The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3340: Fighting qigong

In fact, after acquiring the fighting qi cultivation method of the magical civilization, they can practice directly according to the fighting qi cultivation method, and they can also cultivate smoothly.

However, after Cerelia and the others learned from the martial arts civilization in their early years, the improved fighting qi cultivation method was better than the magic civilization.

Whether it is humans or elves, after they have better things, they will naturally want to use better things, and it is difficult to take a step back, which is the so-called "from frugality to luxury, from luxury to frugality." difficult'.

In the end, it directly led to their research, which was studied for hundreds of years.

In the past few years, within the Elven Warrior Association, a group of top elven warriors have gathered together to improve the cultivation method of fighting qi, trying to integrate the advantages of martial arts civilization, and improve the fighting qigong method that is most suitable for their elven race. .

And just a few years ago, this fighting qigong method has already made new progress.

A group of strong elves, including Cerelia, have improved a set of fighting qigong methods that theoretically enable them to cultivate to the ten thousand magic realm.

There is no practical proof now.

In order to prove that this new set of fighting qigong technique can indeed enable them to cultivate to the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, several elven powerhouses who have been stuck in the Thousand Army Realm for many years have also retreated.

This turn of heads has also been a few years.

It's really hard to tell when you have to ask them how long they can retreat.

Because of this wave, including Cerelia, a group of consummated elven powerhouses in the thousand-army realm, they all closed off with a mentality that they would never leave the stage without breaking through the ten thousand dharma realm.

When to stop, only the retreat knows in his heart, others can only wait patiently for a result outside.

And on this day, the elven warriors outside, in addition to continuing to study the fighting qigong method every day, also came to confirm the situation as before.

Basically, I just came and took a look and left. Anyway, there has been no movement over the years.

Unexpectedly, on this day, a group of elven warriors clearly felt the surrounding elemental power, produced strong fluctuations, and then crazily gathered towards one of the retreat places.

"Over there..."

"It's Sirelia!"

In a moment, the spirits around the elf warrior were excited.

With Cerelia’s retreat as the center, under the constant concentration of elemental forces, the astonishing elemental concentration? In the end, it almost reached a point where the naked eye could see it, forming an exaggerated wind element vortex!

Affected by this powerful wind elemental force, a violent wind blew in the entire surrounding area.

Between the whirlpools? Constantly being absorbed by Cerelia in the retreat, causing the elemental power in her body to swell wildly? Finally, the bottleneck that had been limiting her was completely overcome.

However, under that massive gathering? Almost the wind elemental power that formed the vortex? It was not exhausted.

Of course, Cerelia could not waste this elemental power.

The breakthrough of the bottleneck directly opened her upper limit. Now is the perfect time to increase the strength of the elements in the body in one breath!

Seize the opportunity? The huge wind elemental power? Serelia is continuously absorbed in.

After being absorbed by Cerelia, these wind elemental powers are not only being transformed into fighting qi, increasing the total amount of fighting qi in her body, but at the same time constantly tempering her muscles and flesh to increase her physical strength? The wind element vortex in the air was completely absorbed by her, and then she stopped.

Actually? Today Cerelia feels that she is far from reaching her limit, and she can continue to absorb more wind element power.

But the embarrassing thing is that the wind element vortex just now swept all the wind element power in the surrounding area.

From breaking through the bottleneck to strengthening the body and consolidating strength, the wind elemental power around her has almost been absorbed by her.

In this state, even if she feels that she is in the right state, she has no choice but to continue her retreat practice.

With a faint sigh, Cerelia, who stretched her muscles and bones, stood up, and did not rush out.

In her retreat, all the daily necessities are basically readily available.

After a simple wash and a change of dry clothes, he opened the door and appeared in front of a group of elven warriors.

During the breakthrough, there was such a big noise that it was almost inevitable to attract a large number of elven warriors.

Now the elven warriors outside have long been looking forward to it.

As soon as Cerelia came out, some elven warriors couldn't help but ask...

"Master Cerelia, have you reached the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm now?"

The elf warrior who asked this question contained an uncontrollable excitement in his voice.

Sweeping his gaze over the surrounding elven warriors and seeing their reactions, Cerelia knew that she was probably the first to successfully break through, and the other clansmen who retreated at the same time with her might not have come out yet.

At this point, she nodded firmly.

"Yes, we succeeded."

When the voice fell, a group of elven warriors suddenly cheered. The elven warriors have waited for this day, it is really too long.

At the same time, news from the Wizard Warrior Association reached Luo Ji's ears at the fastest speed.

Luo Ji, who understood this situation, was naturally happy.

The elves succeeded in improving the fighting qigong method of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, which is undoubtedly a great thing for Luo Ji.

Under his command, there are still quite a few fierce elves.

After successfully obtaining the technique, he should be able to have a few more elven powerhouses.

After that, as the first ten thousand magic realm powerhouse of the elves, Cerelia first found a suitable place to consolidate her martial arts cultivation, and then rushed back to the mirror city without stopping. Return to life.

Luo Ji took advantage of the trend to confirm the details to Cerelia. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

To put it simply, at this stage, the upper limit of their elves' martial arts has been raised to the level of entering the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm.

However, starting from the Thousand Army Realm, the strength gap in each small realm is becoming more and more obvious.

Being able to cultivate to the beginning of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm does not mean that you can also cultivate to the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, small achievement, great achievement, or even the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm perfection.

Needless to say, these small realms have to practice exercises, and they have to continue to improve afterwards.

But in a short period of time, there is no need to worry too much.

For Cerelia, who has just broken through the Thousand Armed Forces realm and reached the level of the first entry into the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, she will still have practice for this small realm. The cultivation technique of the small realm or the great success of the ten thousand realm...

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