and will eavesdrop on their communication.

Now that I have returned to the topic, Rafael Bharat, who has learned the latest information, has taken a thigh and stood up.

"Let's go, get ready!"

The next series of actions is expected for both of them, because everyone makes a conspiracy, and hard work is hard, and you can't take it.

However, this time, compared with before, Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao are undoubtedly cautious.

Before moving the real thing, it took a few days to send two troops to explore the bottom of the two bases.

After all, after Luo’s military mobilization, they did not know how many troops were there in the two bases, and what kind of configuration was at the same time.

However, at this moment, Luo Ji’s coastal base was stationed by Delk, who owns the panel of God, and the new base was built by Chris Evans himself.

These two are not all fuel-efficient lights. Rafael Bharat, they want to get useful information from them without any blood. It’s simply an idiotic dream.

The two foreign troops with the purpose of temptation were casually sent by both of them.

Especially on the coast base, these battles, the water system mages who occupy the dual advantages of environment and climate, the whole sense of existence is simply overwhelming.

When the water archery came out, there was a feeling of sorrow on the opposite side.

In this climatic environment, their water-based spells gain power and reduce the gain of their consumption, while their own mana recovery speed is also significantly accelerated, so that they can fully support this long-lasting battle, feeling after the war. Can give them a mvp.

At the same time, on the side of the Orc Legion, in recent battles, Luo Ji was riding a smashing fire, and with a group of guards behind him came to the battlefield.

Mainly because of the performance of the previous tree man army, causing his doubts, so he wants to look up close, the guys opposite, what kind of tricks do you want to play?

It turns out that the recent battles have become a bit more difficult to fight than before.

Of course, this is not because there are a bunch of foreign players in the rear to add to him.

After seriously observing several consecutive battles, Luo Ji clearly found that the fighting style of the Shuren army has changed significantly.

This war has hit the present, and the degree of difficulty of the tree-man army is actually ups and downs.

When he first launched the offensive, he clearly felt that this battle was not good, but later, the infamous weakness of the tree man army made his offensive of the Orc Legion smooth.

Now, the tree-man army in front of us seems to have recovered from the initial difficulties...

When the Orc Legion triumphed all the way, Luo Ji just felt that he was playing too smoothly, and he had some doubts in his heart, but then he couldn’t tell if the problem was there.

But this time, after watching several battles in succession, he clearly felt the changes in it.

The biggest change is that at that time, those trees have special plants, both offensive and defensive, which are organized.

As for before, although they also have some cooperation, they are actually playing chaos.

This kind of thing is undoubtedly the ability of the military commander.

But this discovery has made Luo Ji’s heart even more strange.

"Is it true that these trees and plants have always been with my orc army without a commander? Now, the commander is coming?"

At this moment, for the very limited edition of the civilization of Hassan Medvedev, I am afraid that I want to break my head, and I can’t think of it. The commander before the tree-man army, almost all died in the Westf In the hands of wilting.

This made his Orc Legion so smooth during that also let Hassan Medvedev pay far more than he expected!

In the next battle, they all clearly realized that the other party must still have a hand.

This caused Luo Ji and Hassan Medvedev to start tempting each other, trying to force the other party to play the cards first.

It is clear that there are two people who can't feel at ease without first looking at each other's cards.

This directly led to a slight stalemate in the battle.

However, in this state, Luo Ji is not idle.

Within the frontline base, after a series of fierce battles, it is rare to plan to take a few days of Luo Ji. At this time, the hand is playing with a suspected gas mask, and at the same time, send a message to Ye Qingqi...

"So, the performance of this mask has been guaranteed to be no problem?"

"As long as the information you provide is not wrong, then this mask is no problem."

In the face of this answer, Luo Ji slightly picked an eyebrow.

This gas mask is the equipment that has just been developed in the rear.

Unlike the original gas masks that rely on oxygen cylinders for oxygen, this is called a filter gas mask.

On the left and right sides of the mouth part of the filter gas mask, there are two palm-shaped oblate parts, which are called canisters, which can filter the toxic dust and substances in the air.

It is based on the information provided to the rear before the Luo series, and then by the goblin scientists and medical scientists, specifically for those pollen toxins and paralytic toxins.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and starting | | point of genuine!)

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