The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4044: , Leave some retreat

The results proved that the project was successfully developed.

Even under the premise of relatively large-scale transformation and additional workload, with the blessing of Kate’s “Ship Master” talent and a series of skills, the whole project still shows the same level as before. Than, higher efficiency.

However, this efficiency cannot be attributed entirely to Kate.

The Super Star Mothership itself is the members of the core project team. Due to the pressure from the Millennium Project, a project carried out did not fully comply with their own wishes.

Now, after Kate raised objections under pressure and was granted permission, everyone felt the pressure on themselves and became heavier. Compared with before, they also became more motivated and more efficient. Naturally, there has been a noticeable improvement.

For the time being, the Conquer King, who entered the war for the first time, performed fairly well.

Of course, the battle is not over yet.

And the Conquer King has shown up to now only the ability possessed by the super star carrier.

Whether their transformation is successful or not depends on the subsequent performance of the Conquer King.

Using the appearance of the sun as a hands-on signal, the top armor of the Conquer King quickly opened. With the high-speed rotation of the entire mechanical structure, a huge crystal cannon was exposed in the void.

"The high-frequency vibration particle cannon is ready to be in place!"

To confirm the situation, Gawain waved his hand.

"The tactical system synchronizes intelligence to the Star Destroyer, and the high-frequency vibrating particle cannon begins to charge!"

Following the order, the purple-gray energy began to converge at a high speed within the special crystal barrel.

At the same time, before the synchronization of the tactical system, it was confirmed that on the side of Conquer King, John Thrall, who had started charging the high-frequency vibrating particle cannon, also gave the order quickly.

"Give my order, the nuclear cannon begins to charge!"

During this process, in the private communication channel, Gawain's slightly under-beating voice rang.


"Come on, compare! Who's afraid of who? What do you say if you lose?"

"Whoever loses will be the younger brother of the winner, and when you meet, you will be called the elder brother obediently!"

Having said that, Gao Wen seemed to have thought of something, and quickly added another sentence.

"One month."


Hearing the words that Gawain added later, John Thrall sneered directly, which immediately made Gawain upset.

"What? Do you have any comments?"

Faced with this rhetorical question from Gawain, John Thrall subconsciously wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and the words reached his lips, but he finally swallowed it.


His sneer was mocking Gawain's counseling, and set a time limit of one month.

But when Gawain asked back, John Thrall, who had calmed down a bit, really didn't dare to make this bet with Gawain.

Although they are all confident in their weapons, there is a case in everything. What if they fail to perform well for a while and lose?

Do you really want to call the other's eldest brother for a lifetime, and can't hold your head up in front of the other party?

I'm crazy to think about this.

So no matter how confident he is, he should learn to leave a way for himself, not to swell easily.

In this regard, Gao Wen also sneered twice. After taunting back, he stopped paying attention to John Thrall, and focused his attention on the high-frequency vibrating particle cannon that was being charged.

This high-frequency vibration particle cannon is the core main gun of the Conquer King!

Just look at the name of the weapon. Like the high-frequency vibrating particle saber, this is a typical high-frequency vibrating particle weapon.

Using this technology to make melee weapons, for the goblin clan, there are basically no technical difficulties.

However, if you want to shoot it out in the form of an energy cannon, the increase in technical difficulty is definitely not as simple as a star and a half, and it has been successfully built so far.

The characteristic of high-frequency vibration particle weapons is to destroy the structure of the target directly from the particle level, so as to achieve the destruction of the target, which is known as everything!

In this way, this high-frequency vibrating particle cannon, theoretically speaking, as its target of attack, even if it is a planet, it can penetrate one of its cannons! It's the star-killing weapon of their goblin clan!

Weapons of this level will naturally take a little longer to be used.

Not only charging, but also the angle of the bombardment has to be adjusted to maximize the lethality of the next blow!

During this period of time, although the undead army did not know the movement of the high-frequency vibrating particle cannon on this side, they could clearly see the movement of the geonuclear cannon.

After receiving the intelligence feedback, the Lich King Sorenk quickly ordered Ibaraki Boy to destroy it and prevent the nuclear artillery from firing.

However, the boy Ibaraki at this time, facing the sun's rays, was constantly burning his soul, and was full of anger with Zhou Xian. His mood was already very irritable. The order of the Lich King Sorenk instantly changed him. Got more irritable.

"shut up!!"

Amidst the roar, the ghost hand exploded in strength. He just broke through the Martial God Realm and didn’t have time to stabilize the realm. He was not proficient in even using the "War God Real Body", and could only barely condense a phantom Zhou Xian. The enemy was hit by Ibaraki Doji's ghost hand and flew out.

At that moment, the phantom of the'War God True Body' behind Zhou Xian was already on the verge of collapse, as if it would completely collapse in the next second.

At the same time, the top-level dragon scale armor on his body was finally overwhelmed and completely shattered after Ibaraki Toshi’s unreserved attack had saved Zhou Xian’s life many times...

Right now, Zhou Xian seemed to be unable to retreat, and was almost driven to a dead end by Doko Ibaraki. UU reading

In response to this, the corner of Ibaraki Doji’s mouth raised a cruel smile. Above the ghost hand, the black flame-like demon power surged again. Just when he was about to give Zhou Xian a fatal blow, there was no sign of it. , A voice that couldn't be resisted, suddenly sounded in his mind.


Ibaraki Toko didn't intend to follow this voice, but his actions did not follow his own consciousness, and there was a momentary pause involuntarily.

And at this moment, Ibaraki Boy clearly felt that a group of strong light that almost illuminated the void burst out behind him, constantly stinging his soul and burning his demon power.

At the juncture of life and death, the corner of Ibaraki Toko's eyes had already glanced behind him.

At that moment, a huge golden fireball multiplied in his pupils!

And behind the golden fireball, Ibaraki Doko could vaguely see a figure with six wings and a scepter!

"Judgment Day Wheel!"

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