| | |->-> On the battlefield of the front line, the battles are fierce, and the intention of the army of civilizations to seize this last opportunity is to speak out in one breath.

On the side of the wingman civilization, the wingman army headed by Michael and Uriel, of course, it is impossible to make them as simple as possible.

Because they also know in their hearts, as long as this breath slows down, they will win! So even if it's dead, you have to stay on!

However, what Michael and Ule did not know was that while the Civilization Army of the Worlds constantly launched onslaughts, as the supreme commander of the army, Luo Ji had brought his own guards and the eagles of Bruggude The cavalry quietly left this frontline battlefield, and after a week, it officially merged with another unit that had penetrated behind the enemy line.

Obviously, in the case of passive defense, it is no longer possible for the winged person to maintain a high-intensity defense line.

If Luo Luoji took the army away, he could still find it on the opposite side, but this wave he only took less than a hundred horsemen, which is too small, so point someone and leave by night, how could it be found on the opposite side?

As for the army that had penetrated behind the enemy earlier, it was Luo Ji who avoided Shalier and arranged quietly.

After all, he didn't trust the other party at first.

At the time, if he really failed, then this unit would attack Scarlett Winslet's supply line, cut off the other side's supply, and strive for the retreat of Luo Ji ’s army of civilizations.

Conversely, if he wins, the task of this unit will become assistance in killing and chasing!

"Bai Ze (Luo Cheng) (Zhou Ye), see Your Majesty!"

Luo Ji, who was riding on the back of Sugawara Fire Horse, motioned to dismiss the three generals, and then followed them into the makeshift camp.

"How's the situation?"

"Her Majesty, please rest assured that the actions of enemy forces are completely under our control!"

During the conversation, Luo Cheng, who was in the temporary tent, pointed to the map in front of him.

"Your Majesty, please see, our current position is here, and the wingmen's troops are here, according to the opponent's current speed, no more than three days can pass through this hill."

As he spoke, Luo Cheng's fingertips swept across the map's line ...

"Out of this hill, the plain is outside. Someone has been sent to confirm the terrain of the plain outside, which is totally suitable for our cavalry to fight, but there is a problem now."

"what is the problem?"

"This wingman unit is very large, with a small number of 5,000 or more. I will worry about it, will this be a cover for the other party?"

"Ming Xiu boardwalk, secretly Chencang?"


After confirming Luo Cheng's concerns, Luo Ji's brows frowned slightly, and he also fell into a moment of contemplation.

Hey, is this escorting battle a bit high-profile?

But from another perspective, isn't sending heavy soldiers to protect Scarlett Winslet's safety?

Whether it is sending a small amount of troops, keeping concealed, moving quietly, or sending an army to **** to ensure that all possible enemies can be repelled, this is plainly two different options and strategies, and it is not possible to say which is better or worse.

"Are there any traces of other troops except this one?"

Luo Ji frowned and asked.

"Not yet."

Luo Luocheng shook his head and then spoke again ...

"Some remote paths, we have sent scouts to confirm it, but we haven't found it yet."

"Then act as originally planned."

This kind of thing, light tangled, no tangled results, it still depends on the actual action.

So, the troops moved quickly, with a small number, even with the Eagle Cavalry of Brugegud, the total strength here was less than four hundred.

I think it is the same. If there are too many troops, they have been exposed for a long time. If they want to go deep behind the enemy in a hidden state, they can only send small-scale elite troops.

Twenty-three days passed in a blink of an eye, the battle was quite large, and the wingmen who escorted a carriage ran through the hills and into the plain area.

Above the sky, there are also many winged and four-winged holy wing species on alert.

In order not to expose the traces in advance, at this moment, the cavalry team led by Luo Ji did not easily enter the plain area, but hid in a peripheral area.

I also need to pay attention to the timing of the hands, obviously now is not the time.

If at this time, if they turned around and fled back to the hilly area in a minute, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Therefore, Luo Ji was also quite straightforward and gave the other party a day's rush time.

一 The next morning, when the genius was bright, the wingman unit escorting a carriage started again.

As it turned out, a four-winged holy wing soldier flying in the air to alert him quickly shouted ...

"An unknown cavalry is approaching! Enemy attacks!"

"The whole army listens to orders and meets preparations!"

In the shout, above the ground, a group of Templars holding a large shield quickly stepped forward, and while applying blessing and **** blessing to themselves, quickly formed a shield array, laid a heavy line of defense, and put that A carriage was protected behind.

At the same time, the four-winged Saint-wing and Tian-wing soldiers escorted along with them quickly gathered together, and wielded the holy sword in their hands, approached with a very strong attitude, and started to meet!

"So fast!"

The distance between the two sides is getting closer, obviously faster than they expected. This made the four-winged Saint-wing and sky-wing soldiers flying in the air clearly aware of the branch that attacked at this time. Cavalry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's not unusual!

I didn't have much time to think about it. The four-winged holy wing headed by the order ordered a group of soldiers to wave the holy flame directly, and made a pure white fire rain, attacking the cavalry team approaching.

In the face of such an attack, the cavalry team did not escape, and ran their heads all the way.

The four-winged holy wing species headed by saw this, and a sneer appeared on his face ...

"Look for death!"

During the conversation, they decisively increased their attack strength. The holy sword in their hands was a continuous wave of holy flame attacks, making the density of that pure white fire and rain's attack rise straight.

In the face of such a sky-down attack, I am afraid that the cavalry will be completely destroyed in the middle of the road.

However, how could this cavalry team of Luo Ji be an ordinary cavalry team?

I saw the sacred flames of fire and rain before they could reach them in the future, and was instantly dispelled by an invisible force. The whole process did not hurt them.

The result in front of his eyes made the four-winged Saint-winged and Tian-winged soldiers in the air obviously changed their faces. When they wanted to launch a further pursuit, they were forcibly interrupted by a round of sharp arrows.

With this sudden arrow rain, a cavalry squad of white horses and a longbow rushed out of the rushing cavalry.

At this time, it was the Eagle Cavalry headed by Brugegud!

PS (PS: code words are not easy, please support Chuang | World Chinese website, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese website genuine!)

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