After several months, Stefano Jabbanna, who had completed the landing operation, had already begun to unite two other comrades-in-arms on the battlefield, attacking the territory of Gaosu with the three forces of the northeast and south.

In the face of such an offensive, Gao Su responded calmly. He saw all the tricks along the way, and put on a look of ‘arms to block, water to cover’.

Even his three deadly enemies can't deny that Gao Su's hard power is indeed strong enough. At the same time, the most disgusting part of them is the spies inside each other's civilization. The methods are extremely powerful. The launch of artificial satellites can be said to be a stifle to curb their strength.

Under the situation of limited strength, they have now played against Gao Su.

During this period, a eagle that didn't seem to have anything special flew over the border line of Stefano Jabanna's west territorial waters.

It sometimes lowers its flying height, glides against the sea, and sometimes suddenly pulls up, plunges directly into the clouds, and disappears ...

At this moment, the flying eagle seemed to pass by. As it flew across the sea, it caught a sea fish just passing by and then flew away quickly.

He flew away from the flying eagle in this area, and the speed began to gradually increase. At the same time, the entire body was also rapidly enlarged, revealing his elf Druid's identity.

姿态 This pair of gestures is the best proof that a few fast eagles who patrolled back and forth in the surrounding airspace at that time were released directly.

The eldest druid who continued to fly in, after flying for a long time, quickly saw the five elven guided warships floating on the sea, and then quickly landed on the most central one. The main flagship of the ship.

Obviously, Luo Ji's fleet is now near the territorial sea to the west of Stephano Jabanna.

Of course they didn't come up easily.

At the same time, for the sake of prudence, except for the five Elf guided warships that can ignore radar detection, the other ships are at a further distance, so as to ensure that the opposite detection radar cannot detect their existence.

After all, when the eldest druid fell on the ship's deck, he changed back into a human form. At that time, the man on the deck of the Luo Ji directly said ...

"What about fish?"

Hearing this, Barenque hurriedly presented the sea fish he had caught.

Wang Kai stepped forward in two steps, took the sea fish that was still alive, and then "brushed" a full set of processing equipment, and started to open the fish to break the belly to scales. During this time, Ai stood next to Gram, of course, went up and took a hand.

I looked at Wang Kai and Ike who were so busy that everyone was accustomed to it.

Serialia even talked privately ...

"According to this situation, Ike may really take over the guard's mantle, in a sense ..."

Suddenly, when the two were so alive, Luo Ji, who was sitting on a beach chair, set his sight on Barenque again.

"Say, what's the opposite situation?"

Obviously, this time, Barenc performed a metamorphosis and flew to the west territorial waters of Stephano Jabanna. Although Luo Ji told him to catch a fish by the way, the main purpose was to investigate the situation.

"Under the enemy, the enemy's border line is very patrolling. It was found in the lap of the subordinates alone. There were five early-warning aircraft formations. At the same time, there were more than thirty reconnaissance aircraft patrolling the air ...

After speaking, Barenque quickly reported the results of his investigation.

Who knows, this report is only halfway through, and Luo Ji, who was sitting there, suddenly made a 'stop' action.

Then he turned to look at Wang Kai and Aike who were planning to put the processed sea fish on the grill and shouted ...

记得 "Remember to put two more chili noodles and cumin!"

After finishing talking, Luo Ji turned her head back and looked back at Barenque.

"Go on."


Anyway, Barenque ended his report.

Aside from the little episode in the middle, Luo Ji listened very carefully.

The number of reconnaissance aircraft is abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, what is the use of a maritime surveillance aircraft at this stage?

Simply put, under the radar scan of the fleet or early warning aircraft, if you find any blind spots that have not been scanned by the radar, or if you have doubts in your mind, you will send a reconnaissance aircraft to confirm the situation.

However, the current practice of Stefano Jabanna's West Sea garrison, although it looks abnormal, is very obvious.

Is guarding Gao Su and Luo Ji, two guys who can avoid radar detection to a certain extent!

According to Barenque's reconnaissance results, the patrol density is very high.

You said that a few elven druids were performing a metamorphosis and slipping in low-key. There was nothing wrong with it, but each of these five elven guided warships was more than 100 meters long and their heads were placed there Even if the radar can't detect it and want to pass under the eyelids of those reconnaissance planes, UU reading is basically impossible.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji face tangled, picked up the char-grilled sea fish meat handed over by Ike, and took a big mouthful.

Feeling the right fresh and tender sea fish meat grilled on the charcoal fire spread in the mouth, and combined with the rich barbecue flavor given by cumin and pepper noodles, Luo Ji's mood is obviously much better.

He then quickly ordered General Yuan Xi and General Rodlin to come over to discuss the tactics.

When they came over, the barbecue stalls on the ship's deck had been cleaned up, but the odor remaining in the air still made Huang Feiyu **** his nose and smash his mouth.

见 "Hell, is it that I have been floating on the sea for a long time, and I miss the barbecue on Baiyang Road so much that this smell has been illusioned?"

He did not tangle on this issue. After entering the battle conference room inside the ship, Luo Ji directly told the information confirmed by Barenque to everyone.

After listening, everyone came to a conclusion quickly after a short discussion and deliberation.

A tough battle is inevitable, but before it is officially started, it is better to use the ability of the elven druid to find out more information. When it starts, they can grasp it even more.

At the same time, Luo Ji had to send a message to Gao Su.

"Nearby, get ready to get started after finding out the information. Do you have anything to add?"

In this regard, Gao Su's reply was quickly sent ...

"No, send me a message before you start, I'm ready here too, and act as planned!"

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