The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3341: , Civilization mechanism

From a successful breakthrough in the Thousand Army Realm to the level of entering the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, Cerelia's strength has undoubtedly improved by leaps and bounds.

The next day, a new discovery made Luo Ji plunge into ecstasy.

The elven warriors are terrible!

Because Luo Ji, who has just tossed about the development project today, discovered that the elven warriors can now enjoy the buff of the three civilizations of elven civilization, martial civilization and magic civilization at the same time!

In this, we have to talk about a special mechanism of characteristics among civilizations.

Civilizations with special races, such as elven civilization, orc civilization, dwarf civilization, and winged civilization, some of their special project BUFFs will almost only work for their corresponding special races.

The project of the elven civilization only works for the elves, the project of the orc civilization only works for the orcs, and so on, other civilizations cannot enjoy the buff of that special race's project BUFF.

However, civilizations like Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, Commercial Civilization, Alchemy Civilization, Martial Arts Civilization, and Magic Civilization, their situation is different.

Because their civilization project is not limited to a particular race.

Theoretically speaking, all the citizens within the civilization who meet the requirements can enjoy the blessing of their project BUFF.

This mechanism has created a very special situation.

This is the group of elven warriors who have won the blessing of three civilization buffs!

The elven warriors are all elves, and there is no doubt that they can enjoy the BUFF blessing of the corresponding elves and enhanced items. Needless to say.

Under this premise, if they practice the martial arts of martial arts civilization, they will naturally get the blessings of the corresponding BUFF in the martial arts civilization.

And now, the improved fighting spirit of the elves is in harmony with the fighting of magical civilization.

Well, now it's awesome, the buff of the magical civilization has let them go!

Now the number of BUFFs on each of these elven warriors is simply astonishing. The buffing effects of these BUFFs alone can increase their combat effectiveness.

However, this is not all benefits.

As I said before, whether it is the martial arts of the martial arts civilization or the fighting spirit of the magic civilization, these things are not originally belonging to the elves.

If they want to practice, they have to spend a lot of time improving.

Take martial arts civilization, not only to improve internal strength, but also to improve various martial arts.

In terms of internal strength, if it is too deep, they can't change it at all, because it's too profound to change.

So at the beginning, the elven clan’s fighting qi cultivation method was improved by Cerelia from "Sanyang Gong". Later, the strength increased. A group of elven powerhouses worked together to improve "Hunyuan Gong". , This allowed them to successfully cultivate to the Thousand Army Realm, and even now they first entered the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm.

As for the higher-level exercises such as "Hunyuan Wuji Gong", "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" and "Sunflower Treasure", they can't change it at all, because those top-level exercises are beyond their ability.

The martial arts is actually the same.

In addition to the elves' own fighting methods, the martial arts they practiced in the martial arts, in fact, mostly remained at the level of the Hundred Battle Realm martial arts.

Because starting from the Shifang realm, the martial arts of the corresponding realm must cooperate with the movement of inner strength and qi.

The fighting energy of their elves is not the same as the gang energy of martial arts civilization. At the same time, the meridians, acupoints, and running routes are completely different, so if they want to practice, they have to make major changes.

But how can this be so easy?

In the martial arts civilization, many advanced martial arts techniques are profound and profound. It is difficult for the native martial artists of the human race to learn, let alone to improve?

This is undoubtedly limiting the advancement of the elves in martial arts.

For a human martial artist, internal strength is important, but the corresponding martial arts is equally important.

Even some advanced martial arts, even in the case of insufficient skill, they can still win with skills in the face of powerful enemies.

From this point, we can see how valuable an advanced martial arts is.

But the elves basically do not have this.

This obviously also limits the martial arts strength of the elves to a large extent.

But fortunately, they also rely on their own special circumstances, and at the same time have multiple BUFF bonuses for multiple special civilizations, and their strength is basically not inferior to Human Warriors.

Even to speak of it, with the blessing of these three civilizations, an elven warrior who has just entered the ten thousand magic realm, it is estimated that based on the basic attributes, it can be small and even the ten thousand magic realm of the human race. The warriors played against each other.

At the same time, here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that in Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, the units that enjoy the multi-civilization BUFF bonus, of course, are not only elven warriors.

In addition, there are wizard wizards and human wizards.

Basically, all mage arms enjoy the BUFF bonus of magic civilization to mage units.

For Luo Ji, UU reading is a great harvest.

In addition, I have to ask Luo Ji what other big gains he has.

That is undoubtedly spells!

Because he has been unlocking magical civilization projects over the years, and now he is slowly unlocking advanced projects.

In addition to a few special items, Luo Ji mainly unlocks spell items, because he wants to obtain high-level spells of magical civilization.

Among them, the first priority to unlock is definitely those attributes that he does not have.

After weighing several attributes, Luo Ji finally chose to unlock the light spells first.

He undoubtedly did this after a lot of thought.

For example, ice spells, this kind of spells feel that they are more heavily influenced by environmental factors, and they are not universal enough.

In comparison, space-based spells and light-based spells are those that can be used everywhere, and are less affected by environmental factors.

In his early years, Luo Ji certainly gave priority to unlocking space spells.

However, the number of space-based wizards is very small, with fewer talents, and the difficulty of practicing space-based spells is higher than other spells. This leads to a situation that even if Luo Ji unlocks all the spells, they temporarily It is not used at all.

In this way, at this point in time, it is unnecessary to invest a lot of magic points and civilization points into this project, because you unlock it and you can only watch it there.

So after realizing this, Luo Ji directly changed the unlocking route and unlocked the light spell instead.

Then, after putting in a lot of magic points and civilization points, Luo Ji officially obtained the first fifth-order light system high-level spell, Flash Nova!

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