The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3776: Border temptation

Du Yuanzhi and Guo Zhen made it clear that they had no intention of letting go of this mechanically civilized patrol fleet.

The early years of fighting experience let them know clearly that the mechanical races basically act in groups.

The combination of powerful intelligence collection and analysis and computing capabilities, astonishing numbers and integrated coordination, is the most powerful part of the machine clan.

Therefore, it is generally impossible for the mechanical clan to act alone. During the battle, if you can see a mechanical clan on the battlefield, it means that at least one mechanical clan unit exists nearby.

In this way, it is not easy for them to catch such a small fleet of two to three hundred starships.

Once the war begins, a fleet of this size will definitely be out of sight.

If this wave of letting them go and letting them escape, Guo Zhen and Du Yuanzhi, it is estimated that they will have a feeling of'losing a hundred million'.

Fortunately, this mechanically civilized patrol fleet can't leave either.

The small fleet composed of two to three hundred starships is not worth mentioning in this level of battle. After their vanguard fleet of civilizations of the world came up, the sandstorm force that cooperated with Guo Zhen was quickly defeated. Mostly.

And at this moment, Du Yuanzhi's voice rang from the communication device in his ear...

"Attention general! Unknown troops appearing on the periphery of a large scale should be reinforcements of mechanical civilization!"

At the moment they are in a position, since they have ran into the patrol fleet of mechanical civilization, it means that they are not far from the border of mechanical civilization.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has already reached the other side's ground.

Under this premise, the efficiency of the opponent's troop support is of course fast.

However, neither Guo Zhen nor Du Yuanzhi had any plans to retreat.

Despite this wave, they came with the purpose of containing mechanical civilization, and did not want to fight hard with each other.

But aren't they now having the first-hand advantage?

In Du Yuanzhi's view, since they have the dominant power, then seize the opportunity to suppress the opposing forces, and there is no loss.

Anyway, their Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization is here, and they are not afraid of the opposite.

Just withdraw, on the contrary, it was a waste of their current advantage.

With such thoughts in mind, Du Yuanzhi quickly formed a line of troops after arguing with Zhou Yi and reaching a consensus.

The scale of the garrison of mechanical civilization in this border area cannot be small.

After this wave, preliminary visual observations showed that the number of starships dispatched in an emergency alone reached tens of thousands, and follow-up support is almost always available.

But Du Yuanzhi did not panic.

At this stage, in terms of the overall strength of the army, their combined army still has an advantage.

Apart from anything else, open the shield to maximize the strength, and the main force fleet directly presses up from the front.

On the side of the mechanical civilization fleet, relying on the advantage of range, it is natural to open fire one step ahead of them.

There is nothing left to say about this, old opponent, this matter has already been known.

Du Yuan platooned troops and deployed them, and the sandstorm troops headed by Guo Zhen, led the follow-up support of the Budo Corps' combat power, directly outflanked it from one side.

And their Orc Legion of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, and Zhao Heng's Orc Legion, merged into one force, outflanking from the other side.

In the early battles on the second battlefield, they have inevitably exposed many of their methods to the opposite side of the civilization.

This makes them at this stage, to a large extent, they can only fight hard against each other!

At present, they still have a clear advantage in their overall strength, and they are not in vain.

After resisting the mechanical civilization, after the initial long-range energy weapon blast, the ten thousand civilizations, which narrowed the distance to a certain point, formally launched a counterattack.

On the Dark Star Fleet and the Doomhammer Fleet, the Elemental Magic Cannon and the Thermonuclear Energy Cannon fired alternately, exploding with quite astonishing fleet firepower.

As for the City Breaking Cannon, they have no plans to use it for the time being.

In this wave, Du Yuanzhi simply wanted to take the opportunity to further reduce the force of the garrison on the opposing mechanical civilization border. After the fight was almost done, it was time to withdraw. He didn't mean to directly attack the mechanical civilization border.

Under this premise, the broken city cannon can be regarded as a trump card of their ten thousand world civilization.

In the case of retaining their hole cards, they succeeded in reducing the force of the garrison on the opposite mechanical civilization border, then this wave, their expedition will definitely make a profit.

On the contrary, if this hole card is played.

Taking into account the value of intelligence inside, and the subsequent impact of the subsequent battle against their expeditionary army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

Then this wave, but it feels a little blood loss...

In this way, the armed forces of the two sides fought for several rounds. At present, the combined force, which has an advantage in comprehensive combat power, quickly made the opposing mechanical civilization border garrison pay some price under the joint command of Zhou Yi and Du Yuanzhi.

At the same time, Zhou Yi, who had been in charge of coordinating the overall situation, pondered the follow-up reinforcements on the opposite side, and it should be coming soon.

If you drag on, I'm afraid it is risky.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi immediately passed the order, and the whole army retreated.

Du Yuanzhi, who received this order, did not want to fight, and began to command the troops and fought and retreated. After a certain distance, UU Reading completely withdrew.

And almost when they were withdrawing, in the distant void, the army of mechanical civilization stationed on this side of the border also arrived one after another.

In a short time, the number of starships alone reached more than 30,000. After the formation was spread out, it almost filled the entire surrounding star field.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi made accurate judgments and walked in time.

Otherwise, when the large army of mechanical civilization comes, their combined army will not suffer severe damage in a single wave, but that hard battle will probably be inevitable.

For the newcomers, it is not a good thing that they are caught in a hard fight when they come up.

Stay away from this area temporarily.

Anyway, it has been basically determined that they are not far from the border of mechanical civilization.

If they want to contain the other side for a long time on this side of the border, they first need a well-positioned frontline base.

This frontline base does not need to be too close to the border of mechanical civilization, or in other words, it is safer if it is farther away.

Under normal circumstances, the first choice for front-line bases must be planets.

But the planets in this nearby area were definitely locked by mechanical civilization a long time ago.

Choosing these planets in the third-party area for stationing, after that, if the frontier garrison of mechanical civilization takes the initiative to attack, it will inevitably be a frontal conflict. .

In addition, the troops of their tens of thousands of civilizations can actually rely on the dwarf race's mobile base in the void to construct a frontline base for stationing and use directly in the void environment.

Although from the perspective of military rest and reorganization and front-line construction, it is definitely less than a serious planet base, but this approach is more flexible and convenient, and does not need to be constrained by the location of the planet.

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