The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4020: , Bad and worse

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! John Thrall was interrupted by an emergency report from the communications soldier below in the Star Destroyer’s command room.

But John Thrall didn't show much irritation.

Communications from Luo Ji and Zhou Yi are the most important communications.

In accordance with the orders received by the correspondents, no matter what the situation is, they must report to John Thrall as soon as they receive this type of communication.

The order was suspended, and John Thrall immediately stated...

"Come in quickly."

"This is John Thrall."

The communication was quickly connected. At the same time that John Thrall was speaking, the voice of Zhou Yi immediately rang on the other side of the communication...

"Temporarily stabilize, don't rush into the arena! There is movement on the side of the undead army!"

Zhou Yi, who was afraid that his notice was a bit slower, even omitted the title, and there was an eagerness in his voice.

Although on the battlefield, between their major commanders, relying on the maintenance of the tactical system, the intelligence of their various units is basically synchronized in real time.

In other words, the intelligence that Zhou Yi could see could also be seen by John Thrall in the Star Destroyer Command Room.

The intelligence information that everyone has obtained is basically the same.

However, the analysis of intelligence and the ability to perceive the overall trend of the battlefield are different for everyone.

Every commander has his own field of expertise.

Just like Du Yuanzhi is good at arranging troops, Xi Sen is good at chasing and pulling the front, and Dominic Adolf has the strongest overall ability and basically has no obvious shortcomings.

Among the commanders, the one who is most adept at insight into the battle situation and strategizing is Zhou Yi!

In this area, Zhou Yi's ability is the strongest, so he was appointed by Luo Ji as the commander-in-chief of the army, responsible for overall planning.

Under the premise that none of the other commanders noticed anything unusual.

In Zhouyi, however, from the subtle movements of the undead army, he noticed such a few unusual things.

Of course, the other party's actions were not obvious at all, and even when Zhou Yi just noticed it, there was no clear basis to confirm that the other party wanted to do something.

After all, the commander on the opposite side is undoubtedly of the top level. If he really wants to do something secretly, he can't be easily spotted.

The reason why Zhouyi has such a feeling is mainly because of his many years of commanding experience and accumulated intuition.

Although this statement sounds unreliable at first glance.

But in fact, many command cases in the past can fully prove that the ‘intuition’ of veterans like Zhou Yi and the others is, in many cases, unexpected and reliable.

At this point of view, the Star Destroyer will temporarily postpone their entry and may miss some fighters, but it will not cause a fatal impact on them.

In fact, according to the current situation, the entry of the Star Destroyer is not so much to create advantages as to reduce disadvantages.

In Xi Sen’s words, the situation is, ‘their army of civilizations in the world is in a bad enough situation now, how can it be worse? ’

Although this is not pleasant to you, don't say it, it's really the same.

The Star Destroyer enters the arena immediately, and waits a little longer before entering the stadium. The difference here is nothing more than ‘bad’ and ‘worse’.

According to the current situation of their armies of civilizations of the world, isn't it so close?

On the contrary, if this wave of Zhou Yi bet right, they can pull the situation to ‘not so bad’, or even straighten out the disadvantages.

Under this premise, Zhou Yi was obviously still willing to gamble on his ‘intuition’!

The battle continued, and the undead army was advancing without stopping for a while.

Even though the Star Destroyer’s ultra-long-range firepower support, in terms of force level, it has brought a lot of blows to the undead army and weakened the undead army’s offensive strength.

But the thing that cannot be changed is that as long as they can't contain the top combat forces headed by King Dracula and Yuzao Qian, the offensive of the undead army is basically impossible to stop.

Not to mention, even in the case of a part of the loss of troops, the undead army still occupies a clear advantage in terms of comprehensive hard power.

In addition, the giant beasts on the side of the Yaqi Orochi who are responsible for containing it and restricting the other's actions have also paid a lot of casualties.

The big snake thief is very, in terms of hard power, it has a clear advantage in itself, coupled with the infinite physical strength as an undead unit, and the advantage of being able to ignore the impact of the injury to a certain extent, it is called an unscrupulous fight. .

At this stage, even Zhao Heng's orc army's ace one hundred giant snake Shesha, and their defensive beast unit on the Void Battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, Haar, the beast unit with the strongest defensive ability, have been beaten all over.

But the big snake of eight Qi was still there, clamoring frantically with the advantage of the undead, and the situation was not optimistic.

This constant feedback of the situation caused the pressure that Zhou Yi had to bear, which was quite huge.

However, Zhou Yi did not back down, and directly faced the pressure.

On John Thrall's side, in accordance with the meaning of Zhouyi, he continued to follow the previous combat mode to consume the undead army in phases with ultra-long-range firepower.

During this period, while continuing to pay attention to the battlefields of the two battlefields, the void battlefield and the planetary battlefield, Zhouyi also confirmed the undead army's every move.

The fists were already clenched invisibly, and the beads of sweat on the forehead slowly slipped off, even seeping into his eyes, without distracting Zhou Yi.

At this time, Zhou Yi's eyes were staring at the void battlefield, constantly feeding back the information, waiting for the follow-up actions of the undead army, the whole heart has been directly suspended in his throat.

"Move, move!"

During this period of time, UU reading is not an exaggeration to the Zhouyi, who is under tremendous pressure and shoulders the life and death of the army of civilizations of the ten thousand realms.

It was too difficult. During this process, every piece of information sent back from the battlefield was putting pressure on him and increasing the pressure on him. Even Zhou Yi could not help but have multiple self-doubts.

He doubted whether his judgment was wrong, and he should stop the loss in time, let the Star Destroyer enter the field, and further share the pressure of the main force, so as to extend their combat time and fight for the battlefield. Of variables.

At the same time, on the side of the undead army, as the commander-in-chief of the undead army, the Lich King Sorenk was also under great pressure.

In the overall battle, although their undead army had a steady upper hand, the tenacity of the army of civilizations on the void battlefield was beyond his expectations.

At the same time, the powerful blows from outside the battlefield brought losses to their undead army, which should not be ignored either.

Solenk, the Lich King, who was constantly weighing the pros and cons in his mind and judging the situation, finally gave the order...


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