| | |->-> I have said before that a whole winged human civilization will perform rebirth. There are only two people, one is Scarlett Winslet, and the other is Raphael. The rear must be Leave one.

Generally, those who stay in the rear are basically Raphael. After all, compared with Scarlett Winslet, the lord, she has no fighting ability and is a very pure logistic unit.

He confirmed the entire situation of Urie, handed things over to Michelle directly, and walked outside quickly.

The appearance of Lu Wulie made a group of officers who were outside watch their eyes at the same time.

At this moment, without them speaking, Ulie already took the lead to say ...

"In the previous battle, the Lord suffered a small injury and needed cultivation. The next battle will be directed by me!"

Obviously, in this case, absolutely cannot tell the truth, this will make their morale plummet.

同时 But at the same time, you can't say that God has nothing.

These officers outside are not stupid people, who do you believe that?

And, if nothing happens, why does n’t the Lord appear? At that time, once the lie is revealed, it will lead to a devastating collapse.

This is so, saying that half is left half is the safest way to deal with it.

主 The Lord is not dead, but he has suffered a small injury and needs recuperation. Don't worry, it's that simple.

A large number of officers accepted this statement and left worryingly.

But the next battle was not smooth.

On the battlefield, without the obstruction of Michelle, under the continuous running of Luo Yunxi and Nieder Hog, the Holy Word technique previously applied by Scarlett Winslet was quickly removed.

The army of civilizations from all walks of life gradually stabilized their positions, and their combat effectiveness is being restored little by little.

On the other hand, various rumors became more and more intense. Although Urie eventually gave a statement, he still could not restore the morale of the army that had begun to fall.

Seeing an opportunity, on the battlefield, the burdock roared violently. At the same time, the dark red totem marks on his body began to emit light, from the ancient blood of Minotanos, which inspired him to contain The ancient power in the blood, followed by a violent blow, immediately hit the Templar in front of him!

"Tauren warriors! Let them see and see us !!!!"

The roar of roar, rang through the whole battlefield, awakened the Minotaurs blood soldiers of the Tauren family, at this moment completely broke out totem power, showing their true posture.

Among them, Niu Niu is like a black bull who is mad on the battlefield, taking his tribe on the battlefield with various rampages, rushing to the left and right.

Wherever I passed, the enemy forces were smashed into the sky, and each one was completely in a position of one enemy.

At this moment, the horn of counterattack had already sounded, with the Minotanos forces that had exploded totem power as the vanguard, stabilized the army of civilizations of all realms and launched a fierce counterattack.

The slap hit the back, it was already the sirloin that was getting mad, and the weapons in his hand did not know where to fly.

In the end, he fought with bare hands, in the most outrageous manner, blasted the shield of Divine Protection on the opposite side, and then seemed to catch a chicken, grabbed a Templar in his hand, and then smashed it severely. Other enemies around.

Jain's stance like an ancient ferocious beast, the wingman soldiers on the opposite side were frightened by the wind, and their morale plummeted, as if to smash through the opposing land army in one breath!

Originally because of the incident of Scarlett Winslet, morale has begun to fall, the wingmen army, at this time was hit hard by the Minotanos army, the army in front of it can be said to be on the spot Was completely broken.

Subsequently, this routing momentum seemed to have brought about a wave of chain reactions, causing an entire army to begin to lose ground.

Luo Luoji did not intend to stop here. The roaring orc army chased and killed all the way. With this momentum, he further expanded the battle results and increased the enemy's casualties, and at the same time took the small fortress ahead.

Through the short block of the small fortress, he successfully escaped from the chasing wingmen's army and completely escaped, and Luo Ji also stopped the chase and began to let the army rest in that fortress for a day.

During this period, he also successfully found more than a dozen statues hidden in the fortress.

I have nothing to say, destroy it all.

A day later, the seriously wounded soldiers stayed in the fortress to heal them, while those with combat strength gathered all together and continued to pursue him!

In the previous battle, his army of civilizations was wounded by the fire caused by the burst of the golden Judgement Day wheel, and then added the three spells of Scarlett Winslet, almost It was wiped out.

This is absolutely not an exaggeration.

Because according to the post-war temporary statistics, after the battle, the casualties of his army of civilizations were more than half! A wave of losses can be said to be severe.

That battle, if it wasn't for Nieder Hog's Long Wei who could break the brainwashing of Scarlett Winslet's Words ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, then that battle, he would have to pay a more painful price.

After that, even if Scarlett Winslet was seriously injured and died, facing the wingmen army led by Michael ’s six wing holy wing species, his strength was severely damaged, I am afraid that there is not much chance of winning, after all, in In the battlefield of this all-out war, even if Luo Ji successfully killed Scarlett Winslet, this battlefield will not be lifted.

And because of this, he must not give the other side a chance to breathe.

What are the advantages of the Sunk Orc unit? It's super resilient!

If you come slowly, wait for the other party to recover, and even rescue Scarlett Winslet, who is dying, then Luo Ji will have to prepare to run.

If he wants to win this victory, he must take advantage of the opportunity that the other party hasn't recovered, and decide the victory at a stretch!

He was so, Luo Ji took his army, and in the following days, he stormed all the way.

During this period, the soldiers of the wingmen led by Michael and Uriel were in a weak morale and in a poor state, and even the supply of faith went wrong. A bad situation made both Michael and Uriel seem helpless. , Can only fight all the way back and fight for time.

During this time, as the legionnaire of the Knights Templar, a unit left the frontline fortress overnight at the fastest speed, escorted a carriage and hurried towards the rear ...

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