After confirming the plan, Luo Ji and others rested for a while at the port.

After all the Europa Cantonese parties on the land have been cleaned up, the follow-up reinforcements mentioned by Gao Su have arrived.

Of course, the number is not large, after all, once Plan D begins, the army of Stephano Jabanna will land. At that time, he will have to face the three powerful enemies at the same time.

In this case, even Gao Su could not send more troops to support him.

As for the one that came now, it was determined from the beginning, and it was dispatched long ago.

After the troops merged, now in Luo Ji's side, in addition to the three giant soldiers, Gaosu's troops also have 1,600 gargoyles, 12,000 flying goblins, and 6,000 sea monsters.

As for the alchemists and support forces serving as logistic units, the total number adds up to more than 32,000.

Although it was a lot worse than the troops that attacked at night, considering the current situation of Gao Su, he was able to deploy such a force to support him, which is not bad.

As for Luo Ji himself, the air forces that can provide combat power in maritime wars are:

Griffon Knights, 59 Royal Griffins, 238 Griffins.

Elf Druid troops, 53 Elf Druids, 351 Elf Druids.

Xingying Yushou troops, 31 people of second-order Xunying hands, 987 of first-order Xunying hands.

Pterodactyl Riders, 2,387.

Eagles, 2,974.

Finally there are Glimpse, Ysera, and two Stormhawks.

In addition to the artillery of the ship itself, I am afraid that only the water mage and wind mage led by the Royal Mage, seven mid-level water mages and fifteen mid-level wind mages. Mission.

In addition, 3,877 elf archers and 187 elf archers can also provide combat power.

Among them, the units of the Orc race have their vitality and resilience, while the Elven Marksman and Mage units are protected by a certain degree of strength due to their rear positions.

This piecemeal together puts together more than 10,000 troops.

However, considering that these are high-ranking arms of special races, and even top-ranking units, the actual combat strength is estimated to be more than those of the army of 70,000 or 80,000.

"Your Majesty, this is the current situation of the various forces."

While talking, Wang Kai handed a report to Luo Ji's eyes.

After receiving the report, Luo Ji glanced a few times, and he actually knew most of what was inside.

The orc forces will not say that the continuous battles have caused the elves' troops to be seriously consumed, and many of them have not fully recovered yet.

Tomorrow will officially start. Judging from the current situation, it is really uneasy.

But in fact it is not so bad.

Tomorrow, the expedition fleet will officially start, this is a fact.

But the problem is that they started from this side and arrived at the border sea area of ​​Stefano Jabanna, even if there is no cover up, but considering the state of security, the efficiency of normal marching takes a lot of time. Have ample time to recover slowly.

By the time they officially arrived at the enemy's border waters, it was presumed that all the troops had recovered.

In this way, Luo Ji's fleet officially set off soon. According to Yuan Xi's plan, he traded three of his Nanhai fleet's Nuhai-class aircraft carriers.

In addition, I also brought a few nanny ships in charge of supply and maintenance and a transport landing ship used to transport army forces. As for frigates, nothing was needed.

Because against the technologically advanced opponent of Stephano Giabanna, frigates, destroyers, etc., are of little use.

With an aircraft carrier, anyway, it can also serve as a maritime base, and with those frigates, what use can it face in the face of the enemy's technological pressure? Therefore, it is better to save some resource points and simply not take them directly.

After all, her wife also needs to consume special business points for trading, not at no cost.

While the fleet was sailing, Luo Ji sent a message to Gao Su. At the same time, the southern defense line of Gao Su was also officially breached by the army of Stephano Giabanna.

Facing this kind of thing, Luo Ji naturally wanted to ask the previous question carefully in order to understand the situation and adjust the plan.

In this regard, Gao Su directly returned two messages ...

"Stephano Giabanna's frontline army has just completed its landing operations. It should be intended to build a frontline base in my port city, and at the same time facilitate his hoarding of frontline combat supplies."

"It wasn't that fast to launch a follow-up offensive. With the strength of the Marine Corps alone, he didn't dare to rush in. It is estimated that he would have to mobilize large-scale army units from the rear to the front.

Seeing these two messages, Luo Ji pondered and replied ...

"So, the opposite is going to hoard in your port city first?"

"It should be true. During this period, the other two guys on the mainland significantly increased their attack strength and made it clear that they were covering him."

Gao Su, who is holding the latest battle report, clearly sees this war situation thoroughly.

"They don't have any satellites in the battlefield of this all-out war. So, Stephano Jabanna, if you want to hit me across a sea, it will be very troublesome."

"It's just now occupying a front-line base. After that, he estimates that he will have to hoard troops and develop equipment. I wonder if he can, if conditions permit, he wants to build an airport here."

"Later, we will start to push forward. In the process of pushing forward, I will give him a little more blocking. He wants to push to the second line of defense in the south of my border. It will take less than a year and a half to say ~ ~ After the news was sent, Gao Su hesitated a little, but eventually sent out the thoughts in his heart ...

"Although it is not appropriate to urge you now, it is best for you to move quickly, because the longer you drag, the higher the success rate of launching them. Once you wait for them to successfully send several satellites to the sky, ordinary human civilization The advantage will be fully realized, but it will not be great by then. "

Gao Su told him about satellites, so Luo Ji also knows that once the ordinary human civilization in the golden ranks launches satellites, their strength can be at least one level higher.

This is a key point. In the period before the other party successfully sent the satellite to the sky, they must grasp it!

In this battlefield, of the three golden Europa players, the one with the highest success rate for launching an artificial satellite is Stephano Giabanna, who is far away!

"Relax, just follow our original plan!"

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