The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4610: , a further test

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were very calm when it came to the fact that the residents of the upper and lower urban areas could not communicate with each other. This situation was completely expected.

At the same time, it is not something that can be changed at one or two times.

Fortunately, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were not in a hurry about this matter, mainly because it was useless to be anxious.

Compared with this, what they attach more importance to now is undoubtedly the cooperation advantages that they can obtain in the lower city after cooperating with the border army. One of the most obvious points is that they can engage in scientific and technological development in an upright manner!

The former Old Wings regarded technological products as the devil's objects, and once discovered, they were executed, but Henry Boer's idea was to use the power of human beings and technology to better govern and develop the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light.

From this point of view, it is of course impossible for the other party to reject the existence of technological development, and even he supports and encourages technological development, which provides great convenience to Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan.

With this layer of assurance, the Scarlet Group is quick to launch new products.

Of course, the choice of this new product is also very important. Nowadays, there is no electricity and no signal in the city, and it is useless to get the related equipment out.

Therefore, the products they want to get now must not rely on electric power signals and can be mass-produced according to their current technical capabilities, on the premise that it is beneficial to the development and construction of their lower urban areas.

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After the scope was delineated, things came out quickly, and the first thing was a human tricycle!

Compared with human-powered bicycles, human-powered tricycles are more stable and less difficult to use. While greatly improving the mobility of people in the city, it is also conducive to the transportation of goods. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After that, with this standard as the premise, other various products were also launched one after another.

After the stable development of Scarlet Group in Xiacheng District, the efficiency of the group's launch of new products has always been known for its stability, basically one new product per quarter.

But now, the efficiency of the Scarlet Group in launching new products is as high as that of a sow. Basically, one new product is launched a month, and sometimes, two new products are launched in a month, so that those who are accustomed to the Scarlet Group's previous production efficiency The residents of Xiacheng District are really not used to it now, and they are not used to their wallets.

After all, Scarlet's products, while having a good reputation, are basically not cheap.

Although since Luo Ji came to power, people's lives in Xiacheng District have improved a lot, and they have more money, but according to the frequency of new products, not many people in Xiacheng District can afford to buy one.

With the continuous introduction of these products, Shangcheng District's attention undoubtedly shifted quickly. As the current acting city owner of Shangcheng District, Henry Bol once again found Luo Ji.

Of course, he didn't come to find fault, but to discuss cooperation with Luo Ji.

The content of its cooperation is to introduce human tricycles into Shangcheng District.

Ordinary winged people do not have the ability to fly, and their mobile efficiency is basically half that of ordinary humans.

In other words, the transportation efficiency and mobility efficiency that human tricycles can provide for humans can also be provided for their wingmen.

The value in it, Henry Bohr could not fail to see.

Under this premise, their wingmen have relatively limited technical capabilities, and at the same time there are not so many skilled workers who can engage in the manufacture of such vehicles.

In this way, the best way is to find the Scarlet Group in the lower city to cooperate.

And whose industry is the Scarlet Group, it is clearly written on the group name, so who needs to be told?

"Okay, Lord Bol, I understand your intention."

Both sides are busy people, and they don't have time to go around. If there is anything, it is natural to say it straight to the point.

"But I still have some concerns. The decree we jointly issued before, you have seen the reaction, the gap between races is not so easy to eliminate."

While speaking, Luo Ji glanced at Henry Boer, and he could see that the other party basically agreed with him so far.

"Going to open a branch in Shangcheng District, of course, is not a problem in itself, but I am afraid that as soon as I open the store on the front foot, the storefront on the back foot will be smashed."

Speaking of which, Luo Ji paused.

"Just being smashed into a storefront, we Scarlet Group can certainly afford that loss, but the trouble is the adverse effects that come with it..."

"How to say?"

"Simply put, according to my current identity, and also taking into account the current position of the upper city and lower city, wingers and human beings, as long as my storefront is opened in the upper city, it will represent the lower city and human beings to a large extent. , Once such a shop is smashed and news spreads, it will only make the relationship between the two ethnic groups that have not been eased quickly deteriorate rapidly."

This kind of thing, Henry Bohr didn't manage much before, and after being assigned to the penitentiary, it was even more impossible to manage.

It wasn't until Luo Ji raised this question that Henry Bol finally realized the trouble inside.

After all, the frontier army and the wingmen of the frontier city are two different things.

The thinking of their frontier army can be unified, because the frontier army is decided by the military faction, but the wingmen in these cities have always been deeply influenced by the wingmen of religious factions influence.

Thinking of this, Henry Bol met Luo Ji's eyes.

"Since Your Excellency Scarlett is aware of this problem, there must be a solution."

"um, yes."

Faced with this problem, Luo Ji generously admitted.

"It's very simple. You only need Lord Bol to represent you, take a stake in our Scarlet Group and become a part of our Scarlet Group."

While speaking, Luo Ji smiled and stretched out his hand towards Henry Boer.

Although Henry Boer didn't have a business book in his stomach, he wasn't stupid.

The other party not only wants to bind the Scarlet Group to him, but also wants to bind the Scarlet Group to the military faction!

Doing this can indeed solve this problem almost perfectly. Even the wingmen in the upper city are not bold enough to smash the army's store.

Under this premise, the Scarlet Group can basically expand their industries in every city under the control of their military faction, and their military faction can also cooperate with the Scarlet Group to obtain Stable interest, and this interest will become more and more huge with the expansion of the group's business!

In addition, the other party proposed this cooperation, there is another purpose.

That is to further test him!

Chapter 4610, Further exploration

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