After dumping his burden, the battle over there ended much faster than he expected, making Jarvan a little bit worried.

Is there really such a big gap between himself, the level 6 magic pilot, and General Zhao Hao, who is consummate in the Wushuang Realm in terms of strength?

Thinking of this, Jarvan felt a little frustrated in his heart.

In the process, he was also taken back to a medical ship by the unsmiling Iron Wall Legion soldier for treatment.

After a battle started, the medical ship at the rear was definitely one of the busiest places.

Because the soldiers wounded on the frontline battlefield will be sent here continuously for treatment.

When Jarvan was first sent in, as a legion commander who was injured by a disabling grade, he was naturally given priority attention.

Several medical soldiers hurried over, confirmed his injury, and asked him a few questions, and then left after finding an open space for him to sit down.

To put it more directly, nobody cares about him...

This is not to say that it was targeted, but because the medical unit's rescue is also prioritized.

Just now, Jarvan, who lost his left leg, was assigned the lowest priority...

Disabling injuries of the level of missing arms and legs are very high in severity and priority.

If he can pick up his broken leg, the medical ship will definitely arrange an emergency suture operation on the broken limb as quickly as possible.

But the problem is that his entire left leg was wiped out under the enemy's energy attack...

And the wound, because of the energy attack, turned black. Fortunately, the blood was stopped, so the injury did not continue to deteriorate.

Under this premise, if Jarvan wants to receive treatment, there is nothing more than a choice.

That is to install him with mechanical prosthetic limbs to make do with it, and at the same time, the alchemists in the rear use genetic breeding techniques to cultivate a new leg for Jarvan, and then replace it with him.

Let's not talk about the replacement of the new leg, just say that the mechanical prosthesis is ready.

Even if Jarvan is fitted with a mechanical prosthesis at the fastest speed, it will take a long time for Jarvan to adapt and adjust the mechanical prosthesis.

So no matter how tossing it, Jarvan could not return to the battlefield in a short time.

This makes him unable to contribute to the battle before him at this stage.

Under this premise, the situation was far more than his emergency wounded soldiers, and Jarvan could only drag his remaining right leg with a melancholy expression, and collapsed at the place the medical soldiers found him, so as not to hinder him. The medical soldiers running back and forth treated the other wounded soldiers.

After this, the passing medics, temporarily found a crutches for him, so that he could have a certain amount of mobility when necessary.

In this way, after a period of time, the arrival of a figure made Jarvan, who was paralyzed there, regained his senses a little.

And that figure was Zhao Hao who had saved him before.

Before reaching the limit, Zhao Hao withdrew from the front line in his own unparalleled state.

After Wushuang was relieved, although he had basically not suffered any injuries, he was affected by his own weak state, and Zhao Hao's face was also slightly pale at this time.

Just when he was about to find a place by himself and adjust his breath for a while, a voice stopped him.

"Then, that General Zhao Hao..."

How noisy is this medical ship at this time?

But after all, Zhao Hao is a powerhouse of the Wushuang Realm level. Although he is now in a weak state, his whole senses are still keen.

Even when Jiawen stood up on crutches and approached him, Zhao Hao had already noticed his existence.

"What's the matter?"

"On the battlefield before, I would like to thank General Zhao Hao for his life-saving grace."

"It's all colleagues, it doesn't need to be so."

Facing Zhao Hao's calm gaze, Jarvan was slightly embarrassed because of his previous embarrassment, while Zhao Hao was calm.

Neither did he make a superior posture because he saved the opponent, nor did he ridicule because of the poor performance of the opponent.

Newcomers on the battlefield for the first time, veterans like them have met too much.

Most of them know what they will do, and naturally they won't have too much expectation about it.

Zhao Hao doesn't really hate people like Jarvan who will be upset because of his poor performance.

This at least shows that the other party is motivated.

Newcomers who forgive themselves, classify their bad performance as a matter of course, or even give it to others, have no future.

Presumably seeing that Jarvan seemed to have something to say, Zhao Hao glanced at the crowded surroundings, and then spoke...

"Come with me."

According to Zhao Hao's identity, it is okay to borrow a place on this medical ship.

Gavin glanced at the surrounding piled with debris and barely stood down, with a slightly subtle expression.

And Zhao Hao had an expression that he took for granted.

"At this point, it's good to have a place to chat alone, don't ask too much."

Having said that, Zhao Hao's sight fell on Jarvan again.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

Regarding this, Jarvan bluffed a few times, and after a little entanglement for two seconds, he finally asked what was in his heart that he was worried about.

This Jarvan has been entangled all the time, to put it bluntly is the difference in strength between the two of them.

Although he also knew that even at the same level, there would be a significant gap in strength.

But what Jarvan could not understand was why the difference in strength was so large.

That mechanical s-class fighter, with four a-class fighters, wanted to kill him, it was easy.

But after confronting Zhao Hao, the opponent even turned on the annihilation mode, but Zhao Hao was completely wiped out, and in the process, Zhao Hao was basically not injured.

In response to this problem, Jiawen's lack of physical strength is naturally also present.

Facing a powerful enemy for the first time, being robbed of the dominant power by the opposing machine clan warrior and becoming passive, coupled with the nervousness in his heart, affected his judgment and performance, which is also one of the reasons.

But in Zhao Hao's opinion, the biggest reason for UU reading is still the four words, lack of experience!

"The machine clan will collect intelligence and analyze it. You should be very clear about this."

In response, Jarvan nodded slightly.

"Yes, in the enemy's analysis class, I have emphasized this, but I haven't fought against the mechanical tribe before. The other party probably didn't collect much information about me."

Hearing this, Zhao Hao couldn't help but shook his head.

"The machine race did not collect your intelligence before, but they have the intelligence of the magic pilots, and the amount of intelligence is not small enough to support their big data analysis. Under this premise, your mode of action is real. It's too simple. The other party doesn't even need to deliberately collect information. Just by analyzing the scene, you have already thoroughly studied you!"

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