The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3312: , Graduation season

At the current stage, the research and production of the magic scroll is undoubtedly still in its infancy.

The special points of magic civilization are relatively stable daily output.

It doesn’t take much to unlock the early-stage project, which makes Luo Ji's unlocking and upgrading of the magical civilization development project relatively smooth.

Soon successfully unlocked the primary Spell Scroll Institute.

This is undoubtedly a special building belonging to a magical civilization.

The bonuses for elementary buildings are quite low. Luo Ji first glanced at it. It can increase the research success rate by 3% and the research efficiency by 5%...

Too bad!

Luo Ji obviously didn't intend to waste resources on this.

Because on Jupiter, there are ready-made top research institutes.

That top research institute can directly increase the success rate of 18% and the efficiency of 30%, which is much more powerful than the whole bonus.

Therefore, in the early stage of making the magic scroll, it is all about Jupiter's side.

Anyway, the output of the magical civilization's special magic materials is basically all concentrated in Jupiter.

In doing so, it saves the trouble of transporting materials back and forth.

And during this period, there have been a lot of things on the military side.

Because after the things from Jupiter are sent back, in addition to magic spells, there are actually some training methods for soldiers.

The cultivation method of the magical civilization warrior is actually very similar to the fighting spirit of their ten thousand world civilization from the perspective of mechanism.

In essence, it is to use the elemental power in the body to fight.

However, compared with the fighting spirit cultivation method that a group of elven warriors headed by Cerelia found on their side, the magic civilization side is obviously given by the system, so the system should be more complete.

This is undoubtedly good news for the warriors of the elves.

However, for the other groups, it doesn't make much sense.

As far as the human race is concerned, they have the inheritance of martial arts civilization.

Compared with warriors, the absolute main force of magic civilization is still the mage, and the existence of warriors is to serve the mage.

On the other hand, martial arts civilization, warriors are the only combat power.

Therefore, the practice method of advanced martial arts classics is obviously more profound than the warrior system of magic civilization, and the upper limit is also higher.

Under this premise, the vindictive cultivation method of the magical civilization is of little reference value for the human warriors of the ten thousand world civilization.

In addition to the orcs, they have totem powers dedicated to the orcs, which are completely compatible with their own racial characteristics. On weekdays, it is too late to cultivate their totem weapons and improve their totem power. How can they waste time to toss this?

As for the goblins and dwarves, their skill points are basically added to the use of mechanical equipment and thermal weapons. Let them practice this, but they are biased.

Isn't it only useful to the elves?

Therefore, during this period of time, Luo Ji also gave Cerelia a leave, and asked her to study the grudge.

Within their ten thousand world civilizations, the vindictive cultivation method of the elves is born out of the inner strength of the martial arts civilization.

To some extent, it is actually more advanced than the vindictiveness of magic civilization.

After acquiring the fighting spirit cultivation method of the magical civilization, the improvements that can be made are actually very limited.

The value of this thing is that it allows the warriors of the elven race to obtain a more complete framework and system, so that they can combine the martial arts civilization and improve the fighting spirit that can allow them to break through the thousand-army realm and reach the ten thousand magic realm. Gongfa.

In order to do this, Cerelia and the others are undoubtedly busy next.

More than a year passed quietly after that.

This is undoubtedly another year worthy of attention, because this year, the first batch of apprentices of new attribute mage from various mage academies officially graduated.

However, as expected at the beginning, among the 372 space students, only 236 graduated successfully...

This number is even less than Luo Ji expected.

It turned out to be more than a hundred? Can't even graduate from the Master Academy and become a Master Apprentice?

In fact, this year, the graduation rate of the new master students is generally lower than that of the traditional master students.

The student's own learning ability is naturally one of the reasons.

But this time, the college really had to carry most of the pot.

For students with new attributes, the lack of educational experience has to a large extent affected the graduation rate.

For this reason, all colleges, even a few key colleges, have made remedies one after another, and are willing to give this new class of students free of charge during the next summer vacation for a period of two months. Make up lessons.

But if two months later, you still can't graduate successfully.

Sorry, you can only choose to apply for repetition or be dropped out of school.

In fact, in most cases, they were dropped out directly.

There are very few successful applications for repetition at the Master Academy.

Because becoming a mage really requires talent and a little ‘smartness’.

Excluding the special circumstances of the students with new attributes this time, you have been studying for six years, but you can't even graduate. In fact, it can already explain a lot of problems.

If you continue to teach, there is a high probability that it is just a waste of money and time.

However, this year, according to the policy, there will obviously be a lot of relaxation. UU reading www.

Among them, as the student Luo Ji focused on, Cheng Hao undoubtedly graduated successfully.

The superb innate qualifications allowed him to receive a scholarship for six years with outstanding results after enrolling free of charge. It can be described as eye-catching to the extreme.

Cheng Hao was only seven years old when he enrolled in school. Now six years later, the 13-year-old Cheng Hao is still very immature.

But that whole thing gives people the feeling that they have taken a child of a certain age, and they should not be calm and peaceful.

He was wearing casual clothes that were not new, but very clean. On the bridge of his nose, he was wearing a pair of black round-frame glasses. This should be the reason why he has read too much books in the past six years, which made him a little short-sighted.

His appearance can only be said to be delicate and beautiful, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose add a bit of gentleness to him, which adds a lot of points invisibly.

Master apprentices who graduated this year's graduation season can be said to have attracted the attention of an entire civilization and countless people.

The focus of attention was on the wizards with new attributes, and the most conspicuous among them was undoubtedly Cheng Hao.

The news headlines six years ago directly described Cheng Hao as'a super genius rare in a century! ’

At that time, it was flattered for quite a while, causing a lot of heated discussion.

However, due to the boarding system of the Master Academy, after enrolling, journalists can't sneak in, so the outside world has basically no news of Cheng Hao until this day.

It now appears that the boarding system that is directly isolated from the outside world is indeed a good thing.

At that time, the students were too young, and their temperaments were unstable. If they were tossed by the news media, if they were not careful, a genius might be killed.

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