The golden fireball that looked like the sun, and the power attached to it, obviously restrained them, and Ibaraki did not intend to take that blow.

Almost at the moment when he regained control of his body, he tried to make an evasive action.

But the mental power has long been shrouded in the opponent's body, and En Lijie, who always captures the opponent's every move, can't let the opponent just run like this?


Holy Words once again swept out, forcibly interrupted Ibaraki Doko's movements, and let Ibaraki Doko miss the last chance to evade.

In desperation, facing the Judgment Wheel that had already hit him, Ibaraki Doko could only choose to confront him head-on.

"Ghost Fist!!"

In the roar, the ghost fist blasted through the void and hit the wheel of judgment.

Under the power hedge, compared with the ghost fist, which is extremely powerful in single damage, the Judgment Wheel, which is an area-damage divine art, was exploded on the spot. The amazing power directly gave Ibaraki Doko, a super explosion .

In this process, Enrijie frequently launched Holy Words to interfere and restrict the series of actions of Ibaraki Doko.

This made many damages that Ibaraki Boys could easily evade in the end, but in the end they could only choose to run the demon power to resist!

The influence of magical power made Ibaraki Dozi's whole body sting, and the demon power of his whole body, bearing the burning of the magical power, seemed to boil, constantly turning into black energy and rising up, making his emotions under the painful stimulation. , Became more and more irritable.

It must be said that the power of the magical system of the Winged Race has the oppressive power for the Undead Race.

In order to be able to perform the reincarnation technique in time, An Lijie has always been a logistics unit and stayed behind.

But with the start of this battle with the undead army, the situation has changed.

Just as Bai Ze could see from the situation, the undead army would not let this battle be delayed until the next resurrection or recovery.

Luo Ji's heart, of course, is also very clear.

Under this premise, let An Lijie stay in the back and resurrect those generals who have basically not waited for the opportunity to return to the front line. How much meaning is left?

In this battle here, if their army of civilizations loses, Luo Ji does not feel that in that state, their army of civilizations can cross such a long distance and escape back to his own territory.

In other words, once you lose, there is basically only one end.

When the main force is completely destroyed, the remaining territory, with limited internal forces, will face the undead army that has completely destroyed their main force. Even if they have the home field advantage, I am afraid they will not be able to escape from being pushed all the way. End.

Of course, the most important thing is that Luo Ji is on the front line now.

This has provided them with huge gains and support for their army of civilizations. The combat effectiveness of an entire army has increased by at least two levels, but at the same time, it has also given their army of civilizations an Achilles’ heel.

That is, once Luo Ji died in battle, everything was over.

In this way, the situation in front of him has reached the point where Luo Ji must concentrate all his strength to fight to the death with Zhong Mo's undead army.

With this as a prerequisite, in this knotty eye where all power must be blocked, now as the top combat power of the winged human race, how can Enrijie continue to stay behind and act as a resurrected unit?

With the combination of the small judgment wheel and the Holy Word technique, An Lijie at this time almost directly pressed Ibaraki Doko to fight there.

In this state, Ibaraki Doko, who is still under the influence of the sun, has tried his best to protect himself. Where is there room to fight back?

During this period, Zhou Xian, who finally got a chance to breathe, quickly took out a bottle of elf elixir and poured it into himself, but at the same time he seized all the opportunities to adjust his state.

In this process, the high-frequency vibrating particle cannon and the geo-nuclear cannon have been charged successively.

Under the synchronization of the tactical system, the core main guns on both sides fired at the undead army on the main battlefield at the same time.

In an instant, a purple-gray, a dark red, and two terrifying energy attacks directly tore the void through the battlefield, and fired at the undead army.

And under the control of the ‘Shenhe’ tactical system, the two major fighter-star weapons cooperate with each other to show cross-fire.

On the main battlefield, the entire void where the undead army is located is stranded and shattered. Compared with the previous time when the nuclear artillery fired alone, the killing efficiency was also doubled.

The inexhaustible force of the undead army evaporates crazily in an instant, causing the whole mentality of the Lich King Sorenk and the Blood King Dracula to become a bit exploded.

"Damn it! What the **** is going on?!"

With the appearance of the sun, coupled with the cross firing of the star-killing weapons, this wave of counterattack intensity of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Army can be said to be directly full.

And he won the battlefield dominance that had been held firmly in the hands of the undead army before.

To say that they were not premeditated, it must be false.

The ruby-like eyes burst with scarlet blood, and the full use of the blood explosion technique caused a large number of civilized soldiers of the world to explode into a cloud of blood in an area centered on Dracula, the king of the blood.

At the same time, Prince Bruch also hurriedly followed suit, trying to cooperate with King Dracula of the blood family, with their absolute hard power, controlling this situation that was clearly on the verge of collapse.

On this battlefield, there is no combat power at all and can contain the two of them, so they can do whatever they want.

The blood control technique combined with the blood explosion technique, used in a wide range, allowed Dracula and Prince Bruch to annihilate a civilized army that was closest to them and tried to launch a counterattack in a short period of time. UU reading

Just when they were ready to further suppress them.

A series of energy attacks that tore the void slashed towards them.

Although they were affected by the sun's rays, Dracula and Prince Bruch, who felt threatened, still showed swift skills and continued to evade the attack.

However, with their evasive action, the follow-up pursuit soon swept over.

This aggressive continuous pursuit, as well as the destructive energy attack, gave Dracula and Prince Bruch a strong sense of familiarity.

Seizing an opportunity, they swept in the direction of the attack.

At that moment, the figure of the attacker suddenly caught their eyes.

General Tronia, Balloch, Manlinda, Yale, Culin!

I saw that the attackers who appeared on this battlefield at this time were all their familiar faces. It was the five X-rank fighters of the mechanical civilization who should have been wiped out long ago!

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