The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4611: , mutual achievement

The scope of this level of cooperation is too large, and it will even have a huge and far-reaching impact on the subsequent development of the Holy See Nation of Holy Light.

If Henry Bohr can make such a decision, or promote this cooperation.

Then in the future of the successful coup d'etat of the military faction, Henry Bolt will definitely be able to gain a pivotal position, so they will naturally be able to cooperate with Henry Bolle more at ease.

On the contrary, if the other party can't handle it, or the result is not satisfactory.

That means that although the other party has a certain level of status in the military faction, it is not too high.

Under this premise, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan certainly don't mind a short-term cooperation with Henry Bohr, but at the same time as this short-term cooperation, they will undoubtedly spend more time and energy to find someone who can have a long-term cooperation with them. goal of cooperation.

It's true that Henry Boll is not that keen on business matters, but he knows things like this too well.

The doorway inside, and Luo Ji's intentions, were quickly clarified by him.

Leaving aside the other party to test him, this cooperation is indeed beneficial and harmless in the long run, giving him no reason to refuse.

Of course, Henry Bol couldn't agree with one word, or, in the face of this kind of cooperation that would involve an entire military faction, he didn't have the right to agree, he had to go back to the top commander on this side of the border, General Iverson to negotiate.

But before that, he had to express his confidence and status to Luo Ji.

"In the Council of Seventy-two Wings, the military faction holds five seats, that is to say, the military faction has five people in power. General Fossen is a confidant of one of the military leaders. I can guarantee that our line can agree to this cooperation. As for the other four, I can't say for sure. Of course, it's time to go. I still have to go, I have to go back and explain this matter first.”

Cooperating with the Scarlet Group is for the future development of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, and showing confidence and status is for himself.

Henry Bol once became famous at a young age and had a bright future, but in the end he became a victim of the high-level power struggle. In this life, he was almost useless.

He'd be an idiot if he didn't have a long memory after an incident like this.

He needs to add status and leverage to himself.

In this way, even if something really happened in the future, those in power, considering his energy and influence, would not be able to easily abolish him.

From the current point of view, the Scarlet Group is a good choice for him to increase his own chips and status.

After all, he has seen Luo Ji's development methods with his own eyes, and in his development blueprint, the Scarlet Group, the representative of mankind, must be able to develop to an astonishing scale.

Under this premise, they are human beings after all, so they need a winged man of sufficient status to provide them with protection.

Henry Bohr no doubt wanted to be this wingman.

He provides security for the Scarlet Group, and the Scarlet Group also acts as his backing, providing him with influence.

Cooperating with the top wingmen of other military factions, or those in power, the other party must be in a dominant position, and it is obviously higher than the Scarlet Group.

But he is different. He and the Scarlet Group can achieve each other, and they can obtain a relatively equal cooperative relationship with each other.

For Henry Bol, that should be his greatest strength.

It doesn't need to be too clear, since they are both smart people, Luo Ji can naturally understand the meaning of each other's words.

Considering the point of equal partnership, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan actually prefer to cooperate with Henry Bol when Henry Bol can be trusted.

At least they knew Henry Boer better now than the other Wingmen.

Coincidentally, Henry Bol happened to be a winged man who didn't have much malice towards humans, which was undoubtedly a bonus.

As for the issue of the five rulers of the military faction, in fact, Luo Ji and Henry Bol had discussed this point when they discussed cooperation and mentioned the Seventy-Two Wing Council.

At present, Henry Bol has expressed his position, and they can successfully reach a cooperation with at least one of the power holders.

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Prepare for the worst. After the coup d'etat, the world will be divided into five parts!

This Holy Light Holy See Kingdom is a huge star cluster. Even if it is divided into five parts, its scale is quite huge.

Although it is better to think long-term when doing things, but if you think too far at once, it will actually be hard work.

After all, in the process, who knows how many surprises will happen?

What if, for example, their coup fails?

Who can say for sure?

Between the thoughts of the two parties, Luo Ji and Henry Boer's hands were already clasped together.

"Oh yes, Lord Scarlett, for the convenience of explanation, I hope to take a batch of human tricycles as samples."

"Of course there's no problem, Lord Bol. UU Reading"

Although Henry Boll said that he would go back and go through the process, at least their verbal agreement had been reached.

He was in a relaxed mood after taking a batch of human tricycles as samples and leaving the City Lord's Mansion.

With the power-holders of this military faction, their philosophy is completely consistent. Under this premise, the other party naturally knows the benefits of this cooperation.

So considering this point, Henry Boll is almost 100% sure that he can persuade the other party to reach a cooperation with the Scarlet Group.

The results after that were indeed no surprises.

After listening to Henry Boer's explanation and report, this cooperation was reached so smoothly.

Next, it is natural to focus on publicity.

In order for the Scarlet Group's storefronts to be protected from the poisonous hands of some wingmen in the upper city, all the wingmen in the upper city must know that their military has reached an in-depth cooperation with the Scarlet Group.

This news, in addition to the publicity in the upper city, is undoubtedly also being promoted in the lower city.

Compared with the people in Shangcheng District who directly fried the pot after the news came out, the people in Xiacheng District were much calmer.

The boss of the Scarlet Group is Scarlet, who is their Lord of the City.

Their Lord City Lord had officially stated long ago that they would start a tentative cooperation with the New Wing people in Shangcheng District.

Under this premise, their city lord's group cooperates with the new wing people. What kind of strange thing can this be?

Chapter 4611, Mutual Achievement

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