When the soldiers were generally in a state of fatigue, they could still stabilize the situation, and Yuan Xi and Gao Yi did not seize the opportunity to kill them.

To a certain extent, it also proved the ability of Marshal Bahat as a top general.

But on the other hand, Dak Bem’s Trident fleet and Zhao Yi’s Raging Wave fleet were not in a good state of the battle, which is also one of the reasons.

After so many years of guerrilla tactics and harassment along the way, do you really think you can recover from fatigue by taking a few days of rest?

That is basically impossible.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Trident Fleet and the Raging Wave Fleet were in a relatively better state, but they were actually not much better.

The current situation, in the eyes of Marshal Bahat, is undoubtedly a bit bad.

Obviously it is not a solution to keep doing this.

The fleet on the side of the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms will certainly not let this opportunity go easily.

They haven't even formally entered the territory of the civilization of the world. It should have been the civilization fleet of the world that wanted to fight at home, so they took the initiative to give up the home field advantage and kill them. What else could they have?

Just take advantage of your illness to kill you!

In the face of such a battle, Marshal Bahat and his imperial fleet, who did not intend to be slaughtered like this, seem to have no other choice...

The order was issued, and on the ships in the rear, the attack hatches opened. As the core unit of their imperial army, a large number of magic pilots quickly exploded.

In the previous advancement process, the magic pilot unit actually assisted them in patrolling and reconnaissance missions, and at the same time they had experienced many encounters with the Trident fleet and the Raging Wave fleet that fought in guerrilla warfare.

But compared to the warship soldiers, when they are not dispatched, they basically only need to stay inside the warship to rest and do some daily training magic pilots. That whole state is undoubtedly much better than them.

At the same time, as an elite combat force, the Imperial Magic Aircraft Corps, which went out with the army, preserved its strength throughout the entire process. Now they are estimated to be the best troops in the entire Imperial Army!

At this moment, the commander-level combat power including Jarvis and Clinton is on the list.

In order to reverse the situation and save the situation, Marshal Bahat didn't hide it at all, and directly sent the Empire Magical Corps to fight!

The magic pilots, headed by the Imperial Magic Pilots Corps, were formally dispatched, and soon in the void, they were divided into multiple battle formations.

Among these multiple phalanxes, the magic pilots at the rear are equipped with sniper magic rifles and are good at rear fire output.

At the same time, in battle, they are also one of the most important firepower output of the Imperial Army.

With the blessing of magic spells, even facing a huge interstellar warship, they can pose a clear threat to it.

Immediately afterwards, after a certain distance, those who appeared in front of the sniper-type magic pilots were all balanced-type magic pilots.

The biggest feature of this type of magic pilots is that their long-range attack and close combat capabilities are quite good.

In a battle, the balanced magic pilots will not take the initiative to rush forward.

Under normal circumstances, they will give priority to remote firing.

There is no need to charge into battle, and the situation is relatively safe. In fact, it is only one of the reasons, and there is a more important reason. In fact, they also shoulder the task of protecting the sniper-type magic pilots on the battlefield.

If the enemy has a force that comes in and will threaten the sniper-type magic pilots who are directly behind for fire output, then the task of intercepting this force will basically fall on the balanced magic pilots. of.

In a war, excluding individual special circumstances, the existence of balanced magic pilots is equivalent to the sword guards of sniper magic pilots.

As for the last melee magic pilots, there is actually not much to say. They are responsible for charging and trapping. In fact, if they are subdivided, they can also be divided into raid, defensive, blade type, etc. according to the different combat styles. The representative one is undoubtedly Jarvis.

In this wave, Jarvis was also unambiguous. Under the premise of the fire cover of their Imperial fleet and the magic pilot unit, he directly took the lead in the charge and forced to kill the magic fleet at the fastest speed.

As an enemy who wielded the magic sword before and caused them a lot of loss, the appearance of Jarvis naturally attracted the attention of the magical fleet of ten thousand civilizations in the first time.

However, it is obviously too difficult to intercept and kill the commander-level combat power of this imperial army by means of battleships.

At this moment, a series of three arrows, carrying an astonishing qi, directly cut through the void, and shot towards Jarvis, who was approaching at extreme speed.

At that moment, Jarvis should have been alert, his body quickly flipped, and while successfully avoiding two of the arrows, the magic knife in his hand that had begun to glow in red and gold quickly swung out and hit On the arrow of the third arrow.

In a short time, the power transmitted from the arrow caused Jarvis's mouth to suffer severe pain. The magic knife that was tightly held in his hand was almost forcibly shook off by the arrow!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he held on and swept the arrow away with a force of strength, but he still couldn't hide the horror in his eyes.

You know, just now, he didn't choose to fight head-on.

Instead, he found an angle, avoided the confrontation of the frontal force, and cut it from the side, so as to achieve the purpose of easily sweeping the arrow that burst.

But the result is obviously not easy...

As his thoughts flew around, Jarvis glanced at the place where the three arrows burst, and a flash of fear quickly flashed across his face.

At the same time, in the void behind, riding on the back of the eagle beast, he just gathered his strength, and with the technique of continuous arrows, Burigude, who shot three arrows in one breath, threw away the one who opened his bow. one hand.

According to Burigude's martial arts training base ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the three-shot shooting under normal circumstances is naturally easy for him.

But the point is that the three arrows he shot just now are not normal.

The difficulty of using consecutive arrows is how to ensure the power and accuracy while increasing the number of arrows.

However, because Lianzhu Arrow is to shoot multiple arrows at a time, it leads to an unavoidable situation, that is, the first arrow is the most powerful, and the power of each arrow will decrease in turn. .

Under normal circumstances, taking three arrows as an example, suppose an archer can reach the number'ten' with the power of one arrow with all his strength. Then, in the case of continuous arrows, the power of his three arrows is basically ' Seven','six', and'five'.

But Brigude is different. If the power of his three arrows is divided by value, it is three nines!

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