The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2237: Peregal (2)

At the same time, the outer battlefield ...

In accordance with Luo Ji's order, the second-order Swift Eagle Commander, headed by Calgan, almost killed the enemy's Plague Artillery troops at the fastest speed, intending to destroy them one by one.

Unexpectedly, they didn't even have time to get close to that area. In the distant positions, they suddenly heard a continuous bang.

This battle, they will not be unfamiliar, is flying squirrel troops!

Hell alive, is that Rosse Barka dead enough? How could a flying squirrel army be deployed in such a place?

Those flying squirrels have average combat power, but the number is very large.

In just such a short time, thousands of flying squirrels were slaughtered towards them, and the number continued to rise.

Facing this method, Calgan took his subordinates to break through from high altitude, approached a Plague Cannon Squad, and then culled, lowered the flying height, and shot.

Unexpectedly, the flying squirrels on the other side were also clever. They were not flying in the sky for no purpose, but they were standing around the plague cannon.

As soon as they came, hundreds of flying squirrels rushed towards them.

The strength of the second-order Xunying Yushou is unquestionable, but he can't hold the opposite side and take his life directly!

Although the three Plague Artillery squads were successfully killed, the attack of the enemy's flying squirrel troops and the plague virus on the other side also made them have to ward off a few points, and finally they could only temporarily retreat.

After withdrawing from the attack range of the flying squirrels, Calgan hurriedly returned the news to confirm the details of the news, and his face was not very good-looking.

Successive changes made Luo Ji have to contact General Rodrín.

In Luo Ji's opinion, the best candidate at present seems to have only giant soldiers left.

After all, the giant soldier's hard power is guaranteed, and it can directly ignore the threat of flying squirrels and even the surrounding plague rat devil, forcibly kill them, and destroy the plague cannon.

The driver himself is protected by the giant soldier, and will not be directly exposed to the plague virus, which can avoid infection.

It is a very suitable candidate, but the problem is that in the current battlefield, the giant soldiers really can't leave ...

General Rodrin looked down around the giant soldier. Nearly a thousand plague rats were besieging them, and even a large number of plague rats crawled directly onto the giant soldier.

This is the main reason why they have remained on the main battlefield.

The rat race, even the monsters, are in mass production.

The giant soldiers and the plague rats are in a state of restraint at this time.

Once they are gone, after the plague rat loses the restraint of the giant soldiers, they will directly press on other troops. At that time, it will definitely be a disaster for the other troops stationed in the north!

At this moment, Luo Ji suddenly felt a sense of being killed.

The sight fell to the battlefield, and with all Peregor's bloodlines and madness launched, a whole army of Rat-Man was boiling again, setting off the most violent attack to date!

That scale is undoubtedly horrible. The combat effectiveness of an entire army is rising in a straight line!

Faced with such battles, Luo Ji's orc army could naturally only meet with madness.

No doubt, this is the final killing of Rosse Barka, Army Peregal!

In the face of the raging army of Perego, the situation on the battlefield has changed again and again, and the defense has gradually shown its defeat.

Above the armour, the last element of fire power has been consumed and all the glory has been lost.

Tiger was completely injured and his brain was blank.

At this time, he just felt like a big mountain was pressed on his body, and the whole person was about to be lying on the ground!

At this moment, he knew that his body was about to reach its limit.

"Ai, Ike ..."

With a hoarse voice, Hu Che called out Ike's name, and wanted to confirm his life as a brother.

However, his voice was too weak, and was instantly drowned by those roars on the battlefield.

Ike didn't hear it, and even if he did, at this time, I am afraid that he has no time to respond.

It seemed like an endless killer, and he kept besieging, step by step, driving him to a dead end.

One sword, two swords, three swords ...

Ike gritted his teeth and waved his sword sharply.

But the decline in strength has made his attacks weaker and weaker.

I don't know when he even started to kill an ordinary rat-human regular army, and once he encountered Peregor, it was a fierce battle.

And at this moment, among the enemies who were siege towards them, there were exactly five Perego, one of them, even a bloodthirsty goblin!

The bloodthirsty rat devil carrying the big saw blade, stared directly at the tiger who was bathing in blood.

On the saw blade, it was covered with flesh and bones.

Looking at the big saw that did not know how many of his comrades-in-arms were slashed, he swung at himself, but Tiger could still react, but his body couldn't keep up.

At that moment, with the sound of a saw blade tearing the flesh, the bloodthirsty goblin was cut directly on his left shoulder!

Suddenly, flesh and blood splattered, and the severe pain made Tiger's pupils instantly shrink like needles, but he did not lose his sense of war. He hit a backhand punch and hit the bloodthirsty goblin's face.

However, at this time, due to the decline of his physical condition, his strength has been greatly reduced.

For the bloodthirsty goblin, the punch didn't hurt or even itch, and he didn't even bother to take care of it. He clenched the big saw with both hands and suddenly pulled it.

Accompanied by a tingling scalp, a large piece of flesh was torn from Tiger Toru's shoulder! And exposed a large pale bones!

At this moment, the strong **** smell came to the face, and under the influence of the characteristics of the soldiers, the bloodthirsty rat goblins stimulated by the **** taste would become more violent and overbearing.

In the almost maddening howl, the bloodthirsty rat devil looked stern, and waved the **** saw in his hand.

"Do not!!!!!"

Ike ~ ~, who was bathing in blood, made a hoarse and exhausted sound, but facing other perego's entanglement, he couldn't protect himself, let alone turn to save Tiger Toru.

At this moment, even in the eyes of Tiger Toru, can not help but feel a despair.

Seeing that life-threatening knife is about to be waved! Unable to resist, Tiger Toru finally closed his eyes, ready to meet the death ...

Until that hot blood splashed on his face!

The inexplicable situation made Tiger to open his eyes.

At that moment, I saw the bloodthirsty rat demon who maintained the position of wielding a sword, and his burly body was gradually divided into two.

It was a clean blow, falling from the opponent's right shoulder, and the blow cut the opponent into two pieces!

After the bloodthirsty rat corpse fell to the ground, a figure that might be more burly than he was, caught his sight ...

"Hey! Hujie's boy, can you still move?"

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