The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3989: , Mutually inconsistent

Against the output of the winged army, the undead army, who paid the price of losses, kept pushing forward.

In this process, of course, the undead army cannot be unilaterally passively beaten.

At that moment, feeling the special spatial fluctuations coming from the surroundings, Latier, whose face changed on the spot, immediately issued a warning...

"Be careful, it may be a zerg attack!"

Almost at the same time that Latier issued this warning, the surrounding space was torn apart, and immediately after that, the void burrowers and void centipedes that burned with dead soul fire came out of it.

Facts have proved that the Void Burrower and Void Centipede of the Zerg civilization are simply loved by the undead army. After all, they are really very useful for attacking enemy positions.

The only pity is that, like the special arms of this kind of special race, Zhong Mo's Styx civilization has almost no follow-up supplementary channels, and will only use less.

In the previous battle with mechanical civilization, the Void Burrower and Void Centipede had already damaged most of them, and there was very little left.

But at this time, Zhong Mo, who did not relax the slightest attention to the tens of thousands of civilizations, still did not hesitate to put the remaining Void Burrower and Void Centipede into the battlefield on this side.

Regarding these Void Zergs who are good at space shuttle, Latier's combat experience is quite rich.

After all, he personally led the army back then and participated in the battle against the Zerg civilization.

On the left hand, the Book of Commandments quickly flipped, and within a short time, six small golden Judgment Wheels condensed behind Latier.

Before facing the advancing undead army, Latier didn't use this trick, because the undead army played the vanguard, and they were all low-level soldiers.

In the face of the low-level miscellaneous soldiers, the Judgment Blade can be easily destroyed, and even more than enough. Under this premise, why should he waste his energy and consume more faith to gather the Judgment Sun?

But the situation is obviously different now. The Void Burrower and Void Centipede are both strategic units of the Zerg civilization.

After being converted into an undead unit, his strength was not much inferior, and he had the qualifications to let Latier directly use the Judgment Wheel to stick to the opponent's face.

During the period, the melee units in their wingman army also waved the holy sword that was burning with the holy flame in their hands, rushing forward, encircling and suppressing the void burrowers and void centipedes that cut in.

But they obviously didn't intend to fight the undead army for such a long time.

The reason why their winged army is here is to put it bluntly to buy time for the evacuation of their own army of civilizations.

When the army is almost withdrawn, then they should also withdraw.

In the process, the flying golem troops in the golem army have rushed over to take over the task.

Seeing an opportunity, under the cover of the flying golem troops, the winged army quickly withdrew and left.

The number of Void Burrowers and Void Centipedes is now limited. Although they can attack their positions and hinder their retreat speed, it is obviously not that easy to keep them.

As for the undead army that came up afterwards...

The scale is enough, but the low-level soldiers in the front row are generally ineffective. As the high-level troops in the alchemy system, flying golems to kill them is basically as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

The only thing that is more troublesome is those wandering spirits.

That is also a very large number of low-level units in the undead army. The main abilities are mental interference and weaker mental attacks.

Due to the fact that the mechanical race does not eat this set at all, this makes the spirit unit of the wandering soul and resentful spirit among the undead army to be preserved to the utmost extent.

Now it's all invested in this battlefield.

Originally, I wanted to show good looks to the winged army, but as a result, on the side of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms, the shift was changed too quickly.

And the low-level spirit units of the Wandering Spirit and Wraith Spirits move at very average speed. Before they rushed up, the troops on the side of Ten Thousand World Civilization had been replaced by flying golem troops.

Then, the sad thing happened...

Although flying golems are alchemy creatures, artificial souls are different from normal biological souls. In general, their nature of existence is more similar to artificial intelligence. Of course, they have more black technologies than artificial intelligence.

The most important thing is that this is still not within the attack range of the spirit attacks of these spirit units.

This makes these wandering ghosts basically use these flying golems.

At the same time, these alchemy golems do not have any morale value or fear, so even if they keep wandering around, they will not be able to scare the alchemy golems, let alone hurt their morale.

Under this premise, the only thing they should be thankful for is that the flying golem basically doesn’t use them...

Unlike the conquering knight, the mass-produced flying golem is a very typical physical attack unit.

As for the spirit unit, to a large extent, immunity comes from physical damage.

The war mallets in the hands of the flying golems slammed past, and UU reading broke up their spirit bodies. Will it cause them any harm?

The answer is yes, but very small.

This makes a flying golem, wanting to completely kill a spirit unit, may need to fight back and forth for a long time.

As an alchemy creature with the ability to think independently, flying golems are not stupid.

The most important thing is that alchemy creatures basically have no life limit. As long as the man-made souls are not destroyed, their combat experience can be accumulated continuously to complete their self-upgrading.

The rich combat experience quickly allowed the flying golems to selectively give up their attacks on the wandering spirits and instead focus on the undead units that have entities behind them.

Faced with this situation, the wandering spirits continue to entangle the flying golems, which is actually meaningless.

So they swiftly passed through it and chased straight to the retreating winged army.

However, unlike the flying golem, which basically only has physical attacks, none of the Winged Humans' arms are purely physical units, and they basically carry a little magical damage!

In addition, the magical arts of the Winged Human Race, used to deal with the undead, are just as effective!

Faced with such a low-level spirit body, there is no need to use any high-level magic.

Before the wandering spirits and wraiths approached completely, the judges in the wingman army directly displayed a low-level divine magic holy light bullet with area damage, and shot them in pieces.

The holy light bullet explodes when it hits the target or reaches the maximum attack range, and the pure white holy light bursts out, forming a circular small-area damage.

At that moment, accompanied by a screaming scream, those wandering spirits and wraiths were wiped out under the attack of the Holy Light Bullet!

The efficiency of mopping up is not generally high!

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