Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! On Zhouyi's side, the plan has been deployed.

As for the specific mobilization of the Star Destroyer side, it was commanded by John Thrall, the dwarf king.

Combined with the actual situation on their side, John Thrall didn't push forward too eagerly.

The movement speed of the Star Destroyer was there, and it was just one of the reasons.

Another more important reason is that John Thrall wanted to see if he could draw the undead army out of the main battlefield.

This is actually the meaning of Zhouyi.

For the Star Destroyer who had not entered the battlefield before, the purpose of Zhou Yi was actually very simple. It was to reduce and disperse the force of the undead army of the Styx civilization, so as to achieve the effect of sharing the pressure for the main force on the Void Battlefield.

Under this premise, as long as this goal can be achieved.

Whether it is the Star Destroyer voluntarily entering the arena, looking for the unfavorable unfavorable forces of the undead army, or using ultra-long-range firepower to force Zhong Mo to disperse the forces to deal with the Star Destroyer, for Zhou Yi, it is actually ok.

But in these two situations, which one is better?

Of course, the second situation is better.

The Star Destroyer takes the initiative to enter the arena, seemingly active, but in reality it is passive.

Conversely, if Zhong Mo is forced to disperse his forces, he will come to deal with the Star Destroyer.

On John Thrall's side, it is completely possible to wait for work and launch a counterattack, but it is taking the lead.

During this period, he successfully helped the main force of the void battlefield and shared a part of the undead army, while also allowing himself to continue to maintain the previous distance away from the battlefield to ensure the output environment, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

However, what is in a bad situation right now is after all the civilization of their Ten Thousand Worlds.

Therefore, Zhouyi and John Thrall could not completely hope that the undead army would disperse their forces as they wished and come to deal with the Star Destroyer.

After all, under the condition of ensuring ultra-long-distance range, the only weapons that Star Destroyer can effectively kill against the enemy's army are geonuclear artillery and superluminal mushroom bombs.

However, these two weapons lack the ability to continuously output, and only have staged burst output.

After a round of outbreaks, for a long time to come, the sense of existence of the Star Destroyer will plummet.

As long as the undead army is aware of this, it may make a strategic choice. In the current situation, it will give up a series of targeted actions against the Star Destroyer unit and instead choose to concentrate its forces and force the void battlefield to blow up. The main force here, then turned around and defeated one by one according to the actual situation.

Once the undead army does this, the situation of the Star Destroyer will be embarrassing.

Therefore, in order to avoid this embarrassing thing from happening, it is also necessary to proactively push forward and let the Star Destroyer move to a position of'advance and attack, retreat and defensive', and then according to the specific situation, it is necessary to adapt according to the specific situation. A move.

In the process of moving, in order to further put pressure on the opposite side, and at the same time to cause psychological misleading to the opposite side, after an emergency cooling, John Thrall, who calculated the time for a while, made the star annihilate relatively quickly. The missile unit on this side fired the second round of superlight mushroom bombs.

This kind of emergency cooling method will reduce the service life of the launcher, and it will have a significant impact on its stability.

Considering the quality of their dwarven products, in an emergency, using them once or twice is not a big problem.

But if you keep doing it like this, you will be suspicious of death.

John Thrall is undoubtedly very familiar with the weapons and equipment produced by his tribe.

With the assistance of a special weapon team, they can basically grasp the best degree from the frequency of firing and the burden on the launcher, thereby minimizing the risk.

Maintaining such an offensive rhythm, under the command of John Thrall, the Star Destroyer methodically advanced to the position determined in advance.

The position they are now in is a certain distance from the void battlefield where the main force of the civilization of the world and the army of the undead are fighting, and it cannot be said that they are already close to the battlefield.

But if you continue to push forward, it is basically not much different from entering the game directly.

And John Thrall obviously didn't intend to just give up his dominance and enter the game directly.

The order was issued, and the huge Star Destroyer maintained the highest level of alert, slowly stopped advancing, and planned to wait another time at this position to spend another two waves with the undead army in the field.

In this process, the undead army faced this powerful fire attack from outside the battlefield, and the multiple-choice question before him also put Zhong Mo and the Lich King Sorenk in a dilemma. Some Not sure.

There is basically no correct answer for this kind of choice.

Concentrating forces and desperately discarding the main force of the civilization of the world, although there is a bit of risk, their undead army has an advantage in overall strength, and the attack frequency of the Star Destroyer is not high. This choice itself is not a problem.

On the contrary, splitting forces to deal with the Star Destroyer, although the dispersion of forces will reduce the offensive efficiency of the main battlefield, it is more secure and less risky, and it is also no problem.

This is where this multiple-choice question makes it difficult to make a decision.

How should they choose? And how will the other party choose?

If they don't assign troops to respond, will the opponent lose their breath and take the initiative to enter the field?

This psychological game surrounding the commanders of both sides has already unfolded invisibly.

As time passed by, the state of John Thrall in the commanding room of the Star Destroyer gradually revealed a bit of anxiety.

The nature of the dwarves, to a certain extent, makes them rich in violent brothers, not the main reason, and it can even be said that the influence of this area is very small.

As the dwarf king, except when he is facing Gawain, UU reads www. John Thrall is prone to madness. At other times, John Thrall has always been a restrained and calm person.

The reason why such anxious emotions appeared at this time was purely because this battle that was almost related to the life and death of their ten thousand world civilization was really too important.

This made him almost inevitably enter a state of high tension, and this tension formed a huge pressure on his heart.

Under this pressure for a long time, let alone John Thrall, everyone gets anxious after the change.

"Send my order..."

In the Star Destroyer's command room, John Thrall's voice rang with a dignified voice.

Take a deep breath, just when John Thrall was about to give an order to let the Star Destroyer enter the field.

An emergency communication came in...

"General, this is an emergency communication from General Zhou Yi!"


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