The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4601: , restless night

Remember [New] for a second,! The frontier army rises up this time, and the first thing to ensure is the back road.

And in order to ensure the back road, this first wave, they must win enough territory as the base camp for their next action.

What is the use of a city alone?

Considering the size of Holy Light Holy See Nation, they at least have to grab more than ten planets quickly before the Holy City reacts.

In order to achieve this goal, there are probably tens of thousands of offensive points where the border army needs to launch an offensive at the same time, and no amount of troops will be enough.

Under this premise, in this city, they temporarily have Henry Bol and Luo Ji as their inner responders. Under the premise of adopting a rapid attack strategy, Iverson, as the highest commander, considering the shortage of troops, gives this It is completely understandable to send less troops.

Moreover, although this force is less, Iverson has calculated it for the time being.

Even in this case, according to the thousands of troops he sent in this wave, it would be a matter of time before the city was taken.

It might take a little more time, but it definitely won't fail.

On the border army side, they didn't care about spending a little more time, but Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan did.

This approach of the other party will bring them more unstable factors and greatly increase the risk of them being involved.

Before night fell today, Luo Ji had already contacted Guo Jia and Wade and asked them to transfer the city guards to the area near the Changqiao area.

However, at this stage, the actions of their city guards are still mainly concealed, and they cannot be discovered in the upper city.

It was not until the middle of the night that the garrisoned troops in the Long Bridge area began to increase little by little.

This was done, of course, not to arouse suspicion in Shangcheng District, but also to prevent the other party from guessing something, which eventually led to the failure of the border army operation.

The appearance of the border army was a variable for Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan.

But variables do not necessarily mean bad.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the failure of the border army is more harmful than beneficial to them.

Almost after it was confirmed that the border army launched a night attack, Luo Ji immediately signaled to Jessica to send news to Guo Jia and Wade.

After receiving the news, Wade and the others were obviously a little nervous. From the expression on their faces, they could still see a little nervousness.

On the contrary, it was Guo Jia. He was the most incapable of fighting among the crowd, but he was the most calm.

Guo Jia can be so calm because he can see the situation better than Wade and the others.

The only passage connecting the upper city and the lower city is the long bridge. In order to accommodate the passage of vehicles and horses, although the long bridge is not narrow, it is actually not very wide.

From this point of view, even if the upper city side sends troops to kill them in the lower city, it will be affected by the space of the long bridge, and the strength of the troops cannot be fully utilized at all, and it will even be subject to huge restrictions.

Although the reverse is the same, but in the current situation, they don't need to struggle with this issue as they go down to the city as a defender.

With this geographical advantage, they only need to stick to the entrance and exit at one end of the long bridge, and they can effectively contain the offensive of the winged people.

Of course, among the winged people, there are Flügels with flying ability. Of course, this point cannot be ignored. Even when discussing the tactical meeting with Luo Ji and the others, Luo Ji and Guo Jia emphasized the importance of the Flügel. exist.

However, according to the investigation by Luo Ji's miniature reconnaissance robot, the number of Flügel in this city is very small, so be careful, but you don't need to be too nervous.

The night wind was slow, and in the early morning of autumn, there was already a clear chill. With a gust of cold wind blowing, Guo Jia, who was holding a cup of hot tea, shivered and exhaled a breath of heat.

Guo Zhen, who saw this scene in his eyes, immediately said...

"Alu, I think you should go back to rest first, so as not to catch a cold."

Bao Xiong is Guo Zhen's nickname, but Alu is not Guo Jia's nickname, but his nickname.

Facing concern from his brother Guo Zhen, Guo Jia shook his head.

"I'm fine. This night is too important for us in the lower city. Now that I am the chief of staff of the moat army, how can I go back to rest?"

While speaking, looking at Guo Zhen, who had a worried expression on his face, a hint of helplessness appeared on Guo Jia's face.

"Brother, don't worry, my body and bones have been recuperated long ago, and the cold wind will be fine."

Guo Jia was born with malnutrition and was a sick child when he was a child. This is the main reason why Guo Zhen is so worried about his younger brother.

After being brought under Luo Ji's command, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan of course also saw this.

Originally, if the nutrient cream and nutrient solution on their spacecraft were still there, it would not be difficult to help Guo Jia take care of his body well.

But it is a pity that their consumption after dormancy and waking up all the year round has used up all the nutrient paste and nutrient solution on the spacecraft.

Fortunately, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were not short of money. Under the circumstance of food and clothing, they spent more time helping Guo Jia to recuperate his body. With the help of the Yanhuang Empire's method of adjusting his breath and forging his body, Guo Jia's body is now in recuperation. is pretty good.

Although they are incomparable with Guo Zhen and Wade, at least they have said goodbye to the three words 'sick seedling'.

Just as the two were talking, there was a sudden commotion in the moat army.

The two who heard the movement quickly looked up.

Under the darkness of the night, the holy light barrier that was stretched out over the upper city was really too conspicuous, almost illuminating a small half of the sky in the city.

The people in Xiacheng District have seen this battle for the time being. That is, many years ago, when there was a war on the border, they also saw the same scene at that time.

Although they don't know what the situation is, through this experience, they can know that the border army who sneaked in must have fought with the troops in the upper city.

"it has started."

In the muttering voice, Guo Jia, who had already realized what happened, hurriedly walked towards the position of their defense army, while Guo Zhen, who was on the side, reacted, and also Is in a hurry to keep up.

During this period, he was still using a miniature reconnaissance robot to look down from a high altitude and watch Luo Ji's entire action from a long distance.

Although the strength of the border raiding force that invaded was limited, when the city defense troops stationed on the outskirts of the city were unable to support them in time, it was impossible for them to be able to defeat the border with the defensive strength in the city and the Cathedral of Holy Light alone. military.

This is something that has been confirmed long ago, and the troops in the city should also be aware of this.

Under this premise, Luo Ji's miniature reconnaissance robots scattered all over Shangcheng had captured a winged guard team headed by the bishop on the street one block away from the Cathedral of Holy Light.

And now, they are rushing towards the direction of their lower city!

Chapter 4601, Unsettled Night


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