The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4613: , clearly differentiated

At this moment, Henry Bohr can see very clearly. The people who line up there in an orderly manner, waiting to enter the shopping mall, are basically humans from the lower city. According to reports, these humans passed through as early as the early morning. Long Bridge, here we are.

And he also woke up from that point of time, and didn't sleep again after that.

The winged men who arrived later were basically squeezed out of the street. While they couldn't squeeze in, they probably didn't want to squeeze in.

Henry Boll could roughly understand the thinking of these wingmen, who came to see jokes.

But the result was obviously not as they wished.

At this moment, if you can look down, you will find that with the Scarlet Mall as the core, the streets are full of people lining up in the lower city, and outside the streets are all the wingmen who come to watch the show.

Invisibly, the populations of the two ethnic groups are really distinct.

Of course, Henry Bohr would not be naive enough to think that once the mall opened, the people of the two ethnic groups, who had lived separately, would soon blend in with each other and be indistinguishable from each other. That was unrealistic.

At the same time, Henry Bohr also knew in his heart that compared with the rejection of the winged man by the human, the rejection of the winged man by the winged man was actually above that.

Because the ordinary people of the Holy Light Holy See country basically grew up under the brainwashing education of the religious leaders.

Now the opening of Scarlet Mall in Uptown is at most a small stimulus to the original relationship between the two races.

In order to be effective, in addition to follow-up arrangements, the more important thing is long-term operation.

Be optimistic, at least for now, the residents of the lower city are willing to enter the upper city.

As the thoughts flew around, Henry Bohr, who was sitting in the carriage, yawned heavily, and then rubbed his sore eyes to indicate…

"Come on, I'm going back to rest for a while."

The opening of Scarlet Mall lasted for three days in total, and those three days were undoubtedly prosperous.

For safety reasons, after a certain number of people entering the mall, others can only queue outside.

This also makes it difficult for the people in this lower city to get all their wool even for three days.

After the first day, I realized that the individual ruthless people who were too late to come here in the early morning simply set up a tent in front of the store, slept there, and lined up all night.

The most terrible thing is that there are not many of them.

The winged guards who came on patrol were amazed by this scene.

These winged guards are different from the winged residents of Shangcheng District. They were dispatched from the military after the border army took over the city. Basically, they are mainly retired veterans in some troops.

Therefore, due to the influence of the military faction, their rejection of human beings is actually not as strong as those of the winged residents in Shangcheng District.

The spectacle in front of them has really aroused their curiosity a bit. What magic is there in this Scarlet Mall? To make these people in the lower city go so crazy?

In a later meeting with Luo Ji, Henry Bohr couldn't help but specifically ask this question.

There are actually two reasons for this. One of the reasons for the opening of the mall is that there are promotions throughout the venue, and another reason is because the Scarlet Group has released too many new products during this period.

After receiving the news that they were going to open the Scarlet Mall in the upper city, the residents of the lower city were already waiting for this wave.

Of course, Henry Boer must have a hard time understanding just saying that, so when faced with this question, Luo Ji only answered one sentence...

"Master Bol must have never been there."

"So, as long as I go shopping, I can understand?"


Luo Ji shrugged and didn't say too much.

After that, Henry Bol didn't ask much, and quickly turned his attention to business.

This time, he came here mainly for the business of their wingmen military and the Scarlet Group.

Including the human tricycle, their wingmen military had successfully completed the first transaction with the Scarlet Group.

The military is very satisfied with the quality of Scarlet Group's products. This time, it is a follow-up additional order.

Under the condition that the conditions have been negotiated long ago, this time the transaction was also carried out very smoothly and happily.

Henry Boll is also a very busy person now, and there are still things to be busy in the future, so naturally he has no time to stop.

But before leaving, Henry Bohr, who seemed to remember something again, paused and turned to look at Luo Ji...

"Oh right, Lord Scarlett, I'll take a look at the Scarlett mall in the future, hoping to find the answer."

After speaking, Henry Boll left without looking back.

Going to the Scarlet Mall, Henry Bohr did have this plan.

To put it bluntly, its purpose is to set an example for the wing people in the upper city, hoping to play a leading role.

And now, he has one more reason to go.

There was no dawdling, and after making arrangements, Henry Bol quickly set off with great fanfare.

He is also a relatively low-key wingman, and doing this now is naturally to attract enough attention.

The technological development of Holy Light Holy See country, UU reading is destined to convey some of their information is not high.

Take the fact that he temporarily became the manager of the city. The Wing people in the upper city know that the city's manager has changed to a Wing man, and some of the Wing men should also know that the new manager is called Henry. Bol.

But unless it was someone who knew him from the beginning, it was impossible for the other wingmen to recognize Henry Boll on the road.

Because the wing people have no idea what Henry Bolt looks like.

Of course, if you're driving a convoy with an aggressive convoy with a winged escort, they'll know you're the big guy above, even if they don't know you're Henry Bolle...

Henry Boll was like this this time. The difference was that he also learned Luo Ji's trick and set up publicity points all over the upper city. He announced in advance that he was going to visit the Scarlet Mall. So far, the effect of that propaganda point is quite good.

In conjunction with the day of the trip, the convoy with great fanfare all the way, after arriving at the place, it really attracted a lot of wingmen nearby, and even caused a certain degree of traffic congestion.

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After getting off the carriage, looking at the winged men gathered around, Henry Boll waved at them specifically, and then his eyes fell on the Scarlet Mall, which covers an area of ​​considerable size, and his heart was faintly revealed. Kind of looking forward to it.

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