The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4616: , the position is shaken

To be honest, after listening to the introduction by the general manager, Henry Boll didn't know how to choose.

During this process, the general manager mentioned that they also have bakeries in the mall, which means that you can eat bread if you want.

For the winged people who take bread as their staple food, they are undoubtedly familiar with bread, and it is really kind of intimacy to hear it in this mall full of strange things.

But since he was already standing on the second floor of the Scarlet Mall and faced with so many unknown foods, how could Henry Bohr be satisfied with just a piece of bread?

Finally, under the recommendation of the general manager, I ate a hot pot with very rich dishes.

Because Henry Bolt had never eaten this before, there was a clerk next to him to help him with the operation. Basically, Henry Bolt was only in charge of eating.

But even so, the whole experience still amazed Henry Boll, even to the point where he exclaimed.

Here, he had to admit that his reaction was exaggerated, but it was a fact that he was amazed by the flavor of the hot pot.

Compared with his original boring daily diet, the appearance of hot pot has brought him a devastating impact.

It even gave Henry Bol a feeling that he would be hard-pressed to eat bread again afterward.

The restaurants in this mall are basically open, so even if you stand on the aisle of the mall, you can clearly see the people eating in the store.

In fact, this can be regarded as a marketing strategy of the store, which is designed to attract customers into the store.

Today, this marketing strategy is entirely on the wingmen who came in with Henry Bohr.

Under the triple destruction of smell, hearing and vision, along with the involuntary secretion of saliva, the stomach and intestines of each and every one have begun to mourn...

From this moment on, their will began to be gradually destroyed.

Even if it can survive today, it will be completely disintegrated sooner or later, because this seed has already been planted today.

It took Henry Bolt most of the day to visit the Scarlet Mall, but Henry Bolt himself didn't think it was a waste of time at all, and even felt that he had gained a lot.

Although he hasn't used many Scarlet Group products, he definitely doesn't mind that there is such a shopping mall near his home.

At the same time, he did have a general understanding of the fact that so many people in the lower city came to line up on the opening day of the Scarlet Mall.

A few days later, there was a loyal Wingman customer in the Scarlet Mall in Uptown, and that is the attendant who is now in charge of taking care of Henry Boer's daily life.

As a close associate of Henry Bol, this squire had no objection to the existence of the Scarlet Mall.

It's just that the wing people in Shangcheng didn't go, so he didn't go either.

But now, his employer has spoken, and it is naturally his employer who has the final say.

Every morning, he almost stepped on the point, pedaling the rickshaw, and came to the Scarlet Mall to make purchases.

In the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, many ingredients are basically bought for half a month or even a month at a time. There is no need to come every day, and he buys it every day by stepping on the dots, which is actually the number in the shopping mall. Not many fresh vegetables.

Henry Bol still loves those fresh vegetables.

Of course, I don't like to eat it so much that I want to eat it every day.

The reason why he asked the servants who took care of his daily life to go to the Scarlet Mall to buy fresh vegetables every day was to show those wingmen.

Like this kind of boycott, once a traitor appears, and the traitor they can't afford to provoke, the original group will soon be shaken.

Not to mention that they had already suffered a round of shocks in the mall with Henry Bol before.

After a period of time passed, one morning, at a time when the wingmen were not likely to appear, a winged man bowed his body and sneakily appeared around the Scarlet Mall.

After seeing the opening of the mall, he was waiting to step forward, but as soon as he got up, on the other side, he saw another winged figure besides himself.

And luckily, they were quite familiar with each other.

Around the boycott of the Scarlet Mall, they went up to the Wing Ren side in the city to form an organization for the time being.

At the meetings of this organization, they have met many times before and after,

However, seeing this at this time, both sides are undoubtedly embarrassed, but it seems unrealistic to turn their heads and walk away like this, and they have no choice.

"Hi, why are you here?"

When one encounters each other, the other party wins first, and when faced with a problem, the other wingman can only bite the bullet and say...

"I was just passing by."

"Just passing by, this time?"

This reason made the other wingman just want to roll his eyes. You must know that at this point in time, when they were in the city, they should be lying in bed under normal circumstances, and they had just opened their eyes, and it would be at least an hour before they went out.

Hearing the meaning of the other party's slander, the winged man suddenly became a little embarrassed and angry.

"You're not the same, why are you here?"

Facing the rhetorical question, the other winged man's expression froze, and after a few seconds of stalemate, he broke the deadlock at the same time.

"Would you like to go in and have a look?"

"Well, okay, if you ask for it, I will accompany you. I won't buy anything, just have a look."

"That's right! Let's just see and buy nothing!"

In this conversation between you and me, the two wingmen seemed to have reached a certain consensus, and both walked towards the entrance of the Nascarlet Mall.

As an ordinary winged man in Shangcheng who lives a comfortable life and can even be said to be idle, they have never woken up so early in their lives.

Getting up early in the morning now, isn't it to avoid other wingmen?

Accidentally bumped into a wingman, and he still knew it. It was already embarrassing enough. He continued to stand at the door. If he bumped into other wingmen again, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?

In order to avoid continuing unforeseen problems, the two winged people reached a consensus with each other.

In the following period of time, although the number of wingmen who patronized their Scarlet Mall was still nothing compared to the whole of the upper city, it was confirmed that the number was indeed increasing. , the business of the mall is also gradually increasing.

The convenience that Scarlet Mall can bring to their lives is incomparable to other stores in the upper city, not to mention the variety of eating, drinking and playing.

The 'rebellious' behavior of these wingmen undoubtedly had a certain impact on the resistance organizations in Shangcheng District.

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The initiators of the organization wanted to save the situation, but to no avail.

Because these wingmen in the upper city are used to being sloppy in nature, and they have no discipline at all.

You can't say that everyone is like this, but most of them are.

Will join this organization, to a large extent, because of idle time.

As long as they find something more attractive, they will soon 'betray'.

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