The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3988: ,Why bother?

"Why bother?"

Looking at the three words sent by Luo Ji, Zhong Mo suddenly didn't know what to reply.

At the same time, before he could reply, Luo Ji's second message had already been sent.

"I want to know why."

Luo Ji actually had some guesses about why Zhong Mo would do this, but he still wanted to understand the matter thoroughly.

In the face of Luo Ji’s question, Zhong Mo did not hide it, but directly said...

"I need top talents from all races in your civilization."

"Is it for her?"

Although Luo Ji didn't mention her name, Zhong Mo naturally knew who that "she" was referring to.


"okay, I get it."

After seeing this news, Luo Ji stopped talking.

Because he basically knew what Zhong Mo wanted to do, and what was the purpose of doing this.

In his early years, Luo Ji had asked An Lijie to try, confirming that with the resurrection of the Wing Human Race, it was impossible to resurrect Zhong Mo's wife Xu Yu.

But Zhong Mo obviously did not intend to give up.

To some extent, Zhong Mo's Styx civilization is somewhat similar to Luo Ji's civilization of Ten Thousand Realms.

It’s just that Luo Ji’s Ten Thousand Worlds civilization is inclusive of all races and all races, while Zhong Mo’s Styx civilization is capable of transforming units of different races into undead units, and to a certain extent, retains the characteristics of special units. The harmony system, for example, the witchcraft system of the Hundred Ghost Civilization.

Luo Ji's civilization of the world can be compatible with different races by annexing civilizations, and then relying on the talents and abilities of these different races, they can combine with each other to research all kinds of new things.

And this, Zhong Mo's Styx civilization can, to a large extent, actually be achieved.

What Zhong Mo has to do at this time is to acquire top talents of different races by annexing the civilization of the world.

After gaining more features and systems, things that he could not solve may be solved.

Under this premise, what can Luo Ji do?

Say, ‘oh, then you don’t fight, just surrender to me and submit to me, the effect is better. ’?

Are you stupid?

After such a long time, the characteristics of Luo Ji's civilization in the world are no longer a secret on the world battlefield. What's more, it's within their Celestial camp?

Would Zhong Mo not know? How can it be?

But even if he knew it, it was impossible to submit to the civilization of the world.

It's like the leader of the celestial dynasty suddenly saying to the Raksha leader, ‘Hey, my conditions are better here, and the days are more comfortable. Don’t develop yourself there, waste your time, come back and follow me to eat spicy food! ’

The conditions on your side are indeed very good, and the leader's character is no problem, but even so, will the Raksha leader agree?

He will say yes, eldest brother, will I follow you in the future?

How can it be?

Think about it carefully, which of the civilizations that Luo Ji has annexed, after being completely subdued by him, he has no choice but to submit to survive?

And Ivan Rast, who had led the civilization before, preferred to choose a dead end, and did not choose to return to Luo Ji and survive.

Zhong Mo is even more impossible.

Because once they did this, the result would be beyond their control.

This kind of involuntary thing, a ruler of their level, is absolutely impossible to do, and at the same time, there is no way to accept it.

The army of undead who had prepared in advance quickly advanced.

During this period, the efficiency of the gathering of the army of civilizations of the ten thousand realms was actually fast enough, but it was still too fast for the undead army that had been prepared early.

Before it had time to start the retreat, the army of the undead had already advanced.

At this stage, the state of their army is not good, it can even be said to be very bad. At the beginning, Luo Ji didn't intend to directly smash the army of the undead.

But the current situation makes him run away regardless of his head, which seems unrealistic.

In the void, an army of winged people has already greeted him.

In the face of the undead army slaying violently, Latir, as the presiding judge, without a word, directly commanded the Knights of Judgment under his command to spread out a formation to meet.

The power of the Wing Human Divine Art System is very special, and it has extra lethality against undead units.

At this moment, in the face of that, he directly mobilized the undead army with tens of millions of troops, and Latier quickly ordered...

"Pure White Blade, get ready! Let go!!"

Following Latier's order, the judges and judges of the Judgment Knights showed off their pure white blades and swept over the undead army that was advancing towards them.

Countless pure white blades directly turned into an astonishing rain of light, and a large number of undead units were wiped out under the sweep of this magical power.

However, the size of the undead army is really too big.

Even if the Judgment Knights headed by Latir has a high killing efficiency, it is almost impossible to reduce the strength of the undead army in a short period of time. .

But it is impossible for them to stop fighting like this.

For Latier, there is only one thing he can do now, and that is to do his best to achieve this firepower output and reduce the force of the undead army.

In this process, the Knights of Judgment led by Latir also fought and retreated all the way, always keeping a distance from the undead army, flying a kite directly on the battlefield.

Of course, in this state, the efficiency of their retreat is definitely not as efficient as the advancement efficiency of the undead army.

This set of operations by Lattier is just trying to gain as much output time as possible for the Judgment Knights.

In this process, the distance between them is still getting closer.

When the distance narrowed to a certain point, as members of the Wing Man Army, the combat power of the three legions of the Knights of the State Church, the Knights Templar, and the Blazing Legion also shot one after another.

Among them, the Knights Templar is led by Vivian, the Blazing Legion is led by Gerrard, and the Knights of the State Church are directly under An Lijie.

But at this time, these three Six Winged Saint Wings were all not on the front line.

An Lijie stayed behind to perform the reincarnation technique and resurrect the dead generals. There is nothing to say about this, while Vivienne and Gerrard died in the previous fierce battle with the mechanical civilization X-level fighters.

Therefore, these three legions are currently under the command of the deputy head of the legion.

Their absence, although affecting the high-end combat power, does not actually have much impact on the combat power of the legion itself.

Now receiving orders, these three legions also burst out at this time, raising the comprehensive firepower of the Wingmen Legion by two levels in one go!

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