The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3831: , Fleet Rush (2)

In the violent explosion impact, the mechanical civilization S-class starship that was completely blasted to fragments was the first, but definitely not the last!

The follow-up attack soon broke through the air.

The mechanical civilization S-class starship that was originally pushed up to better explode firepower and force the killing of the magical fleet, at this moment, it seemed to hit the death zone one head at a time, and was blasted to pieces one after another!

"Lock the attack position and confirm the identity of the enemy."

At this moment, in the command room of the garrison army at the frontier of mechanical civilization, the main brain of the army is quickly operating.

Now this area, after all, is in their own turf of mechanical civilization, this control power is still there.

From the outskirts of the battlefield on both sides, the unfamiliar fleet slowly spreading out in formation quickly attracted the attention of the mechanical civilization.

That three-kilometer-long warship, even in the interstellar fleet, is already within the scope of a super-large warship. At least the mechanically civilized S-class starship has a captain of just over 2,300 meters.

Needless to say, it is their main firepower fleet that intervenes from the flanking battlefields on both sides at this time!

The main fireship has only appeared now, and it is not Yuan Xi and Gao Yi that they are hiding.

It is because, as a magical warship with a huge volume of 3,000 meters, their main firepower of the civilization of the world is the heaviest and slowest of all warships...

In addition, they had to avoid the detection of the garrisoned troops on the border of mechanical civilization, and circling sideways to find the output location.

Under this premise, Yuan Xi and Gao Yi wondered whether they had been delayed until now anyway, so they simply set up a plan for the opposing side to see if they could fish out the mechanically civilized S-class starship.

It turns out, it's done!

Taking into account the difficulty and time of manufacturing significantly more than the secondary firepower, the current number of their main firepower of the ten thousand world civilization is 317, and on this side of the battlefield, there are two hundred and thirty. One hundred ships were transferred to Zhou Yi.

After all, they have two armies in the civilization of the world. It is impossible to give all the main firepower to one side, and the other side has to live it, right?

At this moment, the 230 main fireships were directly separated in half, and at the same time they cut in from the battlefields on both sides of the flanks, using the firepower of their main guns, to flanking the mechanical civilization S-class starships in the battlefield.

On the battleship, the comet cannon that occupies the C position is full, and needless to say, it is the most powerful naval gun weapon of their ten thousand world civilization.

The S-class starships used to fight the opposing mechanical civilization even have a little overpower.

As long as it hits, the opposite S-class starship will explode, but unfortunately, the distance between the starship and the starship is too far away. Otherwise, the comet cannon will pass by one shot. If you are lucky, you might be able to fight at the same time. Two or three ships.

But even so, the lethality is already astonishing enough. In a short period of time, the S-class starship of the mechanical civilization side has lost more than 100, and this loss number is still rising.

Under the high-speed analysis of the main brain of the army, it was quickly confirmed that the attack range of the main gun of the enemy's new battleship had exceeded the maximum attack range of their S-class starship.

This makes the two hundred and thirty main firepower of Ten Thousand Worlds Civilization, if standing at the maximum attack distance and firing toward the mechanical civilization fleet, the mechanical civilization fleet will not be able to counterattack at all.

There is no choice. On the side of mechanical civilization, the S-class starship that originally maintained the momentum of forward pressure can only temporarily avoid the edge and retreat.

After a round of explosions, the comet cannon that has fallen into cooling gives the mechanical civilization fleet a chance to re-adjust its formation.

At the same time, just in case, the A-class starships on both sides stepped forward. While blocking the pursuit of the magical fleet, they also acted as a shield for the S-class starships to resist attacks at any time.

In this regard, how could Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, the five fleet commanders, do nothing?

Seizing the opportunity of the opposing mechanical civilization S-class fleet to bury its head and retreat, they coordinated with the vanguard fleets on both sides, commanding the main fleet on the front battlefield to press forward quickly and launch a pursuit.

The secondary main guns fired alternately and began to further expand their advantages.

In this process, although the two hundred and thirty main firepower ships on both sides of the void battlefield were equipped with secondary main guns, they did not intend to push them up easily.

Because before entering the attack range of the secondary main gun, they will first enter the attack range of the mechanical star ship.

Instead of that, they would rather give up this part of the firepower in order to maintain the range advantage.

In this wave, the intervention of their main firepower fleet of civilizations of the world not only brought a wave of losses to the opposing mechanical civilization fleet, but also reversed the offensive, forcing the S-class starships that were aggressively pressed forward to retreat. , And let the once-lost dominance fall back into their hands.

However, in the face of the mechanical civilization fleet whose continuous output capacity is almost full, currently it can only fight the explosive magical fleet. The comet cannon that wants to extend the dominance to the main fire fleet completes the cooling and reloading, and fires again, but not so much. easy.

Yuan Xi and Gao Yi didn't need to guess, 100% of the mechanical civilization fleet on the opposite side had already determined their plans.

As soon as they finished this wave of eruption, they immediately launched a counterattack.

In response to this situation, although the Ten Thousand World Civilizations side can't completely stop it, they will definitely not let the mechanical civilization side go too easily.

At that moment, I saw a ray of gold flashing in the void, and the golden dragon Scarlet was so grandiose that he entered the battlefield from the front, heading straight for the position of the mechanical civilization fleet!

As the tactical core of their expeditionary force of the civilization of the world, the safety of the ancient star core tree is vital and cannot be lost, but the current battle is not easy for them.

Therefore, as the commanders of the army, Xi Sen and Dominic Adolf, UU Reading, after a brief discussion, decided to leave Bai Ze and Cheng Hao to continue to ensure the safety of the ancient star core tree, and then let the golden dragons Callett rushed to the main battlefield temporarily to assist them in their expedition to start operations.

There is no need to make any plans specifically for Scarlett. According to his strength, he can just rush into the position of the mechanical civilization army anyway.

Scarlett, who carried out this policy to the end, directly controlled his size to the 500-meter level. As soon as he entered the field, he relied on a deadly impact to knock a mechanically civilized A-class starship from the middle. It's in two pieces.

After that, no matter what else, he chased those mechanically civilized S-class starships.

To be honest, on the mechanical civilization side, the difference in appearance between S-class starships and A-class starships is actually not particularly obvious.

Before, with so many starships in front of him, Scarlett could not find the S-class starship for a while.

But now it's different. With so many starships, the ones that rush forward are all A-class starships, and those that run backward are the S-class.

After understanding this, Scarlett found a goal, but it was too simple.

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