The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3506: Breaking the Void

Gao Yi's words undoubtedly also expressed Yuan Xi's thoughts at this time.

After their five magical fleets began to retreat, his pioneer fleet took on most of the cover and support tasks. What is the situation now? As the highest commander of the pioneer fleet, how could Yuan Xi be unclear? ?

The emperor's side, now relying on its strength, pursues ferociously.

Of course, they can also bet that the emperor will soon reach the limit and break without attack.

But the cost and risk of gambling on this are too great. Once they make a wrong gambling, they probably have no room to turn around, so they can't afford to gamble!


Yuan Xi exhaled a long breath, and finally confirmed the situation again, completely determined...

"Let's do it, life or death depends on this wave!"

With the order being issued, the various troops of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization took actions everywhere on the battlefield.

Among them, Bai Ze, who was being suppressed jointly by Jarvis and two sniper-type magic pilots, after confirming the order, accompanied by a low drink, he was full of anger and suddenly rose!

As an old opponent, Jarvis keenly caught the change of Bai Ze, and immediately retreated, and drew a safe distance from the opponent in one breath.

In this process, the two sniper-type magic pilots in the distance also cooperated with him tacitly, and at the same time opened fire to suppress Bai Ze, blocking Bai Ze's pursuit.

However, what Jarvis didn't expect at all was that Bai Ze, standing in the void wearing silver armor, had no intention of pursuing it.

Facing the powerful sniping of two sniper-type magic pilots, Bai Ze swept through the cloud spear in his hand and wiped out all their attacks in an instant!

At the same time, a large number of ace soldiers who were waiting nearby under Bai Ze's command came together after receiving the signal.

In a blink of an eye, in the void, a huge phantom began to surging. Accompanied by waves of dragons, the posture of the Azure Dragon appeared completely after several twists!

At the same time, the qi rising wildly from Bai Ze's body also condensed into a giant giant almost identical to Bai Ze at this moment!

The Azure Dragon hovered, following the hand of the Great Sky Giant who was holding the gun, and wrapped around the Great Sky Giant's body like a silk.

Suddenly, the suffocating sense of horrible oppression almost rushed towards the face, almost pressing Jarvis and the others out of breath, and at the same time, it made Jarvis feel that his whole body cells tremble at this moment. .

[Blue Dragon plus body! Valkyrie is coming! ! 】

At this moment, as the only Martial God level peak combat power of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, showing the incarnation of the Martial God, and at the same time integrating Bai Ze, who is blessed by the Azure Dragon Array, is finally in this crucial battle. , Completely broke out his full combat power! !

There is no time to spend more time, "War God Coming" as the signature means of the peak power of the Martial God Realm, this can be understood as the ultimate manifestation of "Wushuang", its consumption is huge, needless to say.

And this blue dragon formation is also one of the ultimate means of martial arts civilization.

Now that Bai Ze forcibly brought these two ultimate means into one, the posture of the'Blue Dragon Warrior' displayed by it was obviously impossible to maintain for long.

With both feet kicking the void, the void area where Bai Ze was standing was immediately completely covered with dense cracks!

Under the burst of power, Bai Ze, who maintained the posture of the Azure Dragon, turned into a azure dragon shadow, and rushed out.

The sound of the dragon's chant shook the world, and wherever it passed, the surrounding void seemed to have been ravaged by some terrifying force, and it was instantly filled with cracks!

At that moment, Jarvis and the others had already made the consciousness to die for the empire!

But they soon discovered that Bai Ze's first goal was not actually them.

This discovery made Jarvis and the others involuntarily produce a sense of fortunate escape.

But after that, Jarvis and others, who realized that something was wrong, changed their faces.

"Not good! His goal is a mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit!!!"

As a very important part of their emperor's tactics, the mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit is obviously not to be lost.

Realizing this, Jarvis's first reaction was to notify Marshal Bahat, and then hurried to catch up.

In the process, Jarvis's face became more ugly.

Because just now, at the moment when he was about to catch up, he hesitated...

Facing that terrifying monster, he actually had an urge to turn around and escape in his heart!

But his will as an emperor commander finally overwhelmed that impulse and began to pursue Bai Ze, even if he knew that it might be a road to death, he had to go!

The frontline battlefield where Bai Ze and the others were originally located, and the area where the emperor's rear fleet was located, were actually far away.

After all, you can't expect them to squeeze into battle in that small star field with thousands of kilometer-long interstellar warships.

Therefore, if you want to reach the area where the emperor’s rear fleet is located, you almost have to run directly from one end of the battlefield to the other end.

However, this is almost a distance that needs to traverse the battlefield, and in front of Bai Ze at this time, it is not worth mentioning.

Carrying a shattered void all the way, Bai Ze, incarnate as a dragon shadow, quickly burst into the rear battlefield in an instant.

At that time, Marshal Bahat, who had just received the emergency communication from Jarvis, had not even had time to hang up the communication. The battlefield where the fleet of the emperor’s rear had already ushered in this one step ahead. Absolute destructive power!

The starship of mechanical civilization and the iron-clad battleship of magical civilization, one is full of sense of science and technology, while the other is inclined to retro. The difference in appearance is still very big. UU reading

This allowed Baize, who had reached the battlefield to maintain extreme speed, and could lock the position of that mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit at a glance.

Without any extra action, Bai Ze just approached the past directly.

All the enemies along the way were crushed to death by him.

Shuttle in the imperial fleet, at this time Bai Ze is almost in the land of no one!

The opponent didn't even have time to react, so he rushed to him.

Locking the target, after narrowing the distance to a certain point, Bai Ze did not hesitate to control the incarnation of the Valkyrie, and brazenly waved the cloud-piercing spear in his hand.

At that moment, it was like a dragon dance, the green dragon entwined on his avatar of the **** of war, accompanied by the waving of the cloud spear in his hand!

"A blow to the world, the dragon wobbles its tail!!!"

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