In the past two days, Gao Wen is still playing quite happily.

In the latest remote communication, Ye Qingxuan's sight fell directly on Luo Ji's body.

"Member Luo Ji, has anyone followed you these past few days?"

"No one was found following."

Hearing the simple and direct conversation between Luo Ji and their eldest young lady, Char, who was standing on the side, had a sudden shock after gradually recollecting it!

"Damn! Miss, you actually use me as bait?!"

Seeing Char, who was already smashing his feet, clearly Ye Qingxuan was mentally prepared.

"Does my chief mechanic have no confidence in his craft?"

"How is it possible? Under limited conditions, my transformation is absolutely perfect!"

"Then... how could anyone recognize such a perfect remodel? You say yes? My chief mechanic?"

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan blinked her eyes that were about to smile into two crescent moons, like that, like a sly little fox.

Char was slapped by Ye Qingxuan, and for a while, he really didn't know what to say.

After all, if he continues to hold on to this matter, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that his transformation technology is not good?

Now think about it carefully, how could Luo Ji, a mechanical clan, be interested in things like going out to eat, drink and have fun? Why would he follow?

Although Ye Feixing can't say that he has no interest in this kind of things at all, he is basically not very interested.

One is that he is not very interested, and the other is that he is not interested at all. These two guys have accompanied him in the city for two days of eating, drinking and having fun?

Now think about it, these two guys, from the beginning, they didn't come out to play, but to perform their eldest lady's mission.

In the unlikely event that the spacecraft was exposed and was targeted, it would be easy to take Luo Ji's electronic intrusion ability and Ye Feixing's individual force to take him back.

Thinking of this, although Char's mood was still unhappy, he still eased a lot.

As for their eldest lady, they are now completely on the subject.

During this period of time, the number of people who are in charge of staring at them has undoubtedly decreased a lot.

But not all of them were removed.

This kind of situation still affects their actions to some extent.

At this stage, Ye Qingxuan has basically been able to confirm that the group of people is probably official Karen Bell.

Under this premise, she intends to help each other a little bit.

"Member Luo Ji, have you confirmed the position of those guys?"

"already confirmed."

While speaking, Luo Ji's eyes directly projected a virtual three-dimensional map.

Among them, a red mark is particularly eye-catching. Needless to say, it is the illegal militants who attacked them at the time and are now hiding out.

At that time, unlike them who had Luo Ji's help in hacking surveillance, paralyzing traffic, and covering their whereabouts, these militants were not so lucky.

Although they succeeded in getting rid of the official pursuit of Karen Bell and went into hiding, until today, under the official search of Karen Bell, the gang of militants can only behave with their heads shrunk.

However, I don't know whether it was the experience of the group of militants in dealing with this situation, it was really old, or Karen Bell's official too much food, and even now this group of militants have not been found.

"Miss, do you want to solve it?"

Uncle Li, who asked this, had a murderous look in his eyes.

In response, Ye Qingxuan waved her hand quickly.

"No need, I still need those militants to help me attract Karen Bell's internal attention."

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan showed an almost signature smile, and then his right thumb and index finger touched each other and made a ‘a little bit’ movement.

"Luo Ji, let's help the police uncles a little bit, just a little bit..."

That group of armed groups, with so many big guys who violated the rules, was not found, and it was clear that they had deployed equipment that could interfere with detection and scanning.

Under this premise, they only need to let Luo Ji interfere with the other party's interference device a little bit.

As for the next...

That's Karen Bell's own business.

With all her help, if Karen Bell couldn't even do this level of things, then Ye Qingxuan would have to completely give up the idea of ​​inviting this pig teammate to form an alliance.

After all, not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. There is basically nothing wrong with this.

In the end, the facts proved that Karen Bell did not disappoint Ye Qingxuan, seizing the opportunity, after locking the position, the police in the city quickly dispatched.

In order to avoid stunning the snake, let the militants flee.

Karen Bell did not dispatch a large force, but dispatched a small-scale elite special police force in the city to launch a secret operation.

During this period, on the side of the militants, due to the fact that they were chased by the Karen Bell police from the beginning, they have maintained a high degree of tension since that day, without any slight relaxation.

Now Karen Bell suddenly made a big move, although it has been as low-key as possible, it still inevitably attracted the attention of the militants.

"Damn it, I'm afraid it's been exposed, let all my brothers know that I'm ready to withdraw!"

This armed group, as a mercenary, haunts various battlefields all year round, so it is extremely sensitive to any disturbances.

Within the stronghold, a group of militants is dominated by the leader, and the transfer is carried out at the fastest speed.

There is no time to think about how their position is exposed.

At this moment, the leader of that group of militants could hardly think of it. Ye Qingxuan made Luo Ji stabbed them in the back.

At the same time, the most wonderful thing is that after the poke, Ye Qingxuan, the culprit, is now watching the live broadcast through Luo Ji and nearby surveillance cameras with one hand of popcorn and another hand of ice cola...

If this posture was seen by the leader of the militant, he would have to be so angry that his cerebral blood clot burst.

Not knowing, to some extent, is also a good thing.

The militants reacted very keenly. Fortunately, Karen Bell's special police force did not show up too much. After knowing that his actions had been exposed, he did not hide it, and directly surrounded them at the fastest speed.

Rushing is already inevitable.

In this process, UU read www.uukanshu. The combat power displayed by Com Karen Bernard's special police force is indeed a bit regrettable.

After all, it is still a gap in actual combat experience.

As a neutral planet, Karen Bell's core theme is to pursue peace and not participate in any wars.

At the same time, their military strength is limited. Every time a war breaks out around them, they have no strength to intervene, so they can only watch with fear.

As a result, Karen Bell's troops are very lacking in real combat experience, not to mention the SWAT troops.

On the other hand, the gang of militants, they are serious, desperate thugs licking blood.

Saying that they all crawled out of the dead, without any problems.

This fight is really not that good.

However, this is also the effect Ye Qingxuan wants to achieve. This armed group is better to make more noise, and it can also help her attract more attention, so that she can continue to increase the effective bargaining chip on hand!

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