For the next period of time, the situation on the mainland will be as predicted by Gao Su. After the guy Stephano Jabanna successfully landed, the next series of actions was called stability.

Without attacking, concentrating on building soldiers, he just wished to build another airfield on the site of Gao Su.

In fact, he really started to do this ...

Said to be building an airfield, in fact not so exaggerated, the guy is actually cleaning up an existing airfield in the border city of Gaosu.

That airfield was blown up when the South Border Garrison retreated, and the bombing was quite thorough, but it couldn't hold up Stephana Jabanna's willingness to repair it.

The guy's purpose was obvious, to get his air force ashore.

During this period, Gaosu's southern border garrison retreated and retreated, but it will definitely not allow Stephano Giabanna's frontline troops to repair the airport so comfortably.

After a gap of three, suddenly whim, sent a flying golem army to launch an attack.

Let all the flying golems carry bombs and turn into bombers. When they fly over, they directly drop a wave of bombs and let the days of the frontline troops live violently.

After all, they also knew very well that once the Europa fighter of Stefano Jabbana landed, the combat effectiveness of the opposite side became more fierce.

So, on this side, Gao Su is obviously busy. Compared to entering the series of big navigation mode, the days are much more boring.

This is basically the day of the expedition.

In order to pass this dull time, Luo Ji placed a beach chair directly on the deck, while basking in the sun, he began to remotely deal with some government affairs of his civilization through the chat window.

Speaking of which, since the last invasion, his civilization across the world seems to have been stable for a while, Luo Ji felt that this time, he should be really stable.

But how optimistic is the situation? not necessarily.

The previous series of invasion battles, although only played for seven days, cost him heavy losses each time.

After folding so many ordnance equipment and dying so many people, this matter cannot be settled in a short time.

Even now, from time to time, reports on the resettlement and pensions of the families of the fallen soldiers were sent to Guo Jia.

In this wave, I am afraid it will take years to restore the vitality after the war.

At the same time, the financial pressure on civilizations of all walks of life is also very great.

After all, this border fortress and defensive facilities were destroyed by the enemy and needed to be repaired. The tank regiment and the helicopter gunship were completely destroyed. After that, these ordnance weapons must be replenished, and large-scale conscriptions were also required, which cost money.

Besides that, let alone the pensions of the families of the fallen soldiers.

Coupled with the losses caused by the mob during the war.

Each one is all astronomical.

All of these funds must be paid from civilized financial funds. If they are not enough, reduce the quarterly financial funds of other departments and projects to make up.

In this way, in the next few years, the development efficiency of his civilization in all walks of life may not be up soon.

At the same time, because of the lack of research funding, the research progress of the batch of loot he had previously traded back has not been raised.

However, according to Ye Qingxuan, the lack of research funding is only one of the reasons, and the reason is that the trophies he brought back are too advanced for the current civilization of the world, but they have a sense of being unable to start.

This was a bit of a surprise for Luo Ji.

After reading the latest report, Luo Ji exhaled and slumped on the beach chair.

This is the baptism of the golden rank.

He is still pretty good. At the beginning, if there was no Zhou Wenbing covering him, let the golden-ranked animals come in to burn and **** for a month, and go back and forth a few times, who can stand it? ?

Between the thoughts, as if thinking of something Luo Ji, subconsciously opened his friend list.

Originally, there were few people in his buddy list, but after the silver battle, he added a lot.

At this moment, he can clearly see that many of these names have been grayed out.

Of course, some are still on.

Among the bright names, those who are more familiar with Luo Ji are Tang and Song, Huaying, Song Hui, and Liang Cheng.

Don't think about it, they must be covered by big brothers.

Tang and Song dynasties, they all belong to players with a backing.

Take the League of Nations, for example, in the alliance, potential newcomers have been promoted. As the leader of the League of Nations, Liu Junjie can do nothing? That is obviously impossible, it must be protected.

Once you successfully gain a foothold, you can not only enhance the strength of the dynasty camp, but also increase the strength of their world alliance.

As for Song Hui and Liang Cheng, Meng Xuan is bound to be the leader of their brotherhood.

However, the presence of big brothers does not mean peace of mind.

Take Luo Ji as an example. After officially killing Scarlett Winslet, he considers himself the strongest player in this wave of newcomers. This should be no one's opinion.

But even if he was covered by the big brother Zhou Wenbing, he was invaded by the back and forth several times, and his vitality was badly hurt, let alone someone else?

I am not strong enough, there are big brothers covering it, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape, this is the golden rank now.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help raising a bit of emotion.

As everyone knows, at the same time, outside of the battlefield of this all-out war, the big brothers of their Celestial Alliance are also feeling with emotion.

"Fuck! All annihilation, the newcomers who have been promoted this time in our alliance are dead and clean. How is your side?"

The person who sent the message in the group at this time was obviously upset.

"@ 刘俊杰, I think Tang Song and Hua Yan of your world alliance seem to be stable."

"Where is it stable? It's still hanging."

While sending this message, Liu Junjie also added a 'bitter smile' expression on the back.

"Speaking of which Luo Ji? @ 周文兵"

Suddenly Aite, Zhou Wenbing who has been diving, also bubbling out.

"Well, the strangest thing is that he hasn't sent me a letter of help for a while."

"Well, it seems that this is really stable."

Seeing this news, many of the big names in the group were slightly surprised.

"And ~ ~ Did you notice? On the silver leaderboard, the number one Scarlett Winslet is gone."

"You mean, Luo Ji did it?"

"I wondered, it wasn't him, and it must have something to do with him."

"The wave of Gao Su may not really make him survive."

"This newcomer is fine. The guy from Gao Su just dropped the line, and he can catch such a junior? Or should I go back and take a moment to toss off the line?"


"Go with it."

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(End of this chapter)

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