The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2464: Against each other

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The battle on the main battlefield was full of fire. With a large number of anti-tank missiles flying out, a large number of civilizations on the side of the world, a large number of Falcon-6 armed helicopters came over at the fastest speed.

The presence of the main fighting forces of the two sides almost made the battle impossible.

During this period, the Saxon fighters who received orders to withdraw from the rear air base at high altitudes were naturally ruthlessly chased by the Golem forces. It may be difficult to get rid of them for a while.

Hill, located at the rear command base, was conducting command adjustments while confirming the battle situation.

At this moment, after receiving Hill's order to carry out a roundabout side force, they directly collided with an enemy force with the same purpose as them!

The war was on the verge, and a Ranger-1 tank mech was moving at high speed on the wild terrain, while controlling two eight-barrel fire dragon artillery to fire wildly.

Ammunition was dumped out, but the effect shown was far from the previous one.

It is not that the rangers' firepower has weakened, but that their opponents have become stronger!

At this moment, it is the enemy's main battle tank unit that appears here, and the number is still quite large.

According to the firepower level of the Rangers, their targeted targets are those equipped with light armor, but once they defend against armor at the level of the main battle tank, the power is obviously insufficient.

At present, I am afraid that only by virtue of its own mechanical advantages, it can be controlled.

This latest situation was quickly transmitted back to the command base in the rear, and Hill, who confirmed the news, had a clear flash in his eyes.

Since being promoted to the golden rank, they have faced many strong enemies before and after the civilization of all realms.

Although many only played an invasion battle, but for this level of opponents, what kind of strength will there be, a general like Hill, basically has a rough estimate in his mind.

She had previously felt that the number of main battle tanks on the opposite side seemed to be a bit low.

It now appears that this is indeed the case, the opposite general commander has not put all the troops into the frontal battlefield.

The basic purpose of the enemy's roundabout army is probably to attack the artillery unit she deployed there.

After all, as long as their artillery units were attacked and unable to maintain firepower output, the opposing Saxon artillery units would lose their firepower suppression, and then they could turn to the main battlefield according to the situation, and fire the enemy units on the main battlefield. Suppressed.

A good abacus against the other side.

But for this, Hill is also a foresight. The side of her cavalry unit that detours is the side where the artillery unit is located.

This is of course not good luck, but carefully considered.

In the event of a collision with an enemy force, this ranger force can form a defensive force.

But looking at the current situation, if you want to use the Ranger-1 tank mecha to fight the main battle tank of the gold band, it is still too difficult.

The rangers' attacks are not painful, they can only stay at the level of the loss of the armor, and the main battle tank on the opposite side can clearly pose a threat to the rangers.

Between the thoughts, Hill quickly contacted the rangers and gunships deployed on the artillery side, allowing them to support the past as quickly as possible.

On the side of the battlefield, it is sufficient to allow the Rangers to assist in the containment. The main output task is handed over to the armed helicopters.

There was interference on the opposite side, and it did not matter that the anti-tank missiles of the armed helicopters could not be guided. The big deal was to change to manual aiming. She still trusted the technology of their universal civilization and dwarf soldiers.

At the same time, the number of interceptor bombs on each main battle tank cannot be endless. If you do n’t fight, you can never consume them.

At this moment, General Hill and Lekto, the commanders of both sides quickly issued an order, with the support of the entire tactical system behind each other, with the highest efficiency, mobilized the troops under their command and launched a battle. Against each other.

The two sides saw each other and split the move, almost fighting.

This first battle is destined to be impossible to achieve a result.

Because the strength of both sides is too strong, no one can easily defeat the other side in a short time.

After a fierce battle, the first day of the battle ended with the tacit understanding of the two sides.

As the spoils of the first day of battle, the ruins of the city in front of her, according to Hill's idea, she intends to occupy them as a frontline stronghold for their expeditionary army.

However, after checking the feedback from the army, it made her face obviously sink.

"General, according to the test results, there is severe nuclear radiation everywhere in the ruins of the city, which is simply the hardest hit area! People staying in it will exceed seven hundred millisieverts in a short time, even higher, even If the time is not long, it may cause radiation sickness! "

The soldier who said this ~ ~ could not help showing a slight palpitation in his face.

Fortunately, they detected that the troops were fully armed, otherwise it would be really bad, and it would be terrible to think about.

Too late to think, Hill exhaled quickly and ordered ...

"To confirm the status of the wounded soldiers! Especially the vanguard troops who had previously penetrated the ruin area, inspected them in detail one by one, as well as the rangers and gunships, and they also had to be tested. After testing them, Soldiers of other units that have been attacked before are best to confirm them all. Go! "

After a response, the soldiers quickly ran out of the camp and went to execute Hill's order.

It was at this moment that Hill finally understood why the other party initially set the battle location on such a terrain that had little advantage over them.

This is stabbing them with soft knives! !

At the same time, such a severely affected area, blocked in front of them, invisible, has formed a barrier for the Saxon defenders on the opposite side.

After all, if you cross this hard-hit area and choose to build a frontline stronghold near the previous main battlefield, then their frontline stronghold will be completely exposed to the fire envelope on the opposite side.

And behind it is the hardest hit area. In case of a situation that requires an emergency retreat, there are risks.

And if they choose to build a stronghold in their current position, then each time they launch an offensive, I am afraid they have to face this severely affected area, and it will become very troublesome to advance the front.

"Send reconnaissance troops to let them explore the surrounding terrain, we have to find a safe place to build a frontline stronghold."

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