The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3757: Jarrett (2)

After half a month has passed, it is very beneficial to adjust a person's state after being able to steadily consume food.

After half a month's time, although Jarrett still has that skinny appearance, it must be said that his current appearance, at least, will no longer be mistaken for a ‘mummy’.

At the same time, he has already possessed a certain amount of mobility, and is slowly carrying out some exercises in accordance with the rehabilitation plan formulated for him by the front-line medical department.

On this day, since the rescue of Jarrett to the present, Dak Bem and Jarrett, it can be said that it is the first formal meeting and conversation.

This period of time was enough for Jarrett to sort out his already very clear thoughts more clearly.

Undoubtedly, he knows his current situation and at the same time knows what this conversation means to him.

Looking at the figure in front of him, who was in a much better state than before, Dak Bem spoke casually...

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, you can change the source of the book \Mi\MiRead\\!

"have eaten?"

The two words without beginning and end made Jarrett's complexion look bad.

But in the end, after taking a deep breath, he nodded heavily.

"Eat it, in order to survive."

At this moment, what Dark Bem asked, of course, could not be whether Gerrett had a meal or not.

Instead, he was asking if he had eaten human flesh!

When the detection team pried open the entrance and found the skeleton before, Dak Bem, who was in the main flagship command room at the time, began to doubt this.

Because it is not the first time that they have swept a fleet like this, and at the same time, they have found many dead people in the fleet.

But the corpses of those dead are mostly mummified, and they rarely become ‘clean’ like this.

After the team members entered the room, looking at the scattered white bones in the room, the thoughts in Dak Bem's heart also became more determined.

Of course, the thorough confirmation is after that.

Dark Bem asked the people of the detection team to examine the complete skeleton.

After removing the skeletal body, which was basically rag-like clothing, and performing a simple inspection, they quickly discovered that the skeleton should have fallen apart a long time ago, but it was later on. The person went back.

As for why it sticks back...

Judging from the position of the skeleton, and the fact that the door would fall out of the door as soon as it was pried open.

This should be an ‘alarm system’ that Jarrett made for himself.

On the one hand, it is to create movement and remind yourself.

After all, when a person is undernourished for a long time and there is no communication, you can't keep him in a state of concentration all the time. It is common to be distracted, and the mental will is likely to become distracted or blurred, or even worse. Under the circumstances, it is possible to pass out in a coma.

On the other hand, it should be to frighten the intruders that may appear and create opportunities for their next actions.

After that, the detection team brought back some of the bones for testing.

The result of this test, to put it simply, is familiar...

Now, the answer is self-evident.

Now facing Jarrett's confession, Dak Bem just nodded slightly, not entangled any more.

This past thing, after all, just passed, let alone the other party was also for survival at the time, there was no choice, can it still make him just go to death like this?

The reason why he asked such a sentence now, to put it bluntly, was to see how Jarrett would respond when faced with this matter.

What is done is done. You have to have an attitude toward this matter, right?

Is it to cover up, shirk responsibility, or simply confess?

As the head of the original Sorcerer Civilization Ordnance Research Headquarters, the opponent's abilities needless to say. In addition, the opponent should also have mastered many of the top technologies of Sorcerer Civilization.

Under this premise, in addition to ability, character is undoubtedly very important.

At this time, the other party's blunt and frank attitude still made Dak Bem more satisfied, at least it seemed to be a bit responsible.

After that, Duck Bem began to inquire about the other party's technology.

Upon questioning, the director of the original Ordnance Research Headquarters of the Magical Civilization was indeed not the one. Basically, he had participated in the design of large and small ordnance weapons for the Magical Civilization.

Among the large-scale ordnance equipment, the more important ones are the imperial battleships, city-breaking cannons and meteor cannons of various levels!

And some small individual-level ordnance equipment, the weapons of the magic pilots, needless to say, the most important thing is that in his previous main projects, there was the research and manufacture of top magic light brains and enhanced equipment!

After all, he is the head of the Ordnance Research Headquarters, so at the beginning, Dak Bem had guessed that the other party should have some understanding of the important weapons and equipment of the magical civilization.

Who could have imagined that after the actual confirmation, this gain is really greater than he expected. UU reading www.

Every technology that the other party has mastered is a huge help to their civilization of the world.

Of course, just in case, Duck Bem still has to check again.

"Then Mr. Jarrett, do you still remember these techniques?"

This is a very important question.

Each of these technologies is extremely complicated. It is not easy to remember all of them. In addition, after so many years, who can ensure that they can always remember those things?

Regarding the question of Dark Baym, Gerret undoubtedly had anticipated it a long time ago.

Since he was sober, in addition to envisioning the situation he would have to face, he has also seriously recalled these technologies as his important bargaining chips.

Therefore, he is still very knowledgeable today.

"Individual technologies are indeed hard to remember, but I still remember the projects that I was mainly responsible for. After all, it took countless time and energy to study them."

Speaking of this, Jarrett's eyes also flashed a hint of complexity.

"In those years, in order not to let myself go crazy, I could only keep thinking about these studies in my mind, and then through my imagination, I tried to improve and upgrade those weapons and equipment in my mind, while killing time, but also In order not to let myself go crazy."

Duck Bem nodded again when he heard this.

No matter how you say it, this is undoubtedly good news for their civilization of the world.

"Next, if I want to ask, your Excellency should have guessed it a long time ago. Therefore, Mr. Gerrett, are you willing to submit to our civilization of the world and contribute to the development of our civilization?"

"Of course, on the other hand, we will try our best to meet your reasonable requirements."

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