The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3342: Array Master

Compared with the common elemental wizards like earth, fire, water and wind, the number of light attribute wizards is still quite small.

   is regarded as a new attribute, the rarity is second only to the space system.

   As for the type of light mage...

   He is actually more comprehensive.

  There are attack spells, defensive spells, and some more functional and auxiliary spells.

   Mixing everything together, it feels like being in the world of wizards, which is a relatively golden attribute.

But in fact, it’s okay. They have civilizations of the world, attacking wizards, defensive wizards, and transfer support wizards. Under this premise, there can be a magical oil wizard that can do everything for the wizard troops. A comprehensive improvement is actually not bad.

  Under this premise, in addition to this traditional mage, the magic civilization is also rich in special mage, such as priests, and square mage.

   Pastor has nothing to say, just like a doctor of magical civilization.

   The focus is on this array mage.

   This is one of the special arms belonging to the magic civilization.

Array mage itself is also a type of mage. However, if you want to become an array mage, the most important thing is not innate attributes or innate aptitudes. Even the talent of spells and the strength of spell cultivation are not important. You have to have a brain that is smart enough!

   Is your head smart enough to allow you to learn this knowledge? This determines whether you have the ability to become an array mage.

   From this point of view, the formation mage is actually a bit similar to the alchemist.

   However, the main ability of the array mage is not alchemy, but the deployment of fixed arrays and spell barriers.

  Spell barriers generally tend to be defensive. For example, deploying spell barriers around an important building or even an important fortress to resist strong enemy attacks.

   If the magic circle is fixed, the effect is much greater.

  For example, the teleportation circle of the space system...

   People stand on a teleportation circle, and after activation, they can directly teleport people to another teleportation circle.

   The whole process is very convenient.

  The fixed space portal also has some of this technology.

   In the past few hundred years, all cities of their Ten Thousand Worlds civilization have been equipped with this kind of teleportation circle.

   The advantage is very obvious, that is convenience.

   is basically when you stop on the teleportation circle, turn your head, and then you can go to another city.

   But, of course there are trouble spots.

  For example, energy consumption?  The operation of the teleportation circle requires mana or space elements.

  Although it is a high-level magic circle?  I can also absorb some natural space elements to maintain its own operation on weekdays?   But if it is used frequently, it is definitely not enough to expect the teleportation circle to recover naturally.

  So?  This teleportation circle is very expensive to use?  It is far from being comparable to transportation such as subways and airplanes.

Another example is this teleportation array?   There is no way to teleport between planets and planets, because the distance of light-year level is too far, like that kind of movement, basically can only rely on a fixed space door?  Transportation method The teleportation range of the array?   is limited to within the planet?   between cities.

   Besides?  There is also the problem of the area and size of the magic circle.

  This teleportation array can’t be standing upright?   It’s spread on the ground, so there is a requirement for floor space.

   Can he do big?   Can also do small.

   But to be honest?  According to the current situation in the planet, where can it go?

   Those civilian teleportation arrays in the city, Luo Ji made mostly small ones, sending up to dozens of people in one trip.

   Because no matter how many things or people you want to transmit, the larger the teleportation array, the greater the primary energy consumption for teleportation.

  The civilian teleportation array, because of its high price, is very little practical compared to other means of transportation.

   is mainly used to deal with some emergency situations, or to transmit some goods that are not convenient for long-distance transportation.

   If you do too much, you will have to lose money just by maintaining it during the day.

   Under this premise, Luo Ji in the various military districts has made a big mistake.

  Basically every military area has deployed a huge teleportation array capable of teleporting 100,000 people in one go!

   This area is already very large, and the facilities of the military area can be put down after clearing the space.

   These large military teleportation arrays are undoubtedly equipped for the convenience of mobilizing troops in wartime.

   In addition to this kind of teleportation array, there are actually attacking arrays and defensive arrays. In short, there are various types and very many types.

   At that time, when the magic warship was attacking, those magic circles that were directly spread out in the air were actually attacking magic circles.

   Under this premise, various magic circles can actually be combined with each other to form a combined magic circle.

   All in all, the rank of Array Mage has a very high upper limit, and at the same time it really tests a person's brain.

  According to Luo Ji's experience over the years, he has three-star intelligence, plus a little talent, and he can almost get started. It is also possible to mix with a junior mages and a strong talent.

   If you want to do a good job, you need four stars and even higher intelligence.

   To some extent, the requirements of this formation mage are actually quite harsh.

Today, among their civilizations, there are still a lot of elementary Array Mage, but the number of Intermediate Array Mage is a mere 372, and there is currently only one high-level Array Mage. .

   However, the problem is not too big.

  Because the formation mage is not an actual combat unit.

   It is impossible to say that you have all started fighting, and then let them deploy the formation enchantment. Isn’t that stupid?

   Under normal circumstances, they are all arranged in advance. During the war, at most, they are asked to temporarily repair a problematic formation or something. It is impossible to deploy a formation enchantment on a large scale.

   In recent years, all important facilities and buildings in the civilization of Luo Ji's Ten Thousand Worlds have also been undergoing large-scale reconstruction one after another.

   On the one hand, it is because the age is indeed relatively old. Estimated time, it is almost indeed time to renovate and rebuild.

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   On the other hand, of course, it is for the mages of the formation to give him these important facilities and buildings, plus various corresponding spell barriers, so as to further ensure the safety of those important facilities and buildings.

   This is undoubtedly a super large project, not only the capital investment, but the workload is also amazing.

   In fact, I have been tossing until now, I haven't been tossing it yet.

   But Luo Ji's whole state is not in a hurry. In the previous full-scale war, he directly earned civilization points, so he now has civilization points, and he can adjust the time flow rate.

   His Ten Thousand Realms civilization has been developed for so many years now, but how long has it been for the outside world?

   During the entire development period, there was unprecedented abundance. What should he worry about?

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