The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3475: ,very professional

At this point, concealment is not important anymore, after all, the imperial army has already reached their doorstep.

Although the imperial army has not formally entered the territory of their civilization, Zhao Pan, who has returned to the front line, obviously has no intention of letting the other party do whatever they want at their doorstep.

Basically, as soon as the opponent's front foot arrived, the Trailblazer fleet, Hyperion fleet and Star Chaser fleet stationed on Battlefield One slammed on the back foot.

Dark Baym's Trident fleet and Zhao Yi's Raging Wave fleet harassed each other all the way, and experienced several consecutive years of combat. At this point, fatigue is certain.

Dak Bem and Zhao Yi, who knew in advance that there would be this battle, both picked a few days in advance to let their respective fleets take a break.

Now that the critical moment is reached, their two fleets are also completely unchained, and directly coordinated with the three magic fleets that have been staying in the rear to rest, launch an offensive and cut into the two sides of the Imperial Army.

The three fleet commanders, Yuan Xi, Gao Yi, and Wang Sheng, obviously also knew that the state of the Trident fleet and the Rage Fleet might not be particularly good.

Therefore, in this wave of offensive, as soon as their three fleets came up, they showed a fierce enough offensive momentum to directly attack the imperial fleet that has not yet had time to recuperate.

In the face of this kind of battle, even Marshal Bahat, who had been mentally prepared, could hardly say that he could easily cope with it.

Before, he was actually prepared to let his imperial army take a good rest for a while, and after a little adjustment of the state, he officially pushed forward, so that his imperial army could deal with this in a better state. Bo will definitely have an offensive.

But when they were preparing to take a break, Dak Bem's Trident fleet and Zhao Yi's Raging Wave fleet did not give them peace.

Even when I think about it now, Marshal Bahat couldn't help but whispered in his heart, ‘fun|people! ’

I have to say that in guerrilla warfare, Dak Bem and Zhao Yi are really very professional, so professional that the enemy wants to scold their mother on the spot.

The two sides are also old opponents, and when they fight again, they are really familiar with each other.

Soon, they confirmed the opposing commander candidates through the air, and did not make a change.

Unlike when only the Trident Fleet and the Raging Wave Fleet fought an attack before, this wave, their five magic fleets gathered together on the battlefield, and their hard power had already come up.

Once you seize the dominance and take the lead, the threat is quite big.

Even if it is a magical civilization with hard power above them, if it is careless, it will definitely pay a painful price!

Marshal Bahat, who had suffered a defeat before and suffered heavy losses, of course could not be careless.

Facing the five magical fleets that launched an offensive against them outside of Planet One, he had long been prepared.

Having lost the first move, he now has no choice but to counterattack defensively.

However, in the current situation, it is not so easy for him to fight back.

With the pioneer fleet and the Hyperion fleet as the core, the Star Chaser fleet, the Trident fleet and the Rage Fleet support and cooperate. Under the command of Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, the offensive of the five magical fleets is fierce and tricky.

The imperial fleet under the command of Marshal Bahat completely fell into a passive situation in a short period of time.

In the face of this situation, Marshal Bahart is not so much looking for a chance to fight back, as he has to stabilize the position first.

The many previous fights should have allowed the opponent to figure out his command style somewhat. This wave of attacks was entirely directed at him.

Marshal Bahat, who was trying to command the imperial fleet to stabilize his position, felt that he was obviously restrained by the opposite side.

However, Marshal Bahat didn't get confused because of this, and panicked.

Once the command style was found out, the opposite was the same.

Just like Yuan Xi and the others have figured out Marshal Bahat’s command style and some of the command methods, after previous battles, Marshal Bahat has a relatively full understanding of Yuan Xi and them, and they are directly communicating with each other. Facing each other.

In this process, as the two command cores of the magic fleet, Yuan Xi and Gao Yi's feelings are undoubtedly very clear.

Next, the two of them basically entered a state of targeting each other.

Maintaining this state, after the most difficult period at the beginning, under the command of Marshal Bahat, the imperial fleet finally gradually stabilized its position.

For Marshal Bahat, his next step is naturally to launch a counterattack.

However, he knew in his heart that the opponents he faced at this moment would basically not easily reveal the flaws for him to catch.

Therefore, if he wants to fight back, he can only fight hard!

It was nothing at all. His imperial fleet possessed obvious advantages in terms of military strength and hard power. It didn't hurt to fight hard, and even hard-working strength could give play to the strength of their imperial fleet.

However, what Marshal Bahat didn't expect at all was that he fought back several times and failed to achieve very good results...

The situation has pulled back a bit, but it hasn't reached the level he expected to back pressure on the opposite side.

With this situation, Marshal Bahat couldn't help but frowned.

Although the enemies they faced at this time were indeed quite difficult, in the eyes of Marshal Bahat, this was still not right.

The hard power of his imperial fleet is definitely sufficient.

But why several counterattacks failed to achieve his expected results?

"Could it be that……"

As his thoughts flew around, Marshal Bahat obviously had some guesswork in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, as if to verify the guess in his heart, Marshal Bahat, who spotted an opportunity, sent another counterattack.

And this result did not exceed his expectations.

At this moment, the guess in his heart was confirmed.

It's not that there is a problem with his command but the problem with the soldiers in his fleet.

Pushing all the way from the rear to the front, after several years of marching, the soldiers will inevitably fall into a state of exhaustion.

In addition, along the way, there were Dak Bem’s Trident fleet and Zhao Yi’s Raging Wave fleet, which made their journey more ‘lively’.

In such a tired state, another such battle was encountered, and for the soldiers of the Imperial Army, it was completely worse.

At first, it was okay, but with the accumulation of fighting time, more and more exhaustion will inevitably make the soldiers' state worse and worse, and eventually they may even experience a series of symptoms such as trance and unresponsiveness.

Once this symptom is encountered, no matter how fast Marshal Bahat's order is issued, but the soldiers in charge of the execution cannot keep up, the expected results will not be achieved and it is completely foreseeable.

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