When the moon is full, it loses, just as Luo Ji didn't plan to squeeze the Comet Cannon, Elemental Magic Cannon, Thermonuclear Energy Cannon, and City Breaking Cannon on a sub-firepower.

The same is true on the main firepower ship.

Since the largest C position is to be reserved for the Comet Cannon, a trade-off has to be made in the other three secondary main gun weapons.

Otherwise, even the main firepower of the three-kilometer class will appear too crowded, which will cause the balance of the firepower system to be unable to maintain.

In response to this issue, after a brief discussion between the people of the ordnance research and the military generals, everyone unsurprisingly voted to eliminate the city destroyer.

It's not that they have any opinions on the City Breaking Cannon, but because of the type.

Both the Comet Cannon and the City Breaker are live ammunition weapons. Under this premise, after the main fire ship has a stronger Comet Cannon, it eliminates the City Breaker. Isn't that a natural move?

At this time, someone might say that the Elemental Magic Cannon and the Thermonuclear Energy Cannon are also energy weapons, and one of the two main cannons can also be eliminated.

If you think so, it's a big mistake.

Indeed, Elemental Magic Cannon and Thermonuclear Energy Cannon are both energy weapons in terms of the nature of their attack.

But the difference between the two types of secondary main guns is actually very big. Elemental Magic Cannon is a magic side weapon, and Thermonuclear Energy Cannon is a technology side weapon. Essentially, the whole attack principle is different.

Both weapons have different targeting situations, so it goes without saying.

In addition, the most important difference lies in the attack mode!

The element magic cannon actually has the same attack mode as the live ammunition cannon, except that the shells of the element magic cannon are condensed by elemental forces, which are explosive single-shot attacks.

The thermonuclear energy gun is different, it is a continuous attack, and can even carry out sweep operations.

This is a major advantage that neither the Elemental Magic Cannon nor the Comet Cannon possesses, and it greatly enriches the attack methods of a Magic Warship.

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After confirming the main firepower ship and eliminating the city-breaking artillery, the design drawing of the entire main firepower ship can basically be finalized.

Of course, some shortcomings of the Comet Cannon must be confessed to Luo Ji before it is officially put into production.

Needless to say, the cost is high, the cooling time is long after an attack, and the cost of the shells. These are common problems. Among them, the most troublesome, but also the biggest impact on a magic warship. In fact, the comet cannon can’t move at high speed. Fire in the middle.

In the process of high-speed movement, the stability of the magic warship will inevitably drop drastically. Once the comet cannon fires, the recoil impact will be very dangerous for a magic warship that is moving at high speed. .

At the same time, the accuracy of shelling will also be greatly affected.

And this will greatly affect the main firepower's flexibility and pursuit ability in battle.

However, looking at this matter from another angle, as a main firepower, the most important thing is of course its firepower output.

When the firepower output is strong enough and the attack range is long enough, it is a matter of course to sacrifice the speed and flexibility of some warships.

At that time, if you need to chase, this piece of work will naturally be done by the vanguard ship.

In the face of the enemy's entry, the fireboats in the back row are also protected by frigates around them.

After all the problems were confirmed, the manufacturing project of the Comet Cannon and the main fire warship was quickly ordered to go down and enter a state of full manufacturing.

In this way, a few years later, somewhere on the battlefield, in the void, a large-scale coalition army is slowly advancing.

This is the combined army of Luo Ji's Ten Thousand Realms Civilization and Zhao Heng's Orc Civilization.

Since the Stygian civilization increased its offensive efforts, the mechanical civilization has undoubtedly further gathered its strength.

This made Zhou Yi and the others very comfortable along the way, and they did not suffer a sudden attack at all.

However, as time went by, preliminary estimates showed that they were getting closer and closer to the border of mechanical civilization.

Therefore, the vigilance work that should be done well must also be done well and cannot be too relaxed.

And at this time, in the general command room of the expeditionary army, a goblin clan electronic warfare soldier suddenly exclaimed...

"General! Our system has been compromised!"

Needless to say, in this battlefield, there is no one who has the ability to invade the military system of their Ten Thousand World Civilizations except mechanical civilization.

"Lock all the technology side equipment, start the backup device!"

After confirming the situation, Zhou Yi calmly ordered.

With mechanical civilization as the goal, can the assembled expeditionary force be defenseless in the area of ​​electronic warfare?

Not to mention fighting against mechanical civilization, Zhou Yi can be said to be rich in experience.

Although in electronic warfare, their ten thousand world civilization is not the opponent of mechanical civilization, but they can choose to avoid the battle in this area!

Before on the march, I have been using technology-side equipment. To put it bluntly, the consumption cost of technology-side equipment is lower than that of magic-side equipment.

Now as soon as it is attacked by the enemy's electronic warfare, UU reading www. They naturally switched to uukanshu.com immediately.

Almost as Zhou Yi commanded the army under his command and began to respond, as another commander in the army, Du Yuanzhi had already acted first and directly mobilized the vanguard fleet to outflank it.

According to the display results of the composite magical radar, the mechanical civilization fleet that appeared far away from their fleet, although not small in size, was not much larger.

To put it bluntly, it is the patrol force during the war.

According to the strength of their expeditionary force, they can completely crush the opposite side.

If luck is good, let them seize the opportunity, destroy the opponent in a group, and reduce the opposing force, then it will undoubtedly be better.

With such thoughts in mind, Du Yuanzhi began to act.

And his transfer was also within Zhou Yi's expectations.

The two of them had been on the battlefield on the 2nd battlefield for so many years, and joined forces to resist the invasion of mechanical civilization forces. There is still a tacit understanding between them.

Compared with Zhouyi, who was more adept at coordinating the overall situation, Du Yuanzhi, as a ‘shenji military division’, undoubtedly focused more on the formation of troops.

Therefore, the division of labor between the two is also clear.

The vanguard fleet that received Du Yuanzhi's order moved quickly, and Guo Zhen led the sandstorm troops under his command, riding a two-footed dragon, exploding speed, and attacking!

In the distant void, the detection system of the mechanical civilization fleet locked the threat for the first time.

According to the calculation results of the main brain of the fleet, the mechanical civilization fleet that did not intend to smash with the joint army here, while quickly retreating, also sent a large number of 702 fighters to try to intercept the sandstorm troops headed by Guo Zhen. !

Since the end of the war with Magic Civilization, after many years, their forces of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization and Mechanical Civilization have fought again at this moment!

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