The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4600: , Who rebelled?

Remember [New] for a second,! It's not going to be peaceful tonight...

In the early hours of the morning, although the officer on duty of the city defense force felt strange about the sudden arrival of the border troops, he didn't think much about it, and quickly opened the city gate to let go.

The moment the frontier army passed through the inner and outer city gates, the garrison troops had already lost their greatest support.

This does not refer to the city wall, but to the city-level holy light barriers deployed on the two outer layers of the city wall!

Originally, once the two layers of holy light barriers were opened, even if the border army wanted to attack in a short time, it was not so easy.

And now, the garrison has lost the two most important layers of protection.

After breaking away from the city wall and quickly entering the city, the frontier army moved towards the Holy Light Cathedral, which is located in the deepest part of the upper city, with an ordinary posture.

Their idea is very simple, that is to go straight to the Cathedral of Holy Light and win the bishop!

In this way, the battle here can easily end.

But they are not small after all, and they quickly attracted the attention of the patrol team in the city.

Although it is difficult for the patrol to link the border army with the rebellion, in the early hours of the morning, a border army was fully armed and approached in the direction of the Holy Light Cathedral. How could it be wrong?

In an instant, the rapid sound of the alarm bell woke the bishop, who was sleeping soundly, on the spot.

Before it was too late to call the guards outside to come in and question him about what happened, there was a rush of running sounds outside the bishop's bedroom.

"Let him in!"

The bishop heard the guards outside his door stop people, and before they came in to report, the bishop had already called the other party in with a loud voice.

The winged guard who walked all the way into the bedroom, his face was full of anxiety and panic.

Looking at the other party's expression, the bishop's whole heart hung directly in his throat.

At that time, the first thought in his mind was that Xiacheng had rebelled!

As a result, the report of the winged guard made his mind completely stunned.

"Report! The border army has betrayed! Thousands of border troops are killing the church, and now there are only two blocks left from the church!"

At that moment, the bishop felt that his entire brain exploded with a 'boom', and then his mind went blank.

The last time I was so ignorant, I am afraid it was when the Holy City made a judgment and demoted him here.

Even if he wanted to break his head, he would never have thought that it was not the Xiacheng District that was causing the rebellion, but the Border Army!

The winged guard who rushed over to report the matter was undoubtedly confused.

Maintaining this state, it took a few seconds for the bishop to return to his senses as if frightened. He couldn't care about anything else. He was wearing a nightgown, dragged his fat body, and rushed to the person who came to report. In front of the winged guard, he grabbed the other's collar...

"You say it again, who? Who defected?!"

At this moment, the violent emotional ups and downs made the bishop's voice tremble a bit.

In the face of this battle, the winged guard who came to report was also in a mess.

"Border, border army?"

When uttering the words 'frontier army', the winged guard's tone was clearly lacking in confidence.

No way, he is also stunned! Can't figure out what's going on at all.

Fortunately, the captain of the guards responsible for guarding the Cathedral of Holy Light responded in a timely manner. He opened the Holy Light barrier deployed on the periphery of the Cathedral of Holy Light as soon as possible, and at the same time sent a signal to notify the garrison troops and the patrols in the city to come to the emergency. support!

And at this moment, the border troops that rushed in were less than half a block away from the Cathedral of Holy Light.

Looking through the building, the dazzling pure white holy light illuminates the dark night, and looking at the holy light barrier stretched around the Cathedral of Holy Light from a distance, Harold, who is in charge of leading this frontier troop, gritted his teeth. There was a dignified expression on his face.

Their plan this time is based on surprise attacks.

The most ideal state is to take down the Cathedral of Holy Light before the troops in the city can react.

But this ideal state is undoubtedly too ideal.

After all, this is a border planet, and the vigilance of the troops in the city is not that bad.

According to their initial guess, they were able to deceive the two city walls outside the city by virtue of their identity as a border army, and it was considered a success.

As for the Light Barrier outside the Cathedral of Light...

There are ten times that you have to hit a frontal wave.

No way, this Holy Light Barrier is small and quick to activate. After the troops in the city are alert, they want to get close to the Holy Light Cathedral before the Holy Light Barrier opens, which is unrealistic.

Fortunately, the Holy Light Barrier outside the Holy Light Cathedral is out of scale, and the strength of the Holy Light Barrier at the city level is not comparable at all.

With a little more time, even their troops can defeat it.

And right here, at the same time that the frontier army launched a vigorous attack, a miniature reconnaissance robot resembling a flying insect was constantly feeding back to Luo Ji what was happening here.

"As expected, the other party chose to do it overnight."


After Luo Ji said these words, Ye Qingxuan, who was paralyzed on him, replied softly as if in a dream.

She originally wanted to stay up all night and wait for the result, but the other party's action time was too late, which made her sleepy now.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's half-awake appearance, Luo Ji smiled.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up if something happens."


Turning over, Ye Qingxuan fell asleep.

As early as after Henry Boll left during the day, Ye Qingxuan had already made a guess, saying that the other party might launch a sudden attack overnight today.

The main reason for the other party to do this is naturally that they are afraid of their whole routine.

However, this is undoubtedly a good thing for Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan.

The sooner this battle is over, the less likely they will be implicated. For them, isn't that a good thing?

At the same time, looking at this matter from another angle, after receiving the news from Henry Bol, the frontier army was willing to launch a sudden attack overnight, which means that Henry Bol had a certain status in the frontier army.

In other words, UU reading means that his words can count.

This gave Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan a little peace of mind.

At least don't worry that the other party is giving them a blank check.

Next, what they have to do is to wait for a result.

The force of this wave of border troops entering the city is about one or two thousand, and the other party should also know that if there are too many troops, the city defense troops will not let it go easily.

However, the border army also ambushed troops outside the city, with about four or five thousand troops. After the incident here, the troops ambushed outside the city immediately appeared and began to contain the city defense troops and prevent them from returning to help.

There is no problem with this deployment, but the number of troops used is really not that much.

But Luo Ji also understood.

After all, what they need to capture this night is not just this city...

Chapter 4600, Who Betrayed?


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