Zhao Hao's words are very simple and direct.

For the machine race, it is necessary to collect a large amount of intelligence and analyze, it will always be those complex enemies whose action patterns are elusive.

Take Zhao Hao as an example. He often adds misleading actions to his actions.

For example, when he was escaping with Jarvan for his life before, why did the mechanical race who chased him, most of the time, the powerful attack would always be avoided by him?

That's because Zhao Hao was not simply burying his head in a sprint, but using some subtle movements to come to the opposing machine race.

He is not good at speed. It is unrealistic for five mechanical warriors to attack together and want to avoid them all.

The power of the two evils is the lesser one. Since you can't avoid them all, you can selectively avoid the more threatening ones, and use the golden bell cover to block them if the threat is less.

These little movements of his, ordinary soldiers may not be able to see, but absolutely can not escape the scanning of the machine race.

In this matter, Zhao Hao is very ‘trusted’ to the machine clan.

After that, things were even simpler. The Mechanical Race did not know his martial arts strength for the time being, and had already been upgraded to the level of Wushuang Realm Consummation.

Therefore, relying on this information gap, relying on Wushuang's outbreak, quick battles and quick decisions, the difficulty is still not great.

However, after this, with the exposure of this information, the mastermind of the mechanical clan will recalculate him, and when that time comes the S-level fighter of the mechanical clan again, it may not be so easy to solve it.

On the other hand, Jarvan, this little rookie on the battlefield, although he has a solid strength, but once he encounters a strong enemy, his lack of actual combat experience will instantly become his Achilles’ heel.

As a burst technique, the high-level technique "burst advance" with great practical value, the effect is needless to say.

In the early battle with the magical civilization, Zhao Hao had experienced it from those army commanders.

But when he arrived at Jarvan, although Jarvan successfully displayed it, it was extremely clumsy.

If there are four words to describe Jarvan’s bursting advancement, then it’s ‘straight ahead’.

The explosive advancing speed of the burst propulsion is indeed very amazing, but if there is no change, the straight line of movement can only be said to be too predictable.

Against the machine clan who is best at doing intelligence gathering work, you have to be seen through in minutes.

The end result is that the opposing machine clan can easily pose a fatal threat to Jarvan without even having to turn on the annihilation mode.

After listening to Zhao Hao's explanation, the doubt in his mind was finally answered by Jarvan, and at the same time he realized that he was still far away, his whole person was obviously calmer.

After this, Jarvan obviously did not intend to continue to interrupt Zhao Hao’s rest. After thanking Zhao Hao for his guidance, he continued to ponder the battle while walking to a corner, assuming that it would not affect other people. Sit down against the wall.

And during this period, on the void battlefield, their battles between the expedition army of ten thousand civilizations and the army garrisoned on the border of mechanical civilization obviously will not stop because of a little episode here.

At this point, both sides have already begun to get fierce.

Although Xisen and Dominic Adolf didn't understand, why the army stationed on the opposite mechanical civilization border changed their previous posture of retreating and chose to go shopping with them.

But they obviously don't bother to continue to struggle with this issue, and keep their hearts vigilant. When it's time to fight to the death, they will fight to the death!

Excluding the other arms fighting between the two sides, the battle rhythms of the fleets of both sides are very obvious in this void battlefield.

Before the official confrontation with the mechanical civilization, the magical fleet of ten thousand civilizations was known for its crazy continuous output. In this war, it lost its continuous output ability and honestly broke out.

With the alternate firing of the three sub-main guns of the Elemental Magic Cannon, Thermonuclear Energy Cannon, and City Breaking Cannon, the five magic fleets of the Ten Thousand World Civilizations can make the opposing mechanical civilization fleet not pay for each round of outbreak Small price.

But the mechanical civilization fleet is not vegetarian.

The huge fleet size meant that they couldn't be easily defeated by a few rounds of the magical fleet of civilizations.

After this, the magical fleet that has exploded will have to enter the stage of being beaten obediently...

The attack frequency of the mechanical civilization fleet's energy weapons is almost like a storm.

Although the improved new defense system is strong, it is not invincible.

Facing the indiscriminate bombing of the mechanical civilization fleet, the five magical fleets of their Ten Thousand World Civilizations, starting from the previous round of offensive, the new defensive system was obviously unable to withstand it.

What followed immediately afterwards was the own fleet, and the number of losses continued to increase.

This round of firepower gave the mechanical civilization fleet a wave of counterattack momentum.

The mechanical civilization fleet, which was originally surrounded by the five magical fleets of ten thousand civilizations, in a three-to-one formation, actually initiated a large-scale forward pressure at this moment. Seeing the momentum, there is actually so much to counter-encircle. What they mean.

Waiting for the secondary main guns to complete the cooling, as well as the secondary charging and reloading of the magic fleet, all the way to bear the attack of the mechanical star ship, the pressure is not small.

Especially for the S-class starship on the opposite side, the strength of the energy weapon is obviously higher than that of the A-class starship.

In the case that the outer defense technique has been penetrated, the ordinary wizard vanguard ship, once it is hit by the main artillery of the enemy S-class starship.

Then the inner shield, and even the entire hull, will be completely penetrated.

It is also full of threats to hit the firepower. If you carry it hard, you will definitely not be able to carry a few shots.

After being attacked by the enemy’s S-class starship, a large number of magical warships on the side of the civilization of the world were silent and lost news.

Constantly confirming the information returned, and now including Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, the five fleet commanders' faces are all dignified, but they have not lost their positions.

Since entering this battlefield, their fierce battles in ten thousand civilizations have not been lost.

And this interstellar war, which one is missing their magic fleet?

Therefore, in this area, UU reading www. uukanshu.com said that their five fleet commanders have rich experience in dealing with fierce battles, and they are absolutely fine.

Taking a sigh of relief, the five fleet commanders who stabilized their positions devoted themselves to the command of their respective fleets, doing their best to entangle with the opposing mechanical civilization fleet.

However, the S-class starships of mechanical civilization are indeed ruthless. When they continue to focus fire and destroy their magic warships, in order to obtain a better output position, the S-class starships of the mechanical civilization side start to make a big effort. Pressure.

As a result, at that instant, a round of attacks swept across the outside of the battlefield.

The S-class starship that came up quickly responded, and the force field shield was opened to the maximum, but it was still not spared.

Along with the fragmentation of the force field shield, the outer armor was easily disintegrated, and the burst of power instantly turned an S-class starship into fragments all over the void!

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