The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3505: , Must be chased! !

Conquering the knight force has not yet succeeded in taking down the mechanically civilized electronic warfare force.

At the same time, on the side of the Wingmen, Vivian died in battle, and An Lijie lost the ability to fight because of severe mental loss.

As for the martial arts troops...

In the face of the large-scale imperial magic pilot regiment and the commander-level combat power of various regiments, the current casualties are not small.

Under this premise, most of their five magic fleets, most of the technological weapons, could not be used normally, some equipment was also affected, their combat power was greatly damaged, and it was unwise to continue to smash with the opposing Imperial fleet.

It's not that they don't want to win, but Yuan Xi and Gao Yi know very well that in this state, their chances of winning the opponent are too small.

Unless the conquering knight forces can successfully dispose of the opposing mechanical and civilized electronic warfare forces, so that their five magical fleets will no longer be suppressed by the opposing technological force.

But before that, it's always right to withdraw back to their home court so that they can gain home court advantage.

In fact, when the Holy Light Fleet entered the arena, their five magic fleets had already begun to withdraw slowly.

Putting it earlier, if the five magical fleets of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization are to retreat, the emperor headed by Marshal Bahat may not choose to pursue them.

After all, they are in a very bad state along the way and urgently need adjustment.

As for the hole card of the "Mechanical Civilization and Electronic Warfare Troops" that has been exposed, it doesn't really matter.

Because under the premise that their emperor can ensure the safety of this unit, the hole card of the'Mechanical Civilization and Electronic Warfare Unit' is almost unsolvable.

It was useless before, because Marshal Bahat planned to smash the frontier garrison of the civilizations of the world with one hand.

Now it has been exposed in advance. If you want to talk about the impact, it will definitely be a little bit, but the value of this force in this war is still immeasurable.

So up to this point, Marshal Bahat maintained a mentality of ‘if the other side retreats on a large scale, then I will gather the troops for rest after proper pursuit’ and direct the battle there.

However, this mentality completely collapsed after An Lijie used that super-wide range of holy words!

An Lijie’s holy word art seemed unreasonable and frantic in the eyes of Marshal Bahat!

Thanks to their imperial fleet, the distance between each warship is very long. If the formation is denser, the loss will be even more exaggerated.

For things like this, Marshal Bahat obviously didn't want to experience it a second time.

And now, if he let the opponent retreat like this, what if the six-winged enemy sends him a fierce attack next time?

Thinking of this, Marshal Bahart, when his old heart trembled twice, also completely dispelled the idea of ​​retreating on the other side.

chase! Must be chased! !

Marshal Bahat, who thoroughly demonstrated his commanding ability, directly controlled the overall situation and commanded multiple battles at the same time, and there was not much pressure.

Facing the pursuit of the five magic fleets before, he commanded the emperor to retreat in an all-round way. One of the purposes was to draw the garrison of the civilization of the world from his own territory, and the farther the better, so as not to Turning his head, the other party fled back again.

At this point, the hand that Marshal Bahat placed before was undoubtedly came in handy.

Nowadays, even if the troops of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms want to withdraw, it is difficult to withdraw to their own territory in a short time. This allows the emperor headed by Marshal Bahat to gain more time to pursue.

In this process, Marshal Bahat certainly did not relax his attention to the rear fleet.

Although it was just a change of one person, the presence of Vitas actually opened up the situation for them.

Under the leadership of Vitas, the elites of the Imperial Sword Corps quickly organized a large-scale effective counterattack, so that they finally did not need to be completely controlled by the offensive of the conquering knights.

During this process, Dick naturally retreated to the support position consciously and began to cover and support Vitas throughout the operation.

At the same time, this also made the battle between them start to fight more intensely!

"This time the enemy will give us ‘must’ too much, right?!"

After two rounds of rushing, Vitas, who spoke ridiculously, had a slightly solemn expression on his face.

Because the conquering knight is not the kind of creature with flesh and blood, this has greatly affected his thunder and lightning technique.

Although Vitas still has the ability to wreak havoc on the conquering knight, he obviously needs to spend more effort to do this.

"That fellow Fein, when he is needed, is he completely useless?!"

Obviously, in the eyes of Vitas, Fein, the commander of the Empire's Second Magic Pilots Corps, who is full of muscles in his head, is very suitable for dealing with these conquering knights.

However, the muscular second man in the previous battle with Rayong suffered both defeats with Rayong, and is now paralyzed. The Second Empire’s Second Magic Aircraft Corps is currently under the command of the deputy commander. How could Fein still have it? Excessive energy to participate in this battle?

This made Vitas couldn't help but ridicule.

Vitas had little respect for Fein, who was completely his senior in terms of qualifications.

However, considering his strength, he does have this capital.

The battle continued. The two imperial magic pilot regiments headed by Vitas and Dick, coupled with the combat power composed of the magic pilot army at the rear and their emperor’s rear fleet, basically contained the conquest. The offensive of the knights forces the battle here to a stalemate.

At the same time, the five magic fleets commanded by Yuan Xi and Gao Yi were here.

Facing the imperial fleet under the command of Marshal Bahat, Yuan Xi and others looked solemn.

After all, this imperial fleet is more than just chasing after them.

Pursuing them all the way down, the losses of their five magic fleets are rising.

Among them, Gao Yi’s Hyperion Fleet, Dak Beim’s Trident Fleet and Zhao Yi’s Rage Fleet, UU Reading clearly surpassed Yuan Xi’s Trailblazer Fleet and Wang Sheng’s Star Chase in terms of losses.者 fleet.

The Hyperion Fleet's frustration was undoubtedly due to the suppression of its technological capabilities. As for the Trident Fleet and the Rage Fleet, they were in a somewhat worse state.

In this state, once the fleet retreats and becomes passive, it is inevitable that the loss will increase.

"Damn it, the other party is now determined to decide the victory or defeat with us in this game! If this continues, even if we can support the withdrawal of the territory, we will certainly pay a painful price. beated!"

In the chief command room of the main flagship of the Hyperion Fleet, Gao Yi's state at the moment was slightly mad.

Their original good situation was so distracted by a mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit, who would be crazy if they changed.

"There is no way to retreat, I can only have a showdown with the opponent here!"

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