The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3775: , Evaluation

The Type 702 fighter, or in other words, the various types of unmanned fighters, basically belong to the low-level arms of mechanical civilization.

It is the cannon fodder used to test the enemy's military intelligence and consume the enemy's firepower.

But after the number of cannon fodder has increased to a certain level, the battles are commonly known as crowded tactics.

Once this level is reached, it is not easy to play.

Not to mention, the machine-sea tactics of this mechanical clan, thanks to the one-piece metamorphic coordination, are far more terrifying than the human-sea tactics of other ordinary civilizations!

As the fleet of Type 702 fighters approached, the energy weapons that flew out were almost intertwined into a dead zone without any gaps.

Every time they face this battle, the sandstorm unit headed by Guo Zhen will feel a burst of invisible pressure even after they have dealt with it many times!

"Finalize! Dang Liuhe!!"

Individual generals with sufficient hard power are naturally able to resolve with their own hard power, but this kind of high-density attack, even for elite soldiers, and even the soldiers of the trump card, is a threat that should not be underestimated.

To this end, the simplest solution is nothing more than to stand up against the past!

At the end of the Liuhe battle formation, a person located in the center of the battle formation, after receiving the strength blessing, directly opened the golden bell of the body guard and covered all the soldiers of the surrounding sandstorm troops in.

These Type 702 fighters, under the unified command and mobilization of the main brain, the level of coordination, although it can be called frenzied, but as a low-level unit of mechanical civilization, the attack intensity is there after all, only that little.

After the soldiers of the sandstorm unit formed a formation to open the golden bell, they wanted to explode, but it was not that easy.

Relying on the protection of the golden bell of the body guard, the soldiers of the sandstorm troops directly attacked and killed them.

Although there is a shield, the shield strength of the Type 702 fighter is not high. In order to ensure mobility and flexibility, the armor thickness is also very thin.

Under the concentrated fire attack of the soldiers of the sandstorm troops, a large number of fighters were quickly exploded and the loss was paid.

But Guo Zhen knew that such unmanned fighters were innumerable in the hands of mechanical civilization, and this loss was not worth mentioning to mechanical civilization.

If you want to cause a relatively clear loss to the opponent, you have to take the opposite starship or the high-level mechanical warrior.

In this wave, the target that Guo Zhen and Du Yuanzhi locked was undoubtedly the patrol fleet of mechanical civilization.

They want to destroy this fleet directly here!

With this idea in mind, Guo Zhen burst into power. While crushing dozens of Type 702 fighters along the way, he led his own squad through the blockade and directly killed the mechanical civilization patrol fleet that was trying to withdraw.

In today’s civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms, according to Guo Zhen’s perfect martial arts cultivation of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realms, under normal conditions, individual combat power is difficult to rank among the first echelon of their Ten Thousand Realms civilization. It means that his strength is weak.

Unless the opposing mechanical civilization patrol fleet sends out S-class mechanical warriors, it is not so easy to stop him.

Not to mention, behind him, he followed part of the combat power of his sandstorm troops!

With his own five-star level of command, Guo Zhen became invisible, becoming more fond of leading troops to launch operations.

Among the fierce generals of their ten thousand civilizations, Zhou Xian, Zhao Hao and the others are now above Guo Zhen, not to mention Bai Ze and Luo Yong.

However, with only this ability to command troops, Guo Zhen can be said to be the best of all the generals of his civilization today!

The upper limit of four-star bravery locked Guo Zhen, making him unable to step through that hurdle, unable to break through the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, and become the first-line powerhouse in the Wushuang Realm.

Over the years, Guo Zhen has undoubtedly become more and more aware of this in his heart.

Therefore, gradually, while maintaining his martial arts cultivation level, he also shifted his focus to improving his ability to command troops.

The effect of this is undoubtedly significant. On the previous battlefield on the second battlefield, Guo Zhen led the sandstorm troops to resist the invasion of the mechanical civilization. It can't be said that the performance is very eye-catching, but it is definitely the backbone of the second line of defense.

In addition to the orc army, Guo Zhen and his sandstorm troops also contributed to the defense of the border on the second battlefield.

For this reason, considering the change of Guo Zhen, it is also to further enable Guo Zhen to give play to his five-star commanding advantage.

While dispatching more troops to Guo Zhen, Luo Ji also transferred a lot of martial arts powerhouses from the Qianjun Realm to the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm level.

Let Guo Zhen thoroughly become the military commander with the largest number of commanders among their civilizations and the military commander with the largest number of martial arts powerhouses!

So and so, for this special situation, in the state of individual combat, on the side of mechanical civilization, UU reading gave Guo Zhen the assessment of the threat level, although only the A+ level, but in the situation of unified combat Next, Guo Zhen's threat level on the mechanical civilization side, conservatively estimated, has reached S level!

By the way, the threat level assessment of mechanical civilization is not simply an assessment of the combat capability of a target.

This so-called'threat level' is a comprehensive evaluation based on the calculation of the mastermind and the analysis of intelligence.

To give a simple example, a hacker who has the ability to hack their mechanical civilization fleet tactical system!

So this hacker, even if it is a five-scumbag who has no power to bind a chicken, in the mechanical civilization, the opponent's threat level, no matter how bad it is, can reach S+ level, or even X level!

Therefore, in a strict sense, the evaluation of the threat level of mechanical civilization is not equal to the evaluation of combat effectiveness, but an evaluation of how much threat it can bring to them!

The threat level reached the S-level enemy target, and it approached at a high speed, causing the first level alarm to sound directly inside the mechanically civilized patrol fleet.

In order to allow the starship to retreat all over, following the Type 702 fighters, a large number of mechanical warriors rushed out to form the second interception net, trying to stop Guo Zhen, who led the army to kill.

Among them, there are hundreds of A-level fighters of the mechanical clan. Combining the intelligence information that has been obtained, under the unified command of the mastermind, they will join hands to confront the enemy. Even the strong of Wushuang Realm will not be easy to face.

However, in the face of this battle, Guo Zhen was fearless and commanded the elite soldiers under his command. At the end of the battle, hundreds of mechanical A-level fighters joined forces, and they were helpless.

At the same time, the magic vanguard fleet under the command of Du Yuanzhi broke out at full speed, chased up, and slammed into the rear of the mechanical civilization patrol fleet...

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