The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4612: , the determination to cut wool

In order to further promote the communication and integration between the two ethnic groups, Henry Bol directly used his power to let Luo Ji choose the location of Scarlet Group's first store in Shangcheng District. .

In this regard, Luo Ji is not welcome. Anyway, it has to be done horizontally and vertically. As the first head office in Shangcheng District, it can be done in one step. Out of the mall.

The business of the Scarlet Group has basically spread to all areas of people's lives. In short, they basically have their presence in any industry, such as this large shopping mall that integrates eating, drinking and entertainment. There are already four in the city.

And this fifth one, simply drive to Shangcheng District.

After confirming the storefront, according to the current conditions, there is actually not much to do. After a month of rapid renovation, the opening preparations have basically been completed.

During this period of time, the wing people living in the upper city were undoubtedly very dissatisfied with this 'aggression' behavior of the people in the lower city.

The cooperation between the Scarlet Group and the military made it impossible for the wing people here to use some extraordinary means to target them.

However, this part of the wing people have basically discussed it in private, and they will never visit it. The first head office of the Scarlet Group in Shangcheng District will end shabby on the first day of opening.

Under this premise, many Yi people came over to watch the show on the opening day.

As a result, as soon as they ran to the intersection, the wing people were stupid. At this moment, the street in the upper city was actually overcrowded!

Attention, it is a real overcrowding!

At a glance, countless human beings actually filled their entire street...

This made the wing people who were going to come to watch the good show a little dumbfounded in the face of this battle.

Among them, most of the winged people have never seen so many humans in this life.

During this process, I didn't know that those winged people were actually here to watch a good show, not the people in Xiacheng who came to buy things at all. I looked at those winged people who could only be squeezed at the intersection and couldn't get in at all. , the heart is secretly funny.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

It is too naive to laugh at these wingmen in the upper city.

What are you kidding? This is the new mall of the Scarlet Group!

The properties of the Scarlet Group are not discounted at all on weekdays, but under certain circumstances, they will definitely be discounted.

Among them, there are two clearest situations, one is the anniversary event, and the other is the opening of a new store.

Not to mention that this is a shopping mall. What does a shopping mall represent? That means that the various stores of the Scarlet Group are all included, and they all open at a discount!

People in Xiacheng District, who had always been vigilant about Shangcheng District and had little interest at the same time, were stimulated by discounts in shopping malls.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had anticipated this situation in advance, so they also greeted Henry Boer in advance to avoid misunderstanding.

Henry Boll, who got the news at the time, was still a little disapproving in his heart.

I think Luo Ji's story is a bit exaggerated, so why not open a store? As for?

In this regard, Luo Ji could only laugh at Henry Bol's naivety and underestimate the determination of the people in the lower city to harvest wool.

Fortunately, Henry Bol still told the wingmen stationed at Qiaokou for the time being. Otherwise, in the early hours of the morning, in the face of the large-scale crowds in Xiacheng moving towards Shangcheng, they would not have thought that Xiacheng was about to betray. ?

In fact, even if they had been reminded, the winged guards who were in charge of garrisoning at Qiaokou hurriedly reported the matter to the top, and only after getting the permission from above, did this large-scale Xiacheng District Humans, put in Uptown.

At the same time, it was strange.

You must know that the decree to allow humans to enter the upper city and the Yiren to enter the lower city has already been issued, but after so long, the two races in the city are still separate, and there is no intention to communicate at all.

This time, so many humans entered the upper city and were responsible for the winged guards stationed at the bridge entrance. At this time, I really didn't understand what those humans were here for.

After this incident, Henry Bohr, who was still asleep at the time, was undoubtedly woken up early.

After that, he didn't sleep any more, and quickly issued two more orders, and began to dispatch the Wingmen patrols in the city to strengthen patrols.

He did this not because he was afraid of what the humans in the lower city would do, but because he was afraid of what the wingmen in the upper city would do.

The incident this time is likely to become a key point for the circulation of residents in the upper and lower urban areas. He absolutely does not allow any accidents, and such vicious fights or conflicts must be put to an end to the end.

According to Luo Ji's meaning, the Shangcheng District had prepared a concise and clear guide for the time being, and the residents of the Xiacheng District who entered the Shangcheng District went straight to the target location.

After arriving, it was only early five in the morning. At this time, the mall must not have opened yet, and even the wing people in this city were basically still sleeping.

However, the residents of Xiacheng District had already spontaneously stood in front of the store, and there was an orderly long queue.

By the time the wing people in Shangcheng woke up, finished their breakfast leisurely, and thought of coming here to watch the 'good show', the time was basically after ten o'clock in the morning.

The shopping malls of the Scarlet Group always open at 7:30 in the morning. At this time, the first people in line have already gone in and swept around, and went back after shopping.

It can also be seen from this point that the people in the upper city who do not have the pressure of life, how lazy their daily life is.

After arriving at the place, some winged people with extreme mentality, while being surprised by the sight in front of them, looked at so many human beings, and it was inevitable that some malicious thoughts would arise in their hearts.

However, next time, the winged patrols that passed by them from time to time seemed to be telling them that it was best to put your thoughts away.

As a prime location in the upper city, the patrols here have a relatively high patrol intensity, but now, at the special request of Henry Boer, the patrol intensity has become even higher.

The winged people onlookers could clearly feel that basically every ten minutes or so, several winged guards passed by in front of them.

Every time I walked through it, it seemed to remind them that this store cooperated with their military and was a half military asset!

At the same time, on a carriage outside the street, through the car window, Henry Bol opened a pair of bloodshot eyes and looked at the scene in front of him with a slightly unbelievable expression.

He really didn't expect that the decree they issued was not used in an opening event of the Scarlet Group...

Chapter 4612, The determination to smash the wool

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