In the outer battlefield, the operation of killing the Plague Artillery Unit was unexpectedly frustrated by the appearance of the Plague Rat.

During this period, the internal battlefield battle has entered a new stage!

In the dull sound, he was caught by surprise, and the whole person flew out on the spot for several meters.

Gritting his teeth, at the moment of landing, with the help of a few rolling motions, as soon as Hu Che looked up, he saw that the blood-thirsty rat demon with horrible looks had rushed to him in front of the big saw.


With a rage, Tiger Toru, who has not yet stood still, looks like a huge tiger at this moment, with his limbs on the ground, staring angrily at the bloodthirsty rat demon who was forced to kill him.

There is no doubt that the bloodthirsty goblins here also have the totem power of their rat race.

In fact, not only the Rat Devil, but almost a quarter of the soldiers in the Rat-Man army can inspire totem power.

This sacrifice rat man who awakened the ancient blood was called Perego.

The bloodthirsty goblin is a class occupation, while Perego is a bloodline, and the two do not conflict.

The totem power was stimulated, and at the same time, the mad bloodthirsty goblin was launched, and the combat power skyrocketed. One was caught off guard, which caused Tiger to suffer.

Too late to think, the bloodthirsty goblin had already killed him.

Seeing the angle at which the big saw blade slashed, Tiger Che fisted out, the armour quickly rubbed while colliding with the blade of the big saw blade, directly leading to a string of Mars.

The next second, I heard only a muffled sound. The arms of Tiger Toru's armour actually ignited a raging fire at the same time, and the raging fire formed two mighty tigers. Head, is opening a tiger's mouth, choosing others to eat!


In the roar, Toru Toru swept away from the bloodthirsty mouse devil's saw, attacking the ugly head, and hitting a fist with a punch!

"Ah da da da da da da da da da!"

"Oh !!!!"

I don't know how many punches were punched in one breath, and finally, Toru Toru, who forcibly blasted his opponent's head, could not help exhaling a long breath.

Then, when the armour spell was lifted, a sigh of blood spit out a spit of blood and said ...

"Oh, it's pretty tough."

The bloodthirsty goblins inspire totem power and become insane. The combat power has been increased by at least two levels, and the threat is indeed great.

But ah, Toru is a tiger.

The Tiger race is one of the hegemons in the orc civilization. The individual fighting ability is notoriously strong. The basic physical quality alone is far more than the rat race.

Under this premise, Tiger Che's personal combat effectiveness, even among the Tiger races, is the first echelon. In addition, the armour as an elemental weapon strengthens the blessing, and the strength is at least one level higher.

The bloodthirsty goblin, among the rat races, the individual combat power is indeed very strong, but it is placed in an entire orc race ...

Sorry, the Rat Race still has to win by quantity. A bloodthirsty goblin wants to win Tiger Toru with elemental weapons, which is really not very dramatic.

As for the two tiger heads formed by the fierce fire on the armour just now, Tiger Che called it Yanhu Quan.

However, according to Ike, Tiger Toru's so-called 'Yanhuquan' has no technical content at all. To put it plainly is to trigger the enhanced blessing of the armour fire spell, and then target a person who wants to flatten and pass it through. It's crazy, skill? It doesn't exist!

As for why there are two tiger heads, in simple terms, the tiger wants to be handsome, but in fact there is no soft use. The elves craftsmen who made this pair of armour directly said that the power will not become stronger, but it is special. trouble……

"Ike, how are you over there?"


Ike, who just wanted to answer, paused, then said solemnly ...

"not so good."

After hearing this, Tiger Toru subconsciously looked around.

I saw that at this moment, more totem power was stimulated, and the bloodthirsty rat goblins who were in a frenzy were besieging towards them. Don't forget that the number of bloodthirsty goblets is quite large.

In the nearby area, the Kobold and Boar soldiers who had fought with them were almost dead.


With a swear and a deep breath, Tiger Toru took a deep breath, and when his eyes opened again, the scarlet blood had filled his entire field of vision, and at the same time, the tiger-like flame was rekindled above the armour.

On the other side, Ike, who was standing opposite to Tiger, also made the same choice, and at the same time, there was a blast of wind on the rapier.

Faced with such a battle, they can only choose to launch madness, and see if they can kill a **** road!

Under the frenetic state, Tiger Che and Ike behaved differently.

Although the full level of ‘crazy restraint’ kept them at the most basic level, they still could n’t change their attack methods to become more rude, gradually gave up thinking, took every action, and began to follow their facts of combat instinct.

In fact, this has no effect on Tiger Toru, because his fighting style has always been like this, and even in the state of madness, the improvement of physical attributes has made him significantly stronger.

Yan Hu fists in a row, and three punches can explode the head of a bloodthirsty goblin, and the combat effectiveness is improved significantly.

Looking at Ike, it's more subtle.

Because Ike has always been a catman who focuses on improving his swordsmanship, and is more focused on fighting with skills.

Under this premise, once the state of madness is triggered, his sword skills will obviously become rough.

Ike himself knew that, of course.

So for a long time in the past, he has been training hard, trying to keep himself in the state of madness, and still maintain his sword skills.

After so many years of training, the effect cannot be said to be significant, but anyway, it is still a bit.

A sword waved, and the sharp blade ripped the air instantly, a little less agile, but a little more explosive.

The flashing sword light directly brought up a string of blood flowers.


Originally I wanted to cut the neck, but because of the change in control, he was a little bit off, and a sword was cut on the collarbone of the plague rat, and by the way cut the flesh of the other person's chest.

Looking at the blood dripping ~ ~ But in fact, for the orcs, this injury is nothing.

After the sword passed, Ike kept moving, accompanied by his footsteps, and attacked again while avoiding the bloodthirsty rat to fight back.

But this time, instead of aiming at the bloodthirsty goblin's neck, he turned back with a sword, and directly cut off the bloodthirsty goblin's hand! !!

A slash of this strength can't be done without launching madness and improving physical fitness.

And after launching madness, and combined with the effect of the elemental weapon in his hand, Ike can do this!

Since a vital part like the neck is too difficult to aim, he simply stopped staring at the piece and turned to cut off the enemy's hands and feet, making the other party incapable of movement and threat. This is what Ike did in his crazy state. send!

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(End of this chapter)

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