The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3311: ,make a progress

The rarity of new attributes is limited to the first two years, and the enrollment seasons after the next few rounds pass, as the new attributes continue to accumulate and increase.

Insert a perfect re-engraving of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source of the old version-the source

Gradually, the people are not surprised.

Most ordinary people do.

But in fact, compared with the traditional element attributes, the new attributes have nothing to do with their strengths or weaknesses. In terms of rarity, they are really scarce.

One of the rarest, without a doubt, is the space system.

At this stage, the earliest space students in the School of Magic, including Cheng Hao, have already reached the fifth grade.

But the full text clearly shows that for the entire fifth grade, the total number of students in the space department is only 372.

At first glance, it seems that it is not too small, but in fact, it is not the case at all.

Not to mention whether they can all graduate successfully, just take their successful graduation as a prerequisite!

Afterwards, there will be an assessment of junior mages on the magic guild. According to the preliminary estimations by the magic guild, this number will have to be wiped out at least about half.

At the same time, with the exception of Cheng Hao, most of the others have relatively poor qualifications. At that time, it would be good to be able to mix with a junior mage. Intermediate mage is probably suspended.

As for those mage apprentices who can't become junior mage, basically, they can only fight in the mage guild and do some chores.

During this period, on Jupiter, as various spell barriers were broken one after another by them, a large number of precious books of magic civilization and some special resources were also transported back to the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds one by one.

At this stage, the preliminary inventory has been completed. Including the traditional element attributes such as earth, fire, water and wind, plus new attributes, they have already found spells with various attributes from the data of those magic civilizations.

However, it is a little regrettable that what they found was the median spell at most, and there was no upper level spell.

For this result, Luo Ji did not have too many surprises.

The reason is very simple. The planet they occupy is a border planet. Will Rowan Bolet put too precious things there?

Obviously impossible!

Even in Luo Ji's civilization of the world, the spells of the higher-ranking spells were all placed in the treasure house of Luo Ji's palace.

For a mage who wants to practice or study higher-level spells, the normal process is to first apply to the mage guild, and then the mage guild will write a report and report to him.

It is against the law to teach privately or steal a lesson.

Rowan Bollett is no exception.

Under this premise, it would be a ghost if there could be spells and cultivation methods of higher-level spells on a border planet.

But Luo Ji didn't panic, because according to the urinary nature of the system, when he upgrades to unlock the development project of the magic civilization, after he upgrades to a certain level, he will definitely give him a few higher-level spells, it is impossible to have none of them.

To some extent, this is also the system's guarantee mechanism.

Under this premise, what needs to be mentioned specifically is not the spell of the space system, but the spell of the light system.

In the inertial thinking of many people, it seems that when they think of light spells, words such as ‘light camp’, ‘religion’, and ‘sacred stick’ pop up in their minds.

But the magical civilization’s light spells are not like that. Their light spells are really just pure ‘light’ spells.

In fact, it does not have much relationship with words such as ‘light’, and it has nothing to do with ‘religion’ and ‘sacred stick’.

For example, in the previous magical civilization, the light and shadow spells used for image transmission are a simple application of light spells.

They are really just using the power of the ‘light element’, and they do not symbolize good and evil, camps and the like.

At the same time, the light system mage is also the light system mage, and there is no bright priest.

However, the profession of ‘Priest’ as a mage does exist.

They will use healing spells and some buffs and auxiliary spells, but they are not of the ‘light system’. Strictly speaking, they are ‘no attributes’.

That's right, the magical civilization is not limited to attribute spells. There are actually many ‘non-attribute’ spells in the civilization. The types of these spells are more complicated, but most of them are functional and auxiliary.

After successfully obtaining this batch of lower-level spells and middle-level spells, the apprentices of the wizard who graduated next, basically do not need to worry that they will not be able to practice the spell.

As for the upper level spells, this is not anxious.

The first batch of apprentices with new attributes will not officially graduate until a year later.

According to this rhythm, if you want to use higher level spells, it's too early.

For this, Luo Ji has rich experience.

In addition to spell spells, there are obviously many other good things, for example, the way the spell scroll is made, the person in charge of sorting it out, basically has one to four.

However, this does not mean that Luo Ji's previous silver-level third-order spell scroll production drawings are useless.

Because of the things obtained directly from the magic civilization, he has no systematic item bonuses.

But the production drawing that Luo Ji opened out of the treasure chest is different. UU reading www.uukā can get the system's success rate and production efficiency bonus.

Therefore, the overall value obviously exceeds the production drawings of the third-order spell scroll obtained from the magic civilization.

In the past few years, Ye Hua has basically confirmed the materials needed to make spell scrolls on Jupiter's side.

Excluding a lot of auxiliary materials, the most important thing to make a spell scroll is definitely the materials needed to make the scroll body.

As for this material, there are two choices of ‘ordinary material’ and ‘premium material’.

The common material is to make paper with spirit wood.

The magical civilization undoubtedly also has this special plant, and there are some qualitative differences from the spirit trees cultivated by the elves, but in essence, they are similar.

After confirming this plant, many elves and goblins have gone to Jupiter in order to study this new plant.

Their current plan is to cultivate a variety of spiritual plants, so as to cultivate better varieties.

Speaking of back to the subject, the higher the age of the spirit wood, the better the effect. Needless to say this point.

At the same time, this magic paper also has a big advantage. It is a non-attribute material, so any type of magic scroll can be made and it is very versatile.

And this high-quality material has the limitation of ‘attribute’.

Because this high-quality material refers to the skin of Warcraft!

Spell scrolls made with corresponding attributes of monster skins have better effects, and generally they are about 20-30% stronger.

But just think about how difficult it is to make this high-quality material.

Even if it is compared with the magic paper, this monster skin is extremely luxurious!

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