The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2463: , The main force

The presence of the Ares-2 tank mecha, so that the gunship almost lost its original advantages.

But it cannot be said that armed helicopters are no threat to tank mechs.

In fact, if an anti-tank missile can hit the Ares-2 tank mecha, the destructive power cannot be ignored.

It can only be said that after the appearance of the Ares-2 tank mecha, the duel between the 'tank' and the armed helicopter has become more fair to some extent.

No longer as before, in the face of air strikes by armed helicopters, tanks on the ground are almost helpless.

As a veteran veteran of the field, Admiral Lekto naturally saw this soon.

This is the end of the trial of the small force. After the order was issued, a large number of Saxon fighters had already taken off in the air base behind them. At that time, he planned to let the air force bomb the battlefield directly from the air!

At the same time, the air defense system has also been turned on. If anti-aircraft missiles are launched on the opposite side, they will immediately intercept them to protect the air forces!

In this wave, Admiral Lekto was still quite sure.

Unlike them who occupy the home field advantage, the enemy forces have been on the expedition all the way. In addition to the armed helicopters, the fighters lack the airport landing, which can't be brought at all. This is a big advantage for them as the defender!

After taking off from the Air Force Base, a large number of Saxon fighters forming a formation came straight towards the battlefield.

On the side of all civilizations, the air defense system has already responded at this moment. Within the rear position, the formation has already been spread out. A series of air defense missiles are constantly flying out, trying to destroy those Saxon fighters one by one.

However, the Saxon side had already prepared for it, seeing the tricks and dismantling the attacks, and defusing the attacks, so that the civilized anti-aircraft missiles of almost all worlds would return with little success.

Upon receiving the feedback, Admiral Lekto looked proud and waited for the aerial bombardment of their Saxon fighters to mercilessly baptize the battlefield.

However, what he did not expect was that he finally waited for a report that the air force was ambushed!

"Command base, call command base! This is the 17th Air Wing, number 1754 fighter! We have been ambushed by the enemy !!!"

"how is this possible?"

Upon hearing this, Admiral Lekto looked incredulous.

At this moment, the flying height of their air force is not intercepted by armed helicopters.

For a moment, General Lecto, even a little confused, grabbed the headset of a signal soldier next to him, and then asked aloud ...

"No. 1754 fighter, what unit attacked you ?!"

"Monster, monster! Ahhhhhhhhh!"

In the scream, the communication came to an abrupt halt, and from high altitude, fighter planes began to crash continuously.

"General, this is a video sent back before the number 1754 fighter lost contact."


During the speech, the image was quickly displayed on the screen in front of General Lecto.

At that moment, the expression on Admiral's face froze ...

"Alchemy, Alchemy Golem?"

Before the crash of the 1754 fighter, the image of just a few seconds, but it recalled a very long memory of Admiral Lekto.

He once fought against the enemy who owns this army, and he was defeated!

"Why, how can the other party have the Alchemy Golem ?!"

The violent ups and downs of the emotions made Admiral Lector apparently a little sick.

And his question is destined to be unanswerable.

At the same time, above the sky, a large number of flying golems were continuously killed from the clouds, intercepting the flying Saxon fighters.

There is no doubt that this flying golem unit was specially transferred by Luo Ji from Gaosu Province.

In addition, there are 500 gargoyles newly refined over the years.

These new gargoyle fighting experience is basically zero, if you want to grow, you can't keep them behind, you have to give them some actual combat opportunities to accumulate.

Flying golems and gargoyles cannot be scanned by radar equipment and cannot be locked by laser guidance.

This time, the fun is getting bigger. This group of Saxon fighters are all here to carry out the bombing mission. Who can think that there is a large group of alchemists in the high-altitude clouds?

This caused them to have no way to target weapons and equipment.

With just one face-to-face, it clearly fell into the disadvantage.

Adjusting his state and letting himself calm down quickly, Admiral Lector, of course, knows what the situation is now.

At present, the equipment of the Saxon fighter is too hard to fight with the alchemy golem!

In order to reduce the war damage, Admiral Lekto quickly issued an order for the air force to withdraw to the rear air base.

But this accident, which was completely beyond his expectations, had already disrupted his original plan.

During this period, the advancement of the main force on the side of the civilization of all the realms will not stop.

It was planned that after being disrupted, in order to contain the main force of the civilization of all realms in time, General Lekto had to let the main force of their border legion appear in advance.

Otherwise, the large force on the opposite side will be pressed under their eyelids!

At a critical moment, the more powerful armed helicopter troops dispatched urgently and began to contain the armor of the God of War-2 tank that was pressed up ~ ~ At the same time, behind the position, accompanied by bursts of engine roar, The main battle tanks appeared from afar, almost occupying a whole horizon, and looking at the scale and battle alone, it is definitely more exaggerated than the world civilization.

According to a preliminary estimate, even if the number of main battle tanks is less than 10,000, I am afraid that there are seven or eight thousand. This is not counting the sky's armed helicopters and rear firepower.

The veteran players in the golden band, who casually test their opponents, or fight an attrition battle, will use three or four hundred main battle tanks, as well as a series of other troops.

It is now hard to fight, and it seems that this battle is not particularly strange.

Even Hill felt that the battle was not as great as she expected.

During the propulsion process, the enemy tank army that was facing the enemy had already opened fire. Pieces of artillery shells penetrated the air and swept wildly towards the tank and mech units of the civilization of the world.

In the face of such a fire attack, the tank and mech units can naturally hide and hide, and resist hard shelling from enemy main battle tanks. This is not a good idea.

In the process of avoiding the attack, the surface armor of the Ares-2 tank armor was also opened, showing the fort, quickly adjusting the angle, and then launched the most fierce toward the enemy main battle tank. Counterattack!

After all, attack is the best defense, otherwise let the opposite side unscrupulously fire the output, let the dwarf soldiers take the place and show, the operation is useless.

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