The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1933: Wild horses

In the horseshoes, under the guidance of the two herders, Buzhgund came to the place where they found the wild horses with a thousand cavalry.

The fact that the wild horses were originally captured should be done by the people at the racecourse. However, this time the situation is somewhat special.

After all, World of Warcraft and ordinary beasts can be different, just a first-order World of Warcraft, can pose a huge threat to a hundred people!

With the increase of the level of Warcraft, the threat will be doubled.

If the target is really a group of wild horses, then Buzhe Gude feels that this one thousand team may not be enough.

However, considering that this information has not been formally confirmed after all, this time, he intends to confirm the information first, and then confirm the correctness before moving the follow-up force.

Of course, there is another more important reason. Two weeks ago, the border line uploaded a message saying that it was a large-scale horse thief. After receiving the information, Bai Ze took the main force out and smashed it. Train new recruits and accumulate some practical experience for the rookie.

In other words, today they are relatively limited in their troops on the eastern border. Bulgud can not let the security forces of their border fortresses fall into an empty state because of an uncertain intelligence.

From the two herders to report the situation, to the Buzhe Gude with a thousand cavalry, this entire process has not been half a day.

In the position pointed by the herders, they did find a large number of horseshoe prints, and the traces were still very new. It seems that there is a large wild horse group running through here.

This is undoubtedly to make the words of the two herders a little more credible. In this case, if they are not good, they can also find a wild horse.

Following the traces left by the wild horses, Buzhgude took the team of thousands of people under his command and directly followed up.

Wild horses, under normal circumstances, can't always run wild, they definitely need to stop to drink and rest, and there is only one place near the water source. Look at the direction of these horseshoe prints. I can confirm where the horses are going.

After a period of movement, at the position close to the water source, Buzhgund indicated that the cavalry team under the arm was left behind.

Wild horses, the vigilance is very strong, and the movement of thousands of cavalry is too big.

At that time, it is very likely that they have not had time to get close, and the horses will run one step at a time.

According to the two herders, if the wild horses rushed so fast, then at their current speed, they could not catch up, so be careful.

In this way, Buzhe Gude quietly approached with 30 soldiers.

For those who are familiar with the nearby grasslands, I found a perfect observation place for myself.

Across the distance, you can see the pond in the distance, and stay around the pond, drinking water to rest, is a very large group of horses.

Buig Guld visually glanced at the number, at least hundreds of them!

And very strangely, that whole wild horse group, all of them are white horses...

Quickly took out the telescope in his arms, and Buzhgud looked at the distant horses.

The body of this group of wild horses is not burly, but each one looks quite a god, and it is not a common item at first glance.

If it is said that Burichgd was still skeptical about the two herders, then at this moment, he has basically been fully convinced.

The only problem now is that, in the face of the wild horses, he will not be able to make this thousand rides.

And just as he was preparing to call people back to mobilize the troops, the two eagle owls suddenly came over the sky and let him look.

Looking up, I saw the air, one white and one gold, and the two eagle were hovering.

"So fast?"

Seeing the white eagle's Buzhe Gude, his expression was obviously awkward.

Calculating the time, Bai Ze’s guy took the soldiers out to squat, and only after two weeks, so quickly?

However, it is just right.

Thinking of this, Buzhgud quickly called his golden eagle.

Here, it is worth mentioning that the white eagle and the golden eagle at this time are not the snow feathers and the Gege, but their descendants.

From the perspective of a whole race, Xue Yu and Gege have the bloodlines of the Condor, but after all, they have not broken through the bottleneck and become World of Warcraft, so they are naturally dead.

After all, ordinary birds and beasts, how difficult is it to evolve into Warcraft? The reason why the glimpse of the glimpse can evolve is that it is an extraordinary Condor. Naturally, it is one of the reasons. At the same time, the more important reason is that it directly swallows a third-order Thunder Magic!

Now that I am on the right track, I look at the golden eagle hovering in the air. At the time, I was at the other side of Bai Ze, and my face was exposed with an unexpected color.

“Is Bujgund nearby?”

Between the thoughts flying, Bai Ze raised his arms subconsciously, so that the Golden Eagle fell, and then he saw the small bamboo tube tied to the golden eagle's claw.

You can't deny that when some communication is inconvenient, their way of communication is still easy to use.

After opening the bamboo tube and watching the contents inside, the color of the accident on Bai Ze’s face could not help but be heavier.

"I found the wild World of Warcraft, which really made me hit a big deal?"

Bai Ze, who simply wrote a reply to Buzhud, said that after the Golden Eagle was released, he directly pointed to a soldier next to him...

"The order is passed down, and the logistics forces of the army are withdrawn, and the main forces are dispersed to surround this entire area."


The well-trained regular army quickly launched its operations without any slight delay.

Enough force, let Bai Ze and Bu Ri Gude quickly complete the enveloping work on this whole area, and then start to gather the encirclement circle little by little.

In the whole process they try to control the movement, so that their actions will not be exposed in advance.

After all, the smaller the encirclement is, the greater the success rate of their actions.

However, the wild horses that were resting near the pond at the time were not ordinary.

Along with the quiet approach of the army, I saw only one of the wild horses. One of the white horses suddenly snorted and then heard only one horse screaming.

The wild horses that were still resting in the past moment, suddenly rushed up at the last moment!

"Oops, found!"

I didn't have time to think about it. On the periphery of the area, Bai Ze and Buzhe Gude issued action orders almost simultaneously.

The cavalry army that had formed the encirclement circle had already formed a strong presence at this moment. A horse raced around the encirclement and quickly ran wildly. For a time, the earth shook! In front of me, it was a scene of a savage man.

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