In the elf province, things have to be dealt with, Luo has basically all done, and then, if nothing unexpected, he intends to return directly to the city of Der Spiegel.

At the same time, on the far east savannah at the other end of the Wanjie civilization, the hoofed horseshoes resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a huge wild horse swarmed past, and the surrounding cattle and sheep fled.

The herdsmen riding the horses saw their faces and turned their faces. They quickly stepped forward to gather their cattle and flocks and evaded them.

If this is for the horses to rush their cattle and sheep, it will be a big loss for the herders.

For a time, the ones that didn’t stop at all.

At the same time, my heart is also strange to the extreme.

As herders grazing on this vast grassland, they naturally know the situation of each pasture in the vicinity. It is reasonable to say that at this time, there will be no wild horses appearing here!

After all, the nearby wild horses have long been captured by their Wanan civilization.

At the same time, the speed at which the horses rushed up was also amazing. It was like a blast of wind. On the vast grasslands, this blink of an eye, they actually ran away.

Only the dust that rises in the distance proves the position of the horses at the moment.

But this is to make the look of the herdsmen more horrified.

"What the hell? Is this the wild red blood horse? Is the speed of this madness so fast?"

As a nation that grew up on horseback, the herdsmen can only say that they are familiar with cattle and sheep. Normal horses, even their grasslands, can’t be so exaggerated. speed!

Unless it is the red blood horse specially cultivated by their Wanxiang civilization, it is half of World of Warcraft, and the speed of madness is not much worse than that of the car.

At the same time, they also heard that in the early years, the horse farm dedicated to this piece also cultivated a species that is even stronger than the red blood horse, Chi Yanma! It is the first-order Warcraft of the fire system, which is more than a little bit stronger than the Red Blood Horse.

However, such top horses were directly taken away by the army. These ordinary herders have never seen each other.

With such an idea, the herder who had finally gathered her flocks suddenly said something to the person next to him...

"You said, if we report this matter, will it be a great achievement?"


Afterwards, I received reports from the herdsmen. At that time, the person in charge of the prairie horse farm was also frowning frequently. The red blood horse did not say it. According to this statement, can the wild horses run faster than the red flame horse? How can this be?

Chi Yanma, that is inherited from their underworld Warcraft mounts, the blood of the original fire! It can be said that it is the strongest of all the horses of their 10,000-world civilization.

Therefore, when I heard this, the first reaction of the responsible person was some doubt.

There is a mechanism within their Wanxiang civilization, that is, the average person, after discovering the wild horses, if they report to the nearby horse farm, they can get the corresponding bounty according to the situation.

So many years, because of this mechanism, people who deliberately lie and try to defraud the bounty are certainly not without, and those people, after most, will not have good fruit to eat.

At this moment, the person in charge is obviously also somewhat suspicious of the two herders in front of them, who want to come and swindle the bounty.

Probably feeling the suspicion in the eyes of the responsible person, the two herders who could not help but become excited, and stressed loudly...

"We didn't lie to you, we really saw it. They just rushed past us and almost rushed our flock!"

The movement on this side caused a lot of people's attention, feeling the sights of those swept away. The head of the racecourse couldn't help but wrinkle more tightly. I just wanted to make it clear that the two herders were calm, but at this moment, A voice suddenly passed over...

"What happened? How is it so noisy?"

The person in charge of the racecourse who heard this question, looked up subconsciously, and immediately stood up after seeing the figure.

"General Buzhgud! How come you?!"

On the grasslands of the Wanxiang civilization, how many people will not know Buzhe Gude?

At the same time as he appeared, even the two herders who were arguing loudly that they did not lie were obviously nervous.

Looking at the head of the racecourse that had already ushered in, Buzhgud directly cast a questioning eye on him.

In this regard, the head of the racecourse, also did not shy away from the previous thing.

Before he finished, the two herders standing there couldn’t help but re-emphasize...

"We really saw it! Really!"

In the face of this situation, Bu Rigude raised his hand at the head of the racecourse who was about to say something. While appeasing the other side, he turned his head and asked the two herders...

"You just said that the wild horses are running very fast? How fast?"

"They rushed from a distance, passing through our eyes, and they were as fast as a gust of wind."

Buzhe, who heard this, fell a little.

If the two herders did not lie, then the wild horses they saw could only be Warcraft.

"The field manager, my original red blood horse, the horseshoe was injured. I need a red blood horse that can serve."

"Okay, General Buzhgud, please wait a moment, I am going to do it."

Obviously, this is the main purpose of Buzhgund’s presence here today, although it can also be called by subordinates. However, anyway, their military area is not far from the racecourse, and they ran over.

The result is this.

The new red blood horse will soon be ready.

Buzhgud can clearly feel that this red blood horse is younger and stronger than his original one.

Calculating the time, his red blood horse, after two years, should also retire from the front line, and this time the horseshoe injury, if it is serious, it is likely to cause it to retire early.

After all, the red blood horse is only half of World of Warcraft. The life and service time is longer than that of the ordinary horse. Although it is longer, it is still limited.

"Let's go, take me to see the place where the horses are."

While talking, Buzhgud has already turned his back on the horse.

"If all the words you said are true, then you are very likely to be a great achievement. The bounty will not be less than you, but..."

Having said that, the Bu Ri Gu De’s words suddenly turned...

"If you are lying, then you still have the opportunity to admit your mistakes. Otherwise, after I found out, it is not enough to confess the mistakes. You may have to go to prison and reflect on it for a while."

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