The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3504: Big mistake

Enemies with brains and strength are undoubtedly the most difficult category to deal with.

According to the strength of the conquering knights, once invaded the interior of the Imperial Vanguard, it would be a huge threat to the soldiers in the ship.

Basically none of the information that has been sent back is good news.

Conquering the existence of the knights force almost disrupted their former stable rear fleet.

With the fastest speed all the way, he rushed to Dick here in an emergency. On the way, he undoubtedly had learned a more detailed information from Marshal Bahat.

Soon, the soldiers of the Sixth Empire’s Magic Regiment under his command and the soldiers of the 17th Empire’s Magic Regiment under Vitas hurriedly formed an assault formation to support the rear battlefield that had already become a regiment. .

And Dick himself, quickly found a position behind him, and set up his special anti-material level magic rifle.

As a typical sniper army commander, Dick is obviously no problem with marksmanship. Anyway, he must be better than Vitas.

After aiming for a while, Dick pulled the trigger, and the magic missile that came out of the gun instantly exploded a conquering knight’s blessing shield and hit the target's head!

With the advance warning from Marshal Bahat, Dick used a more powerful anti-material-grade magic missile when he came up.

Under the premise of the same level of civilized warfare, this kind of anti-material-grade magic missile matched with the anti-material-grade magic rifle can explode a heavy tank-level unit with one shot.

Now that he hits to conquer the knight, he naturally exploded with astonishing power.

Not to mention the head, even most of the body was torn apart!

Although the conquering knight is strong, but under the premise that the entire upper body is shattered, obviously there is no way to continue fighting.

According to Dick's sniper power, if you use anti-material-grade magic missiles to attack all the time, regardless of the loss, then conquering the knights is, in theory, a matter of one shot.

However, theory is only theory after all...

This first shot, after all, was the advantage of a sneak attack. When the enemy was unprepared, as a sniper capable of making it into the first echelon, Dick took aim without pressure.

And once prepared, even if a sniper army commander like Dick really wants to achieve success on the battlefield, it is impossible.

Not to mention the conquering knights on the opposite side. After realizing his existence and threat, the first reaction was to kill him, blasting his head with the conqueror's hammer in their hands!

Dick had a long-range output in the back, of course, he didn't plan to fight close combat with those conquering knights.

Although the soldiers of his guards had been killed and wounded in the previous battles, on the way to support this side, he had already picked a part of the troops from the Sixth Empire Swords Corps under his command. To ensure your own personal safety.

When Barr was alive in his early years, his back row output was too comfortable.

Therefore, in the previous battles, Dick had a strong confidence. When confirming the guard team, considering the convenience of action, he only arranged a small team of troops for himself, thinking that he could handle it...

But reality quickly gave him a slap. In this level of war, a small team's strength was quickly exhausted, leaving him completely passive.

And this time, Dick, who had tasted the lesson, directly transferred himself a squadron force to ensure his safety.

But as a price, their existence is undoubtedly more conspicuous than when the squad acted, and it was almost immediately exposed.

The new guards had been mentally prepared for a long time. As soon as the conquering knights were coming towards this side, they immediately laid out their formation and prepared to meet.

The elite of the imperial sorcerer regiment, its combat power is not comparable to that of the ordinary sorcerer soldiers.

In terms of individual strength, the conquering knights may still have a huge advantage, but it is obviously impossible for them to solve their elites like cutting melons and vegetables like before.

Seizing the opportunity, Dick, holding the anti-material magic rifle, exploded several conquering knights one after another.

But these conquer knights who don't know what fear is, after fully aware of the threat from Dick, the first reaction is to send more troops!

This situation caused the pressure on Dick to increase greatly, and he quickly began to gather the forces of the Sixth Magic Pilot Corps under his command. While ensuring his own safety, he also created a comfortable output environment for himself.

Dick's approach is not a big problem in itself.

A sniper legion commander, let the magic pilots of his legion focus on protecting his own safety, there is nothing wrong with it.

But the problem is that the actual combat power displayed by these tens of thousands of conquering knights is far more powerful than they expected.

Dick's approach would cause their frontal battlefield of the Empire's rear fleet to fall into a situation of insufficient combat power.

The frontal battlefield can't stand it anymore. A large number of conquering knights are constantly rushing in, trying to pose a threat to the electronic warfare troops of mechanical civilization.

Even if Dick has a comfortable output environment, he can kill the conquering knight one by one.

But these tens of thousands of conquered knights, when does he have to fight?

Not to mention that he still can't make one shot...

This made Marshal Bahat, who had confirmed the latest situation, sighed.

Dick's situation is definitely a big mistake above.

Although Dick's strength is first-class in marksmanship and technology, Dick lacks self-protection ability due to Barr's reasons.

He is accustomed to stable output in a comfortable environment, and he is not good at finding output opportunities in a chaotic battlefield that is fraught with Compared with other regiment chief snipers, this shortcoming of Dick is very obvious.

At this moment, Dick himself is undoubtedly aware of his flaw.

The reason why he was so tired in this battle and his own firepower output could not be displayed is the main reason.

At this time, Dick undoubtedly had no face anymore.

Whenever he had a chance, he quickly appealed to Vitas for help through communication.

Vitas, who received the request for help, gave up the death fight with the Pope, turned his head and rushed towards the position of their fleet behind the emperor.

In this process, as the main force on the front battlefield of their civilization, the five magic fleets headed by Yuan Xi and Gao Yi did not choose to seize this opportunity to launch a stronger counterattack. After confirming the situation, I chose to withdraw slowly...

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