The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4110: , Heavier chips

In this battlefield of the Star Territory, the various forces had just made a big fight some time ago.

While bringing a lot of losses to each other, after the First World War, the various forces on this battlefield held on to each other and did not back down, but at the same time they did not take the initiative to take action, which caused the war on this side to fall into a stalemate.

From the current point of view, in a short period of time, I am afraid it is difficult to usher in any changes.

In this situation, as a planet located in the core area of ​​the battlefield, Karen Bell should have a vital position.

But in fact, Karen Bell's own attitude is not important at all.

Because any force on the scene can easily crush them to death.

This makes Karen Belle sandwiched in the middle, but he has almost no right to speak.

Under this premise, as I said earlier, if Ye Qingxuan wants to discuss cooperation with Karen Bell, he must first settle the major forces around here, otherwise, even if the cooperation is negotiated, there will be nothing. significance.

Now she has won the support of the machine clan.

But in the current situation, relying on the power of the machine clan is not enough, she needs to get more chips!

So and so, the next goal is...

"What do you think about it, should it be the goblin's side?"

At this moment, Char is free to express his opinion.

From the current various forces, the easiest to make sense after excluding the mechanical clan is undoubtedly the goblin clan.

After all, the goblin clan is also rich in businessmen while possessing strong technological capabilities. It is relatively easy to talk about cooperation with them.

However, Ye Qingxuan's answer completely exceeded Char's expectation.

"No, no, the next thing we are going to find is an orc!"


Charl was obviously dumbfounded when he heard this answer.

"Miss, have you been stimulated by anything? Go to that group that hasn't evolved to complete, but will only act instinctively, and only fight and kill, and there is no way to talk about cooperation with reasonable races?"

Today Char's impression of the orcs is basically the same as the whole universe's impression of the orcs.

In this regard, Ye Qingxuan did not sell anything, and directly analyzed the current situation...

"Indeed, judging from the remaining forces, the goblin clan should be the easiest to talk to, but easy to talk does not mean that this matter can be negotiated."

After listening to their eldest lady's explanation, Char frowned.

Although he is a top mechanic, he has the smartest mind in the mechanical field, but this cleverness is obviously not allocated to other fields.

This makes his mind less flexible when facing things in other fields.

"The goblin clan itself is a strong clan in the third universe, occupying the home field advantage, strong in science and technology, and amazing in productivity. Not to mention the military power. Under this premise, Char, how do you think I should convince the other party?"

In a simple remark, Ye Qingxuan pointed out the most important point.

Yes, how should she convince the goblin clan?

At this time, Ye Qingxuan lacked the bargaining chip to negotiate with the goblin clan.

And in order to get chips, she has to talk to the orcs first!

"Let’s now look at the Orcs. The Orcs are an orc federation composed of a large number of orcs of different races. While the orcs of each race are all members of the orc federation, they themselves have formed an independent emirate. Separately."

"After confirming this, the orcs have low productivity and limited internal resources. Therefore, they often need to obtain resources through high-frequency external wars."

"But on the other hand, due to the federal system of the universe, if the Orc Federation wants to unite the orc tribes to launch a large-scale war, it must first reach a consensus among the chiefs of the emirates."

"However, this consensus is not strong. The Orc Federation launched a war to plunder resources, but launching a war will itself aggravate the consumption of their internal resources."

"The harder the war is to fight and the longer it lasts, the greater the resource consumption of their orc federation, and the more likely the orc chiefs of the various emirates will have differences!"

"Although the orcs are impulsive and violent, they are not stupid. In a war that lacks cost-effectiveness, they will not want to fight for a long time. At this moment, maybe the opinions of the chiefs within the Orcs Federation have already been divided. , And this is the biggest bargaining chip I can negotiate with the orcs!"

Ye Qingxuan had undoubtedly considered the matter of negotiating with the Orc Federation. Basically, all parties have already considered thoroughly.

But Charr obviously has one more question to ask...

"Then eldest lady, how can you guarantee that these orcs won't get emotional during the negotiation process and will just tear us alive?"

Obviously, this is what Char is most concerned about.

He really didn't want to have any intersection with those war madmen at all.

In response to this question, Ye Qingxuan thought about it seriously.

"I think even if it's an orc, it shouldn't offend the Seven Star Alliance because of an upset, right? Also, there are Luo Ji players and their mechanical clan behind me now, what do you think? My chief mechanic?"

Needless to say, Ye Qingxuan first looked for the machine clan at the time, and she also thought about making the machine clan an important bargaining chip for her negotiations with the Orc Federation.

In this regard, Char can only express convincingly...

"It is well-founded and convincing."

As the overlord of the Third Universe, the Orc Federation cannot even be ignorant of the Seven-Star Alliance, let alone the mechanical clan, they just fought.

At the same time, although UU Reading is a federal state, it can be established, which is enough to prove that the orcs are not all lunatics with only "big kills" in their heads, otherwise, the orc federation is simply impossible. The overlord who developed into the Third Universe should have been torn apart long ago, and then there will be no more scum left by other forces in the Third Universe.

Being able to develop to this point means that the orc above still has a brain, at least not a foolish man.

Under this premise, Ye Qingxuan now has the backing of the Seven-Star Alliance and the Mechanical Race, and he still has a huge bargaining chip that can fully negotiate with the Orc Federation.

In contrast, isn't the orc tribe better to talk than the goblin tribe?

As for the ghosts from the first universe...

Ye Qingxuan really didn't know much about this force, but had heard of it in bits and pieces.

On the premise that the understanding of the target is not sufficient, to negotiate with the other party, isn't that the same as delivering food?

Therefore, the first thing Ye Qingxuan did when he made a choice at the beginning was to eliminate the ghost clan...

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