The voice of the ‘mummy’ who said this sentence is not loud, it can even be said to be extremely weak. If you don’t listen carefully, you may even be unable to hear what he is saying.

However, through the built-in equipment, Minister Zhao is still clear about what the ‘mummy’ just said.

After confirming what the ‘mother’ had just said, Minister Zhao's eyes were slightly surprised.

Now it seems that the other party has sorted out the situation quite clearly.

Under normal circumstances, a person who has just been rescued from a near-death state, even if his consciousness is still clear, does not mean that his mind has been able to function normally.

Under this circumstance, if the other party speaks, it is most likely to speak a native language that is already deep in the bone marrow, and it is impossible to speak a foreign language.

But the other party happened to speak the Chinese dialect at this moment...

And why do you speak Celestial dialect?

That should be the fact that after the other party found out that he was rescued, he recalled that a hundred years ago, Ivan Raster handed over the magical civilization to their ten thousand world civilization.

The other party speculated that they were from the Celestial dynasty, so they used the Celestial dialect to communicate with the medical staff as soon as they came up.

This matter is not difficult for a normal person who can speak Celestial dialect, but for a person who has only awakened from a state of dying before, it is not small.

At the same time, this move by the other party also made Minister Zhao clearly aware of the other party's choice.

However, as mentioned earlier, the current state of the ‘mummy’ is really too weak.

It is completely different from the situation of Kaidiwen. Now that the "mummy" in this weak state, let him talk to Dak Bem, the efficiency of the conversation is probably not very good. Let the other party take care of it for a period of time. .

Of course, Minister Zhao didn't forget to send a message to Dak Bem and notify him.

Another week later, after the ‘mummy’ regained consciousness, and after waking up, the frontline medical department undoubtedly launched the next stage of recuperation for him.

In addition to the nutrient solution injected into him every day, he also began to prepare some liquid food for the ‘mummy’ for consumption.

During this whole process, the ‘mummy’ behaved very cooperatively.

In a week's time, although his condition was still extremely weak, he was undoubtedly much better than before.

And in this process, the front-line medical department also thoroughly confirmed the true identity of the ‘mummy’.

They didn't directly ask each other as soon as they came up, are you Jarrett?

No matter how you think about this questioning method, there are problems.

So, what they are asking is, ‘what’s your name? Why did it appear in that ship? ’

Through this question, the identity of the ‘mummy’ has been completely determined, and it has lived up to the expectations. He is indeed the head of the Ordnance Research Headquarters of the original magical civilization, Jarrett!

As for why he appeared in that ship...

It was similar to the information that Kaidiwen had provided to them before.

After Ivan Rast left with all his troops to find the unfavorable mechanical civilization, the entire empire was plunged into a huge civil strife due to the disintegration of the galaxy.

In this civil turmoil, a group of important empires, including Jarrett, brought all supplies, boarded the only remaining ships on the planet, and flew out of the planet to avoid being swept by the riots in the planet. Go in.

The people of the empires on the planet, after learning the news, their move undoubtedly made the already rioting main planet more chaotic, and the people were even more excited.

However, the officials who left with Jarrett at that time could no longer control so many.

No matter what the final situation becomes, they must ensure that the core power of their empire can be preserved.

That way, after the riots, their empire will have the capital to make a comeback.

As for Jarrett...

Although he is the minister of the original magical civilization ordnance research headquarters, he is an extremely important top talent in the empire.

But in the final analysis, he is just a researcher who studies weapons. He has no real power himself, and now he can only be obediently captured by a few real power factions in the empire.

After leaving the main planet, the ship they were on did not fly far.

The disintegration of the galaxy made the originally confirmed interstellar coordinates in their empire basically null and void.

They have no direction, at this point, they don't know where to fly.

Not to mention, Ivan Last drove all the warships away before, and they are now boarding mostly logistics ships, lacking actual combat capabilities.

If you lose your way in the void, or encounter any enemy, it will be even more terrible.

Therefore, after weighing various situations, they decided to let the ship sail around the satellite orbit of the main planet.

After a period of time, after the situation within the planet became more stable, UU read www.uukānshu. com and they will return to the planet and regain power.

These people think pretty beautifully.

But as everyone knows, what happened next was not as smooth as they expected...

The magical civilization that had lost the sun fell into the darkness with no end in sight. The lower and lower temperatures soon caused heavy snow to fall on the planet. In the end, the entire planet seemed to have entered the ice age.

During that period of time, the ships flying in the orbit of the main planet's satellites actually sent a few ships to return to the interior of the planet to confirm the situation.

The result was no surprise. The situation on the planet almost frightened them. The entire environment is no longer suitable for human survival.

In desperation, they can only choose to withdraw from the planet again.

However, compared with the unhurried state before, this time, the atmosphere between the ships and even the inside of the ships began to become a little more subtle.

After all, this original retreat suddenly became a dead end, and then many problems were born.

One of the biggest problems is the issue of resources.

In fact, the situation in the planet is not too extreme at this stage. Take a risk, they can still try to return to the planet to see if they can get a foothold in the extremely cold environment.

However, at this critical moment, the first thing that comes to mind is always oneself.

In the fleet, resources are relatively limited. Everyone wants to ensure that they have enough resources in their hands to increase their fault tolerance and survival probability.

After that, I don’t know who provoked the head first. Within the fleet, a battle for ‘resources’ erupted completely.

And this, without a doubt, is a battle destined to'destruction'...

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